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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Is that you Mr. Fiedler? Looking for work? Quite an overhaul of the defense by any measurement. I'd look back on our Defensive and ST stats from 2001 & 2002, but that would be like sticking needles in my eyes. Good point about the "D".
  2. 25 times a game? Below 20 times a game? Did we somehow suddenly gain the Cowboys line of the early to mid 90's? If the running game is working, great, but all too often as we all saw this year, and in past ones as well, there will be times the QB needs to be able to step up and make the game deciding plays. Bledsoe frequently did just this, but sadly they were far too often of the type that ended the Bills-Pats early season game, or the turnovers he had in the Pittsburgh game. We need Losman to be able to win a few or we'll be no better or maybe even worse off. We need Losman to be able to make other teams "respect" the pass from us, which the past few years, teams didn't. Only thing for certain in this fan's eyes is that Losman will be better in the short game than Bledsoe was. Drew simply sucked with screens, swings, etc.
  3. That, in and of itself, would be a nice chnage of pace from we've had. However, everything else at this point is very uncertain at best.
  4. Actually, the NHL now has a chance to finally get it right. The league needs a cap, but they also need revenue sharing along the lines of what the NFL has. The players and their union need to become a partner in the enterprise, not an adversary. If they miss this opportunity to get the economics and partnerships right, all becomes moot and "who cares" will be the result. Sadly, to some or even many, that point has already been reached, especially when the current ticket prices are factored in. Frankly, I believe the 42.5 Mil cap last propsed by the owners was a bit too high in and of itself anyway. Without a major TV contract, too much of the cost was placed squarely on the shoulders of the seated fans.
  5. I don't believe he's ready to accept a backup role and salary that goes with it after he basically reserrected his career last year in TB. He'll stay in TB if they can work out the numbers. However, all things being equal, I'd prefer to see him in a Bills uniform than virtually all the rest of the lot that's going to be available soon.
  6. Physically, he looks the part, but here's a guy that couldn't crack the starting lineup at Seattle. This being the team who's receivers have the worst hands in the NFL. It wasn't just because of injuries..... Just what we need, another "on paper" guy. Special teams player, yes, but his WR skills are questionable at best.
  7. Unless what? A very large fire?
  8. Didn't Joey Galloway pull that in Seattle too?
  9. As it's been said before, that's not our loss. Many do appreciate music of various types, as well as past and present periods. That you wish to limit yourself is your choice but there would be many here that prefer and enjoy being a bit more open minded than that. We all have our preferences, as clearly you do as well, but I'll prefer to keep time from limiting mine. So, how do you like Frank Sinatra music?
  10. And that's the truth !!! Amen....
  11. I do support the Bills and along with that comes their apparent decision to move JP to # 1. Bledsoe beyond the first 7-8 games 2002 has come up up short far more often than not so change is due. Being pragmatic, one has to accept that the success/failure rate of those seeking to play this position is heavily weighted towards failure. Not a knock on JP, just reality. The odds are probably well in favor of him being worse than Bledsoe. As for the "zero" comment, that really was more intended for those others here that have all the patience of a gnat. I'll give the kid some time, but if the Bills don't win 10 games or more this year, a strong argument could be made that he failed. No stepping backwards.
  12. I support the Bills and the decision to go in another direction at QB. As for JP, he will have to wait for individual support until he's earned it.
  13. I just don't believe we have a shot at Walter Jones. Our best bet is to resign Jennings (hopefully at a reasonable cost).
  14. Exactly. I'll give this guy the same amount of time we give everyone else. Zero. Put up or be gone. He's inheriting a playoff caliber team. Anything less and he failed. There's a lot of pressure on this kid so we're gonna find out real quick what he's made of. I hopeful, but not optimistic.
  15. Tom (Terry) not withstanding, if this is true, 2005 could be a long year folks. Bledsoe may have failed, but a second year "raw coming of of college" QB no matter his talent level could spell a big step back. We all saw this past year what a slow start can do to one's season. Also, there is a BIG concern over who will be the backup. Surely, there must be an inkling in TD's mind who that may be, or at least there should have been before giving DB the ultimatum. As the Bills Turn.....
  16. History or simple truths mean little to you. Teams have their moments. The Fish were lucky to catch NE having one. As for what a single victory means, the Bills beats the Jets in 1968 for their only win of the year. Guess what, the Jets ended their year with the impossible win over the Colts. So what's your feeble point? Care to tell us again about the big show the Fish had against NE?
  17. Can't deny the day Fina left, was a good day for sure. He also contributed heavily to many a sack on Jimbo in 95 & 96.
  18. You should have looked up a few posts. Crafts is one of my all-time least favorite Bills.
  19. I remember a couple years ago having a debate of sorts with you over Ostroski, yet I didn't know he'd rate that high for you? Look at all those who crapped on the Bills, Tony Hunter, Terry Miller, Perry Tuttle, Rob Johnson, Eddie Robinson, Chris Watson, Art Powell, Tom Flores, and even Keith Lincoln. Then there's Al Cowlings (who rated very high as one of my least favorite Bill), Ronnie "I didn't drop it, it was a bad throw" Harmon, Doug "slap the ball back in my face" Flutie, Walt Patulski, Jerry Crafts, and Jaimie Nails. What about more current players like Mike "Pussywillow" Pucillo, Rian Lindell, Josh Reed, and those marvelous safeties known as Coy Wire and Isell Reese. Surely any of these (and many more I'm sure) rate much higher in this negative category than your choices. It's a given you don't like Henry, and didn't like Ostroski, and while both have or had serious limitations, they certainly don't deserve our scorn nearly as much as do many others who more than earned it.
  20. You were definitely on a roll.....
  21. A tad rough, but very funny....
  22. Nothing like someone giving themself head in public. Shameless.
  23. You've got them Sue. God bless.
  24. Not bashing ya, but Vick is one of the most, if not the most, sacked QB's these days. Or did I miss a touch of sarcasm in your reply?
  25. PC World had a few nice things to say about Adobe Premier Elements a month or two back (retail about $100.00 but can be had a few bucks less).
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