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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. You've got our best wishes and prayers.
  2. Sold at Mickey D's, along with fries and a shake...
  3. True, but there was a club (Pierce Arrow) out in Williamsville that did great biz in the early 80"s. I would know, they ended up with a pile of my money....Nice place in it's day to meet the ladies... Only drawback was that it was disco and I hated that music....but for the sake of ladies....
  4. That was the mantra 25 years ago, "wake up Buffalo".... Sadly, I fear the bell has already tolled on our old fair city. Oh how I was it wasn't so, but alas.....
  5. I will give you that Sr. was a great player in his day, but class act? This man has been playing the race card, long before Johnny Cochran played it with OJ. I wonder how Sr. feels about recent comments made by Bill Cosby who has come full circle and has placed the problems of blacks today squarely at thier own feet?
  6. The Masthead.....what a place back in the early early 70's. Also there was Dirty Dick's Bath House (Bailey) who also had regular Beatles nights as well. Chippewa was home to pimps, prostitutes, strip clubs, and porno shops. Back in this time, who could forget Wally Bobecks or Flays? 80's - Pierce Arrow, Crawdaddy's, Casey's, Coles, Goodbar, No Name, Garcias, on and on and on and on.... One thing Old Buffal had going for it was a GREAT bar scene. That's probably why the town fell to crap, everyone was too drunk to notice until it was too late.....but what a ride....Good times....
  7. As my son John and our entire family have been and still are recipients of the Make A Wish Foundation's work, I can only say they are truely a wonderful organization. This year alone they have sponsored a trip to Give Kids The World village in Orlando, FL for a week along with free passes to Disney World (3-days), Seaworld, and Universal Studios, airfare, rental car, and spending money for our entire family (Mom our four children and myself). We have also gone to picnics, a Dayton Dragons (minor league baseball) dinner and game, and an upcoming airshow (Thunderbirds and others). This is not to mention the Christmas parties for the past three years, other picnics, etc. For sick children, they really come though. By the way, my son Johnny has past his first year without chemo, and will now be tested every other month vs. monthly. Tomorrow I'll be back on my liberal "evil corporation" platform but today I chose to remember that corporate sponsorship is what has made the Make A Wish Foundation and Give Kids The World work for so many families like mine. Today we say thanks to all that have contributed to these wonderful organizations.
  8. Jeez, about time someone spoke up. Kelly Ripa is a waste of a good bag of bones....
  9. Give 'em hell Harry.....I mean Campy. Stay strong....
  10. While you and I would probably disagree with regard to what role Govenrment should play in general, this is an area where I agree with you wholeheartedly.
  11. Thanks for adding that. I started to, but I backed off......
  12. I agree, but it happens as was in my case many years ago, one's spouse can walk, no matter what you do and then the game begins. I'm strongly in favor of marriage, but it's the having a home with both role models, male and female (not to slight those of alternative couplings but it takes both the male and female to provide the complete backdrop), who love each other, respect each other and who both love and respect their children. This is the short version as many more factors play into it, but this is where it begins IMHO.
  13. Here's a guy who accepted his responsibility which included a few surprises he hadn't counted on, yet found himself blasted by many for everything other than what his post was about. He never asked for anyone to condone what led to his situation, only to possibly understand and share in his frustration with the "system". It must be wonderful that all those who ripped him have never made a mistake, or have ever been dealt a bad hand (birth control pill failure). Fake-Fat......Should we have a wealth of sympathy for afrodziak? Maybe not, especially since the mistake was repetitive one, but I can understand his frustration. Might he and his ex-girlfiends had other choices besides welfare, probably. Yet in both cases, life was chosen. Fact is, it would have been easier to abort, but they chose life instead. In the eyes of many, that was a good thing. As for your position on "life", I'd have to disagree a bit. Life is force, in and of itself. Sure it requires support, but let us not rationalize away life because of this. Life begins at conception. That is as simple and as plain as the noses on our faces. Once conception takes place, genetics take over. Mothers, and this is not meant to trivialize mothers, really are little more than shelter and a food source prior to birth. Yet it is life, the beginning, and it will grow, evolve, age, whither, and cease. Is it horrific what some unwanted children go through? Yes, without a doubt, but that is an indictment of life's support systems, not of life itself. As to whether the Government or the Religious should legislate what is life and what is not, I'll leave that up to you. Personally, after being a part of my six year old son Johnny's three and a half year battle with Leukemia, I've learned an appreciation of just how special and fragile life is and that every moment should be cherished. I'm also glad to say that he has been off chemo for just under a year now and has been doing well. Every day I've had with him is wonderous and special, as will be every day we share going forward. This applies to all my children, five in total. Bottom line is that afrodziak was upset with how the county dealt with him. He wasn't running away from his responsibilities or trying to escape from them. As someone who dealt with the same agencies years ago, I can attest that fairness, common sense, and logic were not part of the "game" then and probably even less so today.
  14. It's true, it's all Stevestojan's doing..........
  15. ....as Sprewell would have angrily stated.........
  16. But in truth, how would anyone really know? I mean it was well known that Bruce wasn't going to be around much until opening game anyway, and for that he always miraculously recovered from injury, settled his contract issues enough to play, and was in shape (except his rookie year of course when he was a fat slob). But what a defensive end.....Best I ever watched, although Reggie was pretty darn good too......
  17. Hummm.... Basically being far more conservative fiscally, and a tad more liberal on social issues than most around here, I'd add that if mandatory service of some sort is cost prohibitive then some sort of random (completely random, rich, poor, etc) draft might be appropriate. There is a price than has to be paid to protect this country and personally I think they took the "peace time dividend" a bit too far under Clinton. We see clearly today that our troop strength is not adequate. Problem would be balancing increased troop strength with an already outrageous Federal deficit. Bottom line, It's not about making "good" men out of slugs (although that happens on occasion), it's about service to one's country. This is the responsibility of all citizens.
  18. Than Bang cartoon was some funny stuff too as I recall. Some of their stuff is marhinal at best, but that one.....good. His old man, a great player in his day, retired and then became another loud mouth, racist, whinning toad. The kid has been a loud mouth from day one. Piss on him and his father.
  19. Division is only part of it, YOU might wish to consider currency exchange rates.
  20. Actually, the heavy blues inspiration in LZ's debut album, really does it for me. LZ 4 was and still is great though. Dazed and Confused Babe, I'm gonna leave you How many more times But then, for a single track, it's always been a toss up between "Dazed and Confused" or "Kashmir" as top song....
  21. ....that and the consumption of vast amounts of beer and alcohol. They're too numb to know they're depressed, at least I was when I lived there...
  22. It seem that with just a few exceptions, the second FA period (june 1) the past couple years has slowed a bit with teams managing their caps a bit better. I don't expect to see any major moves made by the Bills, mainly because unlike when we picked up Malloy, we don't have much cap room to play with at this point and the low number of quality players to be released (based upon recent years).
  23. I'm sorry, but that's not a lie. If somone offered a 5th, that's nothing, just like TD stated.
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