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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Any speech from him be ultimately entertaining, and while the "blurb" was agreeable, how might he plan on accomplishing any of those things? Yet, with Beetlejuice as our current prez....Walken couldn't be any worse....
  2. Philly took a shot, for sure, and with a guy with a proven track record (bad). My sympathies are in short supply for them, but this doesn't change the situation in that they need to stand firm with TO.
  3. Character DOES count. TO has none, and while I agree that renegotiation is part of the process and in and of it self is fine, this shmoe has so over stepped the boundry that he should simply be suspended and let sit (and rot). There is no justification for his behavior towards his coaches, McNabb, etc. I won't even get into his mental incapacities and his 6 year old antics. great talent, lousey excuse for a human being. Let him work at Wal-Mart and let him see what it's like not to be a pampered "superstar".
  4. Funny how so many fail to see that R-E-S-P-E-C-T is a two way street. There will always be individuals incapable of simple respect for others. Yet a premise of our society and it's moral beliefs, does contain respect for others of differing beliefs. I only wish that could be said of some other societies. Societies lacking in tolerance within, will not be able to have tolerance with others. My question is how much pain and suffering is going to be the result from all the intolerance many societies practice today? I suspect it will be devasting. As it remains with the "human condition", those who seem to demand the most respect are often the ones least likely to give it to others. I believe we see plenty examples of this in the world today.
  5. Absolutely. What Barry did, and has done since since retirement, has my full respect. Jeez, people dislike him because he decided he had enough? I can still see him on the sidelines near the end of his last game. He had tears in his eyes. He knew it was over for him then. The official part of it came months later. I take my hat off to Barry. He didn't whine, cry, or mope. He just did what was right for him to do. That, and the years of giving fans everywhere some of the best ball carrying we ever saw, is what I'll remember of him. Great back, class act. Had Barry and Emmitt played for each others respective teams, Barry would have Jerry Rice like distance between him and everyone else record wise. Barry played to win, not just for money, personal glory, or stats, and he just tired of all the losing.
  6. I might take a different perspective. I believe our season will successful, only if Losman can keep the team truely two dimensional. Opponents won't be inclined to back off the line until Losman forces them to. The NFL knows about McGahee, so what I suspect is a steady diet of 8-9 man fronts and blitzes until Losman can make them back off. Frankly, I'm not big on "annointed" QB's. I much prefer the old ways, when they earned the position. I hope our D will continue to lead the way, and if they stay healthy, they should contribute heavily, but our success or lack of it will again rest on our offense. (Special Teams will also be huge, but to even remotely expect what we saw last year is to defy all common sense, especially in the return game, which only puts more pressure on the offense. What we saw last year was a true rarity.)
  7. It's strictly business. TD would battle the devil himslef if he thought there was something to gain. "Personal" is not listed in his job description.
  8. Isn't from, may he rest in peace, Sam Kinnison?
  9. Isn't this the week that signings spike? Sure would be great to have all of our guys signed sealed and delivered by 7/30/05. Roscoe (I hate that name, but hopefuly he'll make me love it soon) needs to be in camp right from the beginning. If all early reports on him are accurate, he may be a nice situational weapon right out of the box. Love his shiftiness and speed. Hard to believe that we're just 5 days away from the bullets flying.
  10. I'll second that.....jeez....
  11. I can't stand Costas, but then, after reading this..... That was beautiful..... Mickey was my father's "hero'. I still recall as a young boy how he hated it when Maris hit one back in 1961, but when the Mick blasted 'em, he was happy as a young boy that just opened a pack of baseball cards, began to chew the gum, and found a "Mick' in the pack. Mick brought out the boy in my Dad.
  12. The Compensation Gods have never been overly generous to the Bills. All one has to do is to remember the Wil Wolford fiasco and that we got exactly zip for him (many claim that led to setting up the current compensation system and also led to some restrictions in so far as what constitutes a proper contract). Yet, even though everyone knew we were screwed, nothing was ever given us for the loss of Wolford. My suspicion is that Anderson and Gandy ( I didn't say this was fair) will be ruled comparable and no compensation will be awarded. Maybe it's the "Homerun Throw forward - No goal - Just give it to 'em" screw jobs we've gotten in the past that contribute to my pessimism with this issue. At this point, with Ralph not even able to get to the final selections for the HOF only shows the lack of respect given to one of the last of the old guard, a founder of the old AFL that succeeded in part due to Ralph also helping out other owners. Nah, we'll get screwed again....
  13. Sums it up very nicely. Let's not forget that during the draft we were getting 5th round offers IIRC., and not many of those either. We lose a solid, tough runner with less than admirable pass catching and blocking skills. TH was not what one would call a complete back. For those who wanted help immediately, sorry. Next year is always on the minds of "most" GM's around the league and this is solid and fair.
  14. Hey, this was Stevestojan's post, the self professed guru from economics to life in general, including football. If he says it's so.......
  15. Without dissecting all of these points, I'd have to say that the time he's been able to give Losman this year vs. what he was able to give Boomer while being head coach probably is as different as night and day.
  16. Redundant, yes. Yet, to answer your question: wis·dom Pronunciation (wzdm)n. 1. The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight. 2. Common sense; good judgment: "It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things" Henry David Thoreau. 3.a. The sum of learning through the ages; knowledge: "In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations" Maya Angelou. 3.b. Wise teachings of the ancient sages. 4. A wise outlook, plan, or course of action. 5. Wisdom Bible Wisdom of Solomon. The whole point of your age was to merely to highlight that you have a long road ahead that you might wish to travel a bit before making such blanket statements and launching snide attacks upon others who may be Union people.
  17. And because you say it's so, with the wisdom of 25 years of life, we should all bow at the temple of Stevestojan? The self appointed economic guru of TSW? Aren't there enough of them here already? Unions in the traditonal sense (i.e. Teamsters, AFL-CIO, etc) may continue to die a slow torturous death but a better mousetrap could be just around the corner. But hey, thanks for your most valuable input. Yeah, right.... (P.S. I'm in middle management and have never belonged to a Union, but....)
  18. You should go sit in the corner for the rest of the day for uttering such a sacrilegious comment as that. The Beatles influenced more than a narrow genre. We'll let you know when you can come out of the corner, but not just yet...... Give us ten hail Mary's, four Our Father's....
  19. What are everyone's favorite players? Personally, I've grown to like QMP which is only recently released (beta...build 101) from the same folks who put out QCD, which I've used for the past couple years. QCD - QMP Wide range of audio format support, and solid build quality. Far more user "friendly" than Foobar, and a sure case of where less is more (Winamp)..... so...
  20. Ah, thanks. That puts a bit of perspective to all this doesn't it?
  21. The sad thing is that it will all be forgotten how John Rigas built his company from the ground up. Simple explanation though....greed. Enough was never enough for the Rigas clan...... Sad end. Also see: Bernie Ebbers....
  22. True, I believe his comments were that in the games (tape) he saw of Conaty, old Billy did a good job. I thnk it was a bit of a surprise to him (Dr. Z) as well. Let's not blow this all out of proportion...jeez....
  23. Humor attempt? Nah.... My 14, almost 15 year old daughter and her school friends frequently surprise me when they too dig out some oldies (Lep Zep is big) and tell me what a great old song they've come across. Then I turn on my PC and play it again for them. Music that can transcend generations, that's a sign of truely great music. Yet, it's not the only sign. Influential effect is another. Again it's the lasting influence that counts. Trendy, hip, popular is fine, but that in and of itself does not attest to it's greatness. Bottom line, whatever one's preference is, enjoy. That's what it's here for....
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