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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Unfortunately, that option is only open to those in range of the radio broadcast, many of us here, maybe most, do not have that available to us. Not since the "No Fun League" decided that even the radio broadcasts had to go on a "pay for" basis (internet)....
  2. Unfortunately Josh reverted to 2004 form on that throw.
  3. I'd say the blocking was solid, not necessarily great, but I agree with the throw being off target. A solid throw and it's a score.
  4. That's kinda what I was thinking, especially on his first return where his body got out in from of his feet and he stumbled, bumbled, and....
  5. .....yet even with a 130 plus yard effort from his RB, still only managed 16 points?
  6. Exactly! That's why I was pissed to see a game running in the background, which continually distracted me.
  7. That was not a catch and the PI on Moulds was nothing more than "protecting" NE by the ref's. Even your DB was laughing that Moulds was flagged..... Mr. Helmet, you and your Patsies may rot in hell.
  8. Well I sent them a few lines of disgust over how they dared to have a an actual NFL football game as the backdrop for the Teddy Bruschi Show. How distracting when all I wanted was to hear and see Mr. Bruschi's life story.
  9. ESPN coverage is horrible. Announcers and little Miss Suzie who won't shutup.....you're right. That really sucked.
  10. That was my thought. Gandy should have picked up the outside rusher on the blitz, but again, it could have been the protection scheme too as Anderson almost immediately began to move his fat ass back to pick Colvin up, but....the rest is history.
  11. Look up, you're right. In fact Gandy stoned his guy....
  12. The ball was bobbled, and he did not make any football moves with it. The ball did hit the ground before he wrapped it up. I saw it, 10 times already.... That was not a catch and had that been our guy, it would have been ruled incomplete. But the officials weren't done, the bull crap PI call on Mould finished their input, yet Holcomb still had one more chance on........and........
  13. That and don't throw a 3 yard pass on 4th & 7....
  14. OK, Gandy blocked won leaving Colvin free and Anderson simply was far too slow to be able to get back on Colvin... Protection scheme there was partly at fault. No way Anderson (or a number of other guards) make that pickup. Colvin was way too quick for Anderson to be able to make the play. Benny simply cannot move....that was clear all night long and even on the successfull screen he pulled out on.... Have to admit, Benny sucks. Gandy took his guy completely out. Stoned him.
  15. My bad......Theisman and Maguire are (or was it Patrick) said...Gandy...
  16. Christ, it seems he's copied Paul Hackett's strategy and calls...Look what that did for Hackett (finally....fired). Even Pendry for Carolina calls a better game.
  17. that's what the old cliche says, let the opponent hang around and....
  18. looking back on that play, it looked like the Bills RB (Shaud?) was just coming open past Bruschi on a delay. Hold one second longer and he was there for the play and first. Holcomb sucks.
  19. It was 66, Gandy
  20. checking now...
  21. The replay showed Gandy standing along after the whiff, IIRC. I'll double check.
  22. The call on Moulds, the catch that wasn't....yeah both were huge, game breakers they were.
  23. Hey, we'll have no upbeat spin here....at least not yet...we're venting!
  24. Yeah, but we had the first, only to have a horrible ticky tack PI call on Moulds....jeez... Holcomb sucked but we we're jobbed again.
  25. After the final 7 minute performance of Holcomb tonight........JP had better get ready.
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