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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. OUCH!!! Darn it, there should be a warning label attached to your avatar. Darned near poked my eyes out.....nice.....
  2. No, I'd find a quality player not named LenDale White (in agreement there), but do not trade down. Our Number 2 should garner a quality player and therefore KEEP it....
  3. Jeezie Pete....now that was one mean bag of wind.......What the heck was your point, I kept falling asleep trying to read your version of "War and Peace"... (trim it down....trim it down....) Now back to sleep.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. My sentiments exactly. It would also save me the cost of the NFL Season ticket, DTV, annual trips to Buffalo to watch a game in person, and cost of Bills memorabilia, etc. The only thing football offers me these days is the Buffalo Bills. The money, the greed, both owner and player alike, has left me cold. And Ralph was initially called a doddering old fool for his reaction to the final vote on the new CBA..... Tagliabue doesn't deserve the privilege to be allowed to wash Rozelle's withering nuts.
  5. You seriously undervalued the play of Phat Pat, so much so that it brings to question anything else you had to say in your post. Vikings are sure glad to have him.
  6. I'm sorry, but a 5th, or even a 4th dopesn't compute. Didn't the McCardell deal grab a 3rd last year? A a 2nd or a 3rd (since Houston's 3rd is like a late 2nd - maybe). 4th or 5th? Let Moulds sit. The percentage of 3rd & 4ths ever amounting to anything is fairly small, with only a few exceptions. (McGee). Tell Houston to go away unless they pony up....
  7. Vince may make it, but it won't be because he's a prototypical QB. If he's not successful with his legs in the NFL, he be a wash out. His throwing mechanics are just plain piss poor. Vince Young will not ever be a top NFL QB.
  8. ??????????? Surely you jest......(sarcasm....?)
  9. My understanding was that a team can still enforce disciplinary action, with a limited suspension, and up to 4 games IIRC, but what was eliminated was the trick of then de-activating the player to continue to not pay him. Yeah, it was modified due to the TO deal last year, but not completely eliminated. Someone else around here surely must have the actual details, but I vaguely recall hearing something about the changes on ESPN when the CBA was agreed to. What will happen will be more "behavioral" clauses built into contracts, especially the big money ones. It's reported that the deal TO signed with Dallas has a behavioral clauses in it.
  10. In short, just say "no" to Vince Young. Leinart will be a better NFL QB, quicker and long term, IMHO. Cutler? Gamble? Maybe, but IMHO he too has a better shot at being an NFL QB than Young as well.
  11. exactly........... In fact, he was against going for Bennett too.
  12. Crowell made a few plays in pass defense, but I wasn't impressed with his run stopping ability. Seemed to be out of position a fair amount and frankly, making tackles on runs 6-7 yards downfield isn't what one wants. Under 3 yards, now that's when pluging the run is done well. Crowell isn't there yet, and it's a coin toss as to if he ever will be. With a year under his belt (starting), he steps up or he's fodder.
  13. Depends on his contract. Being a former 1st rounder, he may be entering expensive parts of his contract. Trade would have to be contingent on a fair contract extension/restructuring.
  14. This guy could actually be better than "noodle arm" Holcomb. Ever see holcomb throw a 15-20 yard out pattern? Me neither. He can't. McCown is young, plays with enthusiasm, decent arm, decent size size, and has had a few very nice games (some experience). He could work out well (all boils down to $$$).
  15. Ah, good old Metz..... I actually saw him score a long TD once, can't remember the game, but all I kept thinking was "run you turtle, run!"......Loved old Metz, but his strengths were blocking and owning a very good pair of hands. After watching him try to run a few times and then fumbling the ball, I actually prefered for him to catch it and fall down... Still he's was a far better TE than anything we've had since....
  16. Nope, untrue and factually incorrect. Bruce played some of his best football 1995 thru 1998. When Paup came here he benefitted very heavily to the attention Bruce was drawing from the opposition. Where I noticed the slippage in Bruce was actually in 1999 when his pressures dropped and began to look only excellent instead of almost super-human. When he was let go in 2000, it was time. On another note, I believe the signing of Ted Washington was far bigger to the Bills than was the one year wonder Paup. But hey, thats just my opinion. The Speilman signing could have been had Speilman's neck not given out. I loved watching that insane genius play.
  17. And that is where the real money is for the owners.....
  18. HEY!!! Oh, did I just label myself?.....ooops...
  19. Currently, I'm recovering and rehabing after rotator cuff surgery done on 1/4/2006. It sucks, as it was the second time I tore it although I didn't have surgery the first time (minor partial tear). Also had some degeneration and detachment going on in there so a screw was used to help re-attach the detachment and the bone shaved to lessen the irritation on the joint. Sleeping at night has been a real pain.... I'll never have that 92 mile an hour fastball again, oh wait, I never had it before either....
  20. QUOTE(Dan Gross @ Mar 6 2006, 01:23 PM) I thought the literal translation was "place with unobstructed view of the south-west sky..." Ouch.....
  21. The whole idea of a "cap" was to balance the playing field, yet a loop hole with the signing bonis was left open for abuse, and the rich teams have used it well to their advantage. Sure would be nice if the old IRS would bring back "income averaging" but that was taken away from us. Is this not the same thing in essence in which the owners get to distort their true payroll? Add to this that every team, expects the cap to rise each year so as to help soften the blow of the large signing bonuses in the long run. Want true balance? Signing bonuses count 100% against the cap in the year they are paid. Same with roster bonuses, incentive bonuses, etc. Now the players would object heavily, yet might this blow to them be softened a bit with at least partially guaranteed contracts? Large signing bonuses serve as a "guaranteed contract" as the bonus itself is a guarantee. Unfortunately the average to backup players still don't benefit much from this as their signing bonuses are relatively small. I would submit that for the collective (players) real contract guarantees would be more beneficial overall to them rather than the elite getting all the bonus money. Sadly, the divide we see amongst the owners also applies to a divide amongst the players as well so change or hopefully real balance with never happen. All boils down to individual greed, apparently a common human trait.
  22. If the new player percentage ends up being 59.5% or close to, the cap pressures are going to be eleviated for most, if not all teams. Hutch....sadly to say, won't be coming here....
  23. Imposter! No way was this point stated in such a brief and concise manner by......
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