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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Y.A. was one tough little SOB, and a great competitor, but not as great of those already mentioned. On the other hand, if success is the real measure of a QB, then Otto Graham must be a top, if not the top, of all-time. For those not knowing, check out his career stats, wins, championships, etc. Sammy Baugh was great as well and a two way player if I recall from NFL History pieces....
  2. Thanks for jumping on this. I read the LSI's statement about Royal being a better receiver than blocker and immediately flashed back to numerous drops early in the season (right after I relived his nightmare mis-play on the play you referenced agianst the Titans (cost us that game.....).
  3. Sanders is arguably the most exciting RB to have played the game. His numbers, durability, etc., all say he is a clear "All Time Great". As for Thurman, he would be my all-time favorite, and may well deserve to be listed instead of Eric Dickerson and Marcus Allen, my bad.....
  4. Change the order a bit ...........Here's mine: Jim Brown, Barry Sanders Walter Payton Earl Campbell O.J. Simpson L. Tomlinson (Emmit Smith, Gale Sayers, Eric Dickerson, Marcus Allen are interchange able. Each brought a lot to the table.) And......barring catastrophe, I see Tomlinson moving up as high as 4th all time.
  5. Very solid DB.....played on some bad Bears teams though.
  6. For years the Bills listed Bruce at 273, I recall from my old "Shout" subscription days, yet I vividly recall it being stated that as the season wore on, he actually slid under 260 at times. Bruce started out as a 300 lb fat slob as a rookie, but found out early that he was more the player he wanted to be once he got in shape. Physically, he took care of himself too. He was one player who clearly didn't need pre-season tuneups, nor did he partake in many either.
  7. Agreed. Yet, I still have a problem figuring out the reasons for signing Walker, who frankly darned near got his QB's in Oakland killed. Statistically, he was putrid. 25 mil for 10 1/2 sacks? Certainly hope this turns out well, but it reminds me of the Panos and Villerial pickups that didn't work. Injuires to both contributed to their failures, but they never were impressive none the less.
  8. Always a witty and well placed response...
  9. Disagree, although hate isn't the correct word or emotion. Lack of respect may be more appropriate. Without going into a Pyrite novella, the bottom line is that the franchise tag is part of the golden goose that has allowed so many NFL players become millionaires. Maybe those like Lance Briggs, or Joey Galloway from years back, should be placed into a time capsule and transported back to 1970. See how they would like the salaries of that era. Contracts? They are to be honored, as should the collective bargaining agreement. So, should we have any sympathy for these poor mistreated souls? No, not one ounce.
  10. .....but there isn't a USFL around anymore to throw stupid money at him.
  11. Was I ever thinking the same thing.....hah!
  12. Maybe Marv will look up Corey Bender to see what he's up to these days aswell....
  13. Sadly, it's become far more popular to trash everything that comes along. Sign of the times I guess. Never was a Prince fan but "Purple Rain" was a solid, if not great, piece of work. "But that was twenty years or so ago, old man." Yeah that makes it bad.... A funny thing happened to me with age, after years of enjoying music beginning with the Beatles, Led Zep, Black Sabbath, etc., to Staind, Nickelback and so on......I developed an appreciation for Frank Sinatra. Music, good Music, overplayed or not, fashionable or not, is what matters now.
  14. While BNYC raves over Casper, who was everything he said he was, Sanders was faster and more athletic. A great TE who had miserable QB's throwing him the ball. All around, it would be a tough choice between Casper and Sanders, but I'd probably lean towards Sanders. Jackie Smith finishes well behind both Sanders and Casper.
  15. Yes, TT belongs there, in his day........what a pleasure it was to watch him perform, especially against the Dolphins.... We miss ya TT !!!!
  16. I guess you missed our SB appearance against the Cowboys (January 93)
  17. One thinks that BFNY might be hoping for the larger players.... I'll go for line help, both sides...FA, draft, armed robbery....
  18. ......and you would walk away over some comments made toward you on a message board? On second thought, with that kind of "logic", made you should "just go away"...........
  19. Denny simply can't buy any respect around here. From what I saw this year, he outplayed Kelsay more often than not and quietly went about playing fairly well all told. I would like to see him about 20-lbs heavier tho.......20 lbs of muscle... Denny should stay.....
  20. The number that has been thrown around is more like 36-39 Mil. Supposedly we've the third most available... Yet, these numbers (especially our Bills) always seem to wittle down considerably the past few years leaving us short of getting what we need.
  21. Buffalo, but that's because all the others included in the poll I either dislike or couldn't give a crap about.
  22. Earlier I was as pissed about a Bills loss as I have been since Drew shi.... the bed against Pittsburg in 2004. In reality, that is a good thing in that we actually have something to cheer about and get involved with. I see a lot of positives this year, and number one on that list is the play of JP Losman. A couple times today, I wish he'd have taken off and ran, but he's clearly been advised to limit that severely. What killed me was how poorly our D played in our own house. We need some tackles, and fast. In a game begging for a turnover we didn't get any and our D rarely pressure Young at all. I would have liked to try that kick, but that's a call that may have been futile as well, but we'll never know. What I didn't like was the play calling on those final downs, and the pressure Losman was under throughout most of the game. Maybe the o-line is improving, maybe not, but one thing is for certain, it can still use some help. Lastly Royal? He clearly won the goat of the day award. Penalty and a blown TD catch in the same series. What the hell was he thinking?
  23. Our run defense is absolutely pitiful. Cover 2, with smaller and more actyive tackles, the one piece of pablum we were feed by Levy this year. Frankly, I'm pissed. Alos, our pass o-line still stinks, period, How many time today diud JP drop back to pass and face immediate pressue, frequently up the middle? How many times did we pressure Young? My biggest fear is that Levy will do what he did the last 3-4 years of his tenure as HC, and that is to ignore the O-line. Don't forget, it was under Levy that we endured to likes of Jerry Crafts, Cobins Lacina, Jerry Ostroski, etc. It was also under Levy where we cut Smerlas and went with the quicker Jeff Wright, etc., and that didn't change much until Philips came to town and pushed for Ted Washington in FA. Love Levy, our skill players are in place (save TE), but we need LINES !!!!!!
  24. Holy crap, the exact three songs I was thinking of. Seasons in the Sun, about the loss of a daughter wasn't it? The Christmas song about new shoes for Mommy was just on over the weekend and that still brings tears to my eyes.... Chapin....What an insightful artist. He's been seriously missed............
  25. Yeah, Ruben Brown was a fan favorite from ocean to ocean.........weak... Same old drivel..........
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