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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. ......and who made you the law around here? If someone wishes to make a case for JP as being the starter, so be it. Better to state your point, than to tell other what they should or should not do.
  2. To this fan, if the Bills defense can be at least decent, the Bills will go as far as Edwards can take them. One thing that's been missing from the Bills for a number of years now is a QB who can actually tip the scales in their favor. One who can make the needed plays, the big plays, with some frequency, rather than a one time drive and TD throw against the Texans....(JP). I don't know if Edwards can rise to this level this year, or ever, but much will be riding on his shoulders beginning in a few short weeks.
  3. For those who have had loved ones fight this disease, there's no humor found in this.
  4. Leonard Smith was adequate in pass coverage, not great. What he brought was the big hit over the middle. Leonard also had a tremendous penchant for the Rodney Harrison style hit, you know, the one that comes a few seconds AFTER the whistle has blown. He drew many a flag in his career.
  5. Don't go over board, his hads were not that good......
  6. A while back, a better informed writer actually broke down what the naming rights may be worth with regard to RWS. It ended up not being much. Seems Corporate America isn't all that interested in naming RWS with their name. If there is an offer, maybe he should take it as whatever the amount, it would be additional revenues. Yet I kinda like having the stadium named after Ralph and with the Toronto deal being far more valuable than the stadium naming rights, it's kinda moot now anyway.
  7. I've always liked JP, and have defended him frequently, but even with that he has seemed to missing that extra "something", the ability to make plays when needed to, that has led to where he is now. My suspicion is that he's already a full step out the door. I believe he will give it his best shot when or if called upon, but will the preparation be there? I don't believe he'll be given much of a chance to do any pushing this year.
  8. Lori, Forever the personification of decorum. This surprised .....
  9. Signed, with with great sympathy to you and your family. This issue is near and dear to my heart, as my son John was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 2 years old. He is now 9 years old and doing well, yet I still live in fear everyday of this disease. It's not something I can easily talk about without breaking down. Yet, I'm ever so grateful to God and his Doctor for all they did to allow him to remain with us. Every day we get is a blessing that we (especially myself) easily lose sight of.
  10. .........and how do we instill this in the players?
  11. Thanks, will give it another go..... EDIT: added TBD to nick, used same pw, and bingo.....now comes the bad part, I'll definitely forget how to do this come Sept as I'm sure I won't remember to log in every other week or so to keep Nick active... Thanks again Bluefire and Lori....
  12. When I log in, I used "Spiderweb" in the "Nick" field, and then my password (just tested again). It then enters me into the chat room, but as a "guest". The message: nexus.webchat.org If this is your nickname, please use /NICK Spiderweb <password> leaves me perplexed. If I type: "/NICK Spiderweb <xxxxxx>" (with the xxxxx being my password used when initially tryin to register as Scott advised, I get: sPiDeRwEb: Password incorrect Might his mean someone else has "Spiderweb" Nick?
  13. Very nice job Scott. Only one tiny little quibble. When you mentioned the site began in 1996, "before the NFL Sunday ticket", that may or may not be true with respect to it's start on DirecTV, but the Ticket began in 1994 and was available on the big Dish (the games aired on the satellite where the TVN Pay per view Theaters resided). In some respects, I still miss the big old dish..... All in all, great job Scott, and many thanks for this great site.
  14. For those of us no familiar with this new chat program, exactly how do we log in with use of our nickname? I used my nickname, "Spiderweb" in the nick space, then typed in what SDS advised above for password, and it let me in but advised the following: nexus.webchat.org If this is your nickname, please use /NICK Spiderweb <password> Where, how? Do I type into the nick field: /NICK Spiderweb ? What's the <password> for if it is to be entered below in the pass field. Sorry for my ignorance. Loads quick, but so far, getting in is a pain (to the unfamiliar).. Help anyone?
  15. Rubes, you're making way too much sense. I guess many around here won't consider the system broken until they find themselves without insurance and in need of major surgery ($$$$). Fact is that Health Care insurers are far too powerful ($$$) for any meaningful change to happen anytime soon. Pretty darned sad too is that they have such clout with the Congress, Senate, and Presidents. I'll never, ever, understand the argument supporting status quo with respect to health care in the USA.
  16. That "injured" player was Willie McGinest, not the Zeus of football Bruschi, the rest is dead on. That was clearly the biggest fake I have ever seen.
  17. Wow... The Patriots have been praised by ESPN, their balls washed and shined, and the franchise made out to be God like, yet these lesser folks (Pat's fans) believe the "media" is out to get them? Jeez.... Just another reason to dislike the Patriots, their coach, and their fans.
  18. Wow, dead on, and without being a mini-novella as well. Fowler, not horrible, yet simply not good enough sums it up pretty well.
  19. I'm with you on this Cincy.
  20. Liars and idiots are not mutually exclusive. Idiots think their lies will fly in the face of facts. They fail to understand they may be called out on them (the idiot part). Bush clearly fits the bill, on both counts.
  21. From the looks of that avatar, you ...I mean he's probably done that alot.... That avatar is creepy.
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