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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. In 1992 that is accurate - but I believe I clearly stated I was looking at the period 1992-1999 - why don't YOU try reading before you start accusing someone of not getting their facts straight? Funny how you are all big into facts now, after this whole thing started because you made the blanket and ubsubstantiated statement that "The Clintons never give to charities".
  2. And you get this as fact from where? If you look at the Clinto tax returns from 1992-1992 you'll see that they donated at least $1.13 Million to charity on income of $2.87 Million - that's 39.55% (and doesn't include any charity giving they claimed in 1994 - the schedule D for that year isn't available). Before you say, "Bush gives more", I'll tell you that since 2001 Bush has given $298,770 on income of $3.27 Million - that's 9.13% (I gave W a break and didn't factor in 2000 as his schedule D was also unavailable so I know his income but not his charity giving).
  3. Fiction. If you look at the Clinton tax returns you'll see that they NEVER claimed any deductions for any charitable contributions other than cash contributions. This falls into the same category as the story of the Clinton staffers defacing govt. property upon leaving office and removing W's from keyboards - it makes a great story and some funny talking points, but it never happened.
  4. Cats in the Cradle is good one if you have a son - it always gets me thinking about what my relationship with my son will be...
  5. They guys who get cut a couple of weeks into camp are generally guys that were undrafted, drafted late or were brought in to play a certain role. When you're not expecting much from them and/or you are only looking at them to play a ceratin role its easy to tell whether they are what you want or not. JP is in a different category. They guy is a first round pick - a fairly new first round pick. He's also a guy we traded away a 1st round pick for, meaning we've invested quite a bit (we were willing to trade away an unknown 1st round pick for him - what if it had been a top 5?). He was expected to come in and eventually start at the most complex and demanding position on the field. As you can see, much harder to evaluate and much harder to cut ties with until you're absolutely certain the guy can't offer you anything and cutting him actually does more good for your team than harm. Lest that argument not be enough, remember that the Bills have freshly cut ties with a former 1st round pick who was a bust. It would be a PR nightmare for the team to suddenly jettsion another 1st round pick right now - it would essentially show the team was being run be people who didn't know S**t from shinola (that may be true - but the team's never going to admit that). I just don't see Losman going anywhere unless his being on the team is detrimental to the organization.
  6. Actually, it's a reuters wire story, not a story from CNN.... In any event, nobody's complaining about armor - it's needed. You need tanks in the theater, but it still doesn't hide the fact that they use a tremendous amount of fuel which causes issues from both a logistical and cost standpoint. If you read that anyone was complaining about having armor or that perhaps the troops shouldn't have it in order to save fuel I think you read that into the story yourself.
  7. No moreso than you are seeing the rediculousness of your arguments... How can anyone compalin about funding womens health programs by a government with NO fiscal responsibility at all? A government spending billions in Iraq and giving out tax breaks during a time or war and raising the debt limit to a staggering $9 trillion - and you call for fiscal responsibility over condoms for $8.99? That's rich.....
  8. One woman's condom is another man's war in Iraq, oli company handout or tax break for the top 1%...
  9. is there a prize for being able to recognize Chester Arthur, or do I just get the satisfaction of knowing I'm a trivia geek with a political science degree?
  10. Just got an e-mail from a poker buddy saying he is going to a local wings place (Boston) and wanted to know "what flavor wings do you want, other than Buffalo wings?" WTF is that? -Wings come in degress of hotness, not "flavors" -Wings are not "Buffalo Wings" - they are simply "wings" -Wings should not be served as solid bits in a soup of hot sauce -Wings should be crispy It's like thinking Spaghettios is real authentic Intalian food. Man, sometimes I hate living outside of WNY.
  11. Is that Chester Arthur in your avatar? Why would a donkey heave a carp?
  12. As opposed to creating problems and then screaming at others for answers on how to solve them? Gee - that sounds familar - kinda like a certain poster who is trying to get ME to answer who would have been better than Haliburton and then accuses me of deflecting and avoiding? You make your bed, you lie in it. Republicans should be the ones whose feet are held to the fire for solutions - it's completely crazy to try and hold Democrats accountable for the solutions to these problems.
  13. When someone hires me to go put that contract out for bid I'll give you a list of people who could do the job and presumably do it better. Until then you'll have to ask the jackasses who actually shirked that task and got us into the current mess. But, if you're so anxious to get an answer, why don't you answer your own question - who would YOU have hired?
  14. Explain to me again why the Dems are supposed to come up with solutions to all the problems created by the Bush Administration? They keep losing because they keep trying to answer for the mistakes of others. They need to step up and make it clear that those who got us into this mess in the first place should be the ones trying to fix it and if they can't do it they should be replaced.
  15. Why am I avoiding the question? I'm not avoiding it, just simply pointing out that the question was never asked until everything was messed up and now those not responsible for it are being asked how to fix it or how it could have been done better. There's no way to know - that train left the station when Haliburton got the contract without a bid. Who would I send it to? I don't know - I'm not in purchasing for the military. I suppose like most other govt contracts it would have been made public with a request for responses/bids and any company who thought they could do the job could have thrown their hat into the ring. If they'd bothered to do that perhaps you'd have a list of who could have possibly done it better.
  16. The fact that you have to explain this for certain younger posters makes me feel REALLY, REALLY old...
  17. We'll never know because nobody had to bid and make a case what they would do and for what price. Giving a no bid contract to a contractor who takes heat for not doing a good job and then turn deflecting that heat by asking who would have done better is a cop out. You want to know who would have done better? - ask the people who made the decision in the first place and have them justify their decsion. This is just like the Bushies who, when criticized on Iraq, come back with, "well, what would YOU do?" I don't have to answer that question and figure out the solution - YOU'RE the people who ^&%'ed it up in the first place - you solve it, genius.
  18. Sadder still is this quote: This means that there is some sort of official body out there responsible for finding these people and validating their recitation - now that's a crappy way to spend your time...
  19. That is one of the funniest posts I have ever seen - good work! -"He is a heroin addiction and a dead girlfriend at the Chelsea Hotel away from immortality" - I'm seeing him in whole new light now... -"If Mandisa doesn't get to sing "It's Raining Men" at some point in this competition, I will feel cheated." - Agreed, although she did sing I'm Every Woman "Pickler also bombed, but in true AI style, they have Seacrest do a freaking interview with her to rehabilitate her image with the voters. The fix is in, people." - Agree 100% - she didn't sing well so you had to let her show some of her "Saucy Mink" (and it's Mink, not Mynx) style and let her talk. She won't be voted off until its down to singing rather than style/backstory. -"My wife is convinced that Taylor Hicks is gay" - I'm not sure he's gay, I just think he wishes he was blind - he's already adopted the crazy, unexplained swaying motions of Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder. Like wealthy suburban white kids trying to be straight outta Compton, Taylor Hicks wants to be a great blind musician. -"Katherine McFunbags" - Exactly. Damn - where did those come from? "Daughtry. Wow. To tell you the truth, this guy should quit the competition right now while his stock is so high" - Agree again - this guy doesn't need this competition - he could front a good rock band now (too bad he's under contract to the Idol folks who will force him to sing pop and/or Barney the Dinosaur cover tunes). I say they push him into a boy band and and we learn later that he put a gun in his mouth and took the easy way out...
  20. How is media coverage of Iraq any different than media coverage of anything? The media, whether you like it or not, whether you think it is slanted one way or the other politically, always covers bad news - somehow it is more newsworthy. Reporting on dozens of executed bodies being found daily, car bombs and attacks on mosques gets more attention than how many kids are going to scholl or how many more people have running water today in contrast with the number last month. By the same token, I also the fires and murders on my local news get more attention than the stories or cats being rescued from trees or girl scout troops singing for people at retirement homes. It's true what they say - if it bleeds it leads... We should hear about the humanitarian success in Iraq, just like we should hear about the girl scouts on the local news, but to expect that they should somehow receive the same attention and "balance out" the coverage is crazy - they're just not equal.
  21. The episode you reference was about about a bleeding statue of the Virgin Mary, and you can probably guess that Trey and Matt had her spouting blood from some very interesting places. They knew it would cause an uproar from teh Catholic League (it did), so they put John and Jane Smith names in the credit. Last I heard, Comedy Central had agreed to to rerun that episode.
  22. Exactly right - intensity and motivation is what made this guy more of a marshmellow than a Pro Bowler. All you need to know about the guy is that he flaked out at camp one year, and when he was pushed out of the starting lineup by an undrafted rookie who never played the position before he never said a word. Any guy with any sort of fire or competitive spirit would have been screaming a)This sucks and I'm not going to stand for this type of treatment or b)I'm going to work my butt off to show that I'm the better man. Mike said nothing, and that spoke volumes about him - the guy was just happy to collect his check. Glad he's gone and I don't see his attitude/play improving elsewhere.
  23. Cat Fancy - just look what it did to Warwick Dunn's career....
  24. Exactly - Chef was in so few episodes I thought he was already gone - I can't remember the last new episode I saw where I heard the familiar, "Oh, hello children". I love Chef as a character (and his parents even more) and I'm sad he won't be in future episodes, but at this point it's not a big loss because he's been absent for so long.
  25. Yes - the Holy Trinity - Brady, Teddy and the Holy Belichick. We are not worthy.
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