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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. Hot in a sort of, "my hair is 8' tall with 6 cans of Aquanet" kind of way....never really appealed to me..... I can only imagine how she's aged. Seems like I see all sorts of women who are still trying to stay with the 80s big hair look, only now they're in their 50s - not a pretty sight at all...
  2. No votes for Debbie, the famous Dallas Cheerleader? Am I that old that nobody remembers her? "It's the law"? Anyone?
  3. Best show at The Aud had to be Dio on the Sacred Heart tour. The stage was a giant dragon, 100' wingspan with Vinny Appice's drum kit on its back. The thing flapped its wings, shot lasers out of its eyes and breathed fire. Dio started the show by emerging from a crystal ball and towards the end of the show he slew the dragon with a giant laser sword. Yeah, in hindsight it was the height of cliche 80's metal, but man that was a show - you certainly got your $25 ticket's worth for that show... Iron Maiden's Somewhere in Time tour was good - giant inflatable Eddie hands extending from each side of the stge. Someone threw an m-80 at Bruce Dickinson during the show and he FREAKED - stopped the show and screamed at a section of the crowd for minutes on end. Maiden always put on a great live show - always. I remember shows at Darien Lake BEFORE they built the current ampitheater. They had a tiny stage and just an open field area that was fenced in - no seats. I saw Ozzy there and it was good but would have been much better had the opening acts not been Vixxen and White Lion - wow, that's some seriously cheesy "metal".
  4. On the bright side, don't they have significant numbers of players who are up for parole and will likely be out of the clink by training camp?
  5. I hate handles on message boards, but I do realize the wisdom of not necessarily using your real name. I chose "The Avenger" because it seems mysterious in a cliche way, like the old radio shows of the 40s - "Who is that mysterious man? Why, he's The Avenger!" [insert dramatic music here]
  6. I got 26, but I don't even recognize the names of some of the ones I missed - they do seem to change their names fequently.
  7. He's not coming - He is already there. He is everywhere if you have faith in your heart.
  8. It would depend on the states involved, but its very likely that your state and the state in which you got the ticket have reciprocal agreements to go after people who don't pay up. If the 2 states border each other it's a pretty good bet they have angreement. Unfortunately, technology has made this stuff easier for states to track and enforce - when it was all done via paper and snail mail it wasn't worth the hassle, but now that everything is computerized its easy. I know in my state if I ignore a ticket from another state that has an agreement with MA nobody will come after me, but I won't be able to reregister my car when I need to (and if I go back to the other state I could actually be arrested if I blew off the ticket and a bench warrant was issued). Good luck.
  9. Oddly enough, CNN is running a story about a 200lb 8 year-old kid in the UK whose family is being investigated for possible child neglect due to his diet and obesity. Maybe its not just the dogs... Obese British Kid (Video)
  10. Things like this only ever happen on a Sunday night when nobody's working and IF you can find someone to help you the cost is through the roof. Its some sort of corollary to Murphy's Law. Can't remember the last time I had to get a plumber, electrician or locksmith out at a decent hour (last time the plumber came out it was 11pm the night before Thanksgiving when the hot water heater stopped heating - pretty scary thinking you could be without hot water until Monday morning unless someone makes an emergency call).
  11. If you live on the East coast there's no point in watching the Oscars anymore. The show is supposed to run from 8:30-11:30. I watched only a few minutes here and there. At 11:30 I decided to hit they hay and perhaps see the last award or 2 (I know they always run over a bit). 11:40 rolls around and they still haven't done any of the BIG awards (actor, actress, director or best picture). In fact, even though the show is already 10 minutes over budget, they are just starting the movie montage of all the folks who died in the past year. I'm thinking to myself, good grief, what the hell have they been doing for the past 3 hours? How can you piss away 3 hours of primetime TV and not get to the meat of the show? How can you take 20 minutes to give out the stinkin' award for sound editing and then have to rush through the main stuff because you're so late? How can you lose tons of viewers on the East coast who finally switch off the damn TV and say, "screw it - I'll hear who won tomorrow"? These must be the same brainiacs who think its OK to start a World Series game at 9PM on a school night and then wonder why today's kids aren't baseball fans like they used to be. How many kids get to stay up past midnight just to see a baseball game?
  12. I think #23 is actually a man.... As Rick James always said, cocaine's a hell of a drug..... Seriously, I love the hand written signs they each hold up - all of them by someone who can't seem to spell prostitution - I've never seen so many women charged with "prostition" or "protution"...
  13. Only 2 things I know of to help a little one that small - neither is s sure thing but they can really help: -Humidifier - keeping the air really moist does wonders for keeping little noses unstuffed -Saline drops - they hate them, but they often times can clear a stuffed nose in the middle of the night and allow everyone to get back to sleep. Good luck!
  14. It's a done deal (pending shareholder approval and any antitrust and/or FCC complications) Press Release
  15. Can you cite: -Where Pelosi asked for a new plane? According to the House SaA, he was the one responsible for finding what he felt to be was suitable transportation -Where anyone flew the exact same plane as Hassert from DC to SF? I didn't see that reported so I'd be interested
  16. I believe the right to practice religion covers owning enough weapons to arm a small army, shooting at and killing federal officers and starting a standoff with law enforecment using children as pawns - isn't that all covered off in the Constitution?
  17. So Congress shouldn't work at all because they only do stupid, wasteful things or things YOU don't agree with? Not only is this attitude too cynical for words, it really makes me question whether the average American understands just how good we have things in a democracy like ours. Is there corruption and waste? Is there pandering to special interestes? You bet! (there's also all sorts of legislation passed that YOU may not agree with but OTHERS certainly do!). But Congress also does things like fund our military, highways, air traffic control system, food inspections, drug safety testing, and making sure your grandmother gets something for Social Security and senior healthcare (Medicare). Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water! If you don't like the Congress we have, do something about it. If you don't like the government we have, go somewhere else (although I doubt you'll find somewhere better).
  18. Free? - I'm there! I've been itchin' for a good sit down discussion of alveolar macrophages - you so seldom get the opportunity to hang out and shoot the breeze on this over a few beers. What a pefect way to come down from Valentine's Day.
  19. You're in luck - my brother is a biochemist and this bizarro site might have something truly unique - something only a true molecular biologist or biochemist would appreciate.... Giant Microbes Nothing says congrats like I giant stuffed ebola virus..... (actually, if its the USDA I'd recommend Mad Cow and/or E.Coli)
  20. What's his field?
  21. So the House sergeant at arms has now come out and said that Pelosi didn't make any specific request (or "demands" as the Republican talking points call them): CNN Story Guess the fine jornalists at the Washington Times got it wrong again, huh? Must have been the same guy who wrote that hachet job a few weeks ago that said Barak Obama attended a radical muslim madrassa in his youth, something that turned out to be demonstrably false. So now the right will scream that of course CNN, the bastian of the "Liberal Media" is going to run a story like this and refute Pelosi's "demands". Only problem is, CNN has quotes that are directly attributable to the House sergeant at arms - that's called good jornalism. If you want to see bad journalism, see the original Washington Times story which references only "a congressional source" - this could be any unnamed political aide planting a non-story for political gain.
  22. Curious to know where you came across these "demands" - are these "facts"? This wasn't mentioned in the Wash Post or Wash Times stories, nor on the AP story that ran - Did I miss this on Rush?
  23. To me it boils down to practicality if the Speaker flys commercial or has an Air Force jet. I have no problem with high government officials taking Air Force transport that affords them better security/privacy/work facilities/communications than commercial airlines and probably get them from point A to point B faster (less air traffic delays, etc.). I don't think it is unreasonable to limit the amount of time it should take a high official to travel - stopping for refueling is a waste IMHO. Unfortuantely, all of this comes off looking like a perk, when I don't believe it is - it's simply a practical way to get the most out of high government officials. To me, it's much like why the senior management in my company have offices and they all have nice Blackberrys. Some think they're perks, I see it as a way to ensure the company gets the most out of them by providing the environment they need to do their work. They can work in privacy, hols small meetings and work from home/airport/etc. with an office and a Blackberry. In my previous company the CEO sat at a desk out in the open like everyone else - great in theory, but really impractical. The guy talks about all sorts of sensitive things every day - things most other people shouldn't overhear. As a result, he essentially permanently booked a conference room so that he was available to do his work as needed. So yeah, he didn't have an office and was like the rest of us, but he had to take extra measures just to be able to do his work. All this just so that it didn't appear that he had some sort of "perk" others didn't get. To me, use of an Air Force jet, one that doesn't have to stop for refueling is OK - its not a perk - its being practical. Whether its a Dem or a Republican who sits in that chair is of no consequence - Hasstert should have had it, Pelosi should have it, the next Speaker should have it.
  24. Wit has to be the most depressing movie ever made - at the end you wonder why the hell you just spent 2 hours watching a lonely person die from cancer - does it get more depressing? I also like Schindler's List, Terms of Endearment, The Deer Hunter and Sophie's Choice. Schindler's List stays with you forever - that's a serious impact.
  25. David R. Kamerschen didn't write that - he doesn't know who did: Professor's Website Perhaps I'll write my inetrpretation of how the tax system works and assign authorship to an economics professor - that way people will think it's got plenty of merit.
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