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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. Even the goalpoasts hate us
  2. Not even a challenge?
  3. Cut Jenkins and make him buy his own flight home.
  4. Up until about 6 month ago I worked for a company who made software for companies that issues mortgage-backed securities - all of these firms that have gone under in the past 2 years were my clients. I saw this Powerpoint deck over a year ago when a guy at Countrywide's MBS issuance deptartment sent it to me....
  5. She's third in line ONLY IF the President and Vice President are incapcitated or killed AT THE SAME TIME. If just one of them falls, there is a process to replace the other, so Pelosi becoming president is a huge longshot.
  6. Was Travis Henry wearing a cow suit when they made that coke bust? She looks like Travis!
  7. I listened to Al's press conference almost in its entirety last night on Sirius, and it was quite the spectical. I've never seen anything that unprofessional in my life. Now there may be bad blood between Dvis and Kiffin, but you don't fire a guy and then spend an hour in front of the media detailing all the things that you hate about him and telling stories about what happened behind closed doors and in private conversations. You don't like him, fine - fire the guy and release a statement that he has been fired and the the organization is going in a new direction. If asked why he was fired "for cause" and what lead to that, simply say that you aren't going to comment on such things. By rambling on and giving his side of the story for an hour and putting all the blame on Kiffin I really felt that Davis was hiding from and refusing to take any accountability for the situation. Arguments are never 1 sided - I'm sure not everything Davis said was true. He tried to blame all the personnel decisions on Kiffin, including letting Randy Moss go for a 4th round pick and then pointing out the gaudy 20+ TDs Randy caught last year. Hello - ever think that Moss had great numbers because he had a great supporting cast and possibly the best QB in the league throwing to him? Who was going to throw Moss 20+ TDs in Oakland? Complete inability to see reality. In the end Davis owns the team and can do what he wants, but yesterday he showed he is unprofessional, vindictive, unable to shoulder any blame and living in an alternate reality - it was almost comical to hear.
  8. Not sure what deferring really does for you other than let you evalute weather conditions and possibly choose to defend a goal rather than receive in the second half. In my mind, weather would have to be a HUGE factor to make a team choose what goal to defend in the second half because by doing so your opponent would receive the kickoffs to start the game as well as the start of the second half. I'm not saying there may not be a reaon to do that, but it seems like that would be rare. That said, I do agree with deferring if it gives even the slightest flexibility in allowing you to make the best decision to start the second half.
  9. I thought the answer on the SNL skit was a goof until I saw that it was her answer to Couric verbatim. Reminds me of that beauty contestant who blathered on making no sense and just using buzzwords:
  10. The meeting place for those going to the game is Bertucci's on Route 1 just North of the stadium. We all meet there and convoy to the stadium (unlike Orchard Park, when you park at Gillette for the bargain price of $50 you have to park in the exact space they give you which is between the person in front of you and the person behind you getting into the lot). The stadium isn't too hostile, and the Pats fans seem a bit more subdued this season (lose 1 game and nobody even talks about the Pats). As always, avoid the drunks and don't be a belligerent drunk yourself and you should be OK. As the game draws closer send a PM to JCBoston (Bill Backers Boston President) - he should be able to hook you up with people going to the game.
  11. Soly really went out on a limb today when he said that he thought Steven Jackson was the best player on the Rams team - that's the type of insight you pay a guy big bucks for...
  12. One of my favorites was Antonio Freeman's catch on MNF in 2000 - to make it even better it was in OT so it was for the win. How he kept his wits to actually catch the ball before it hit thr turf and then have the presence of mind to get up and run it in is amazing... The Catch
  13. Actually, as JJBuffalo pointed out earlier in the thread, if the game is TOO good it won't be flexed because CBS will protect it and not allow it to be moved. In order for a game to get flexed it needs to be a solid 2nd tier game (again, not the top game of the week) on a week where the scheduled lineup is a dog. Not just a dog, actually, but a dog that doesn't have 2 big market teams playing - you may have a game that doesn't look like it will be that good of a game, but if 2 large market teams are playing NBC isn't going to substitute a better football game featuring smaller market teams - remember, in the end its still about eyeballs. Right now I don't see any likely candidates to move (the Jets game could move but NBC already has Dallas Washington and I don't see that changing).
  14. Just horrific news out of Tampa - Kicker Matt Bryant's 3 month old son was found dead in his crib. Can't imagine how devestating that must be. Prayers to the family. ESPN/AP Story
  15. Never said I though he was going to land up on IR - in fact I went out of my way to say that Roscoe's situation is not the same as Crowell's... It does bother me that you think a guy's healthy, no mention of injury and all of a sudden he's missing more than a quarter of the season - it's not like he's gone for 1 or even 2 weeks - 4-6 weeks is good time...
  16. I hate this injuries that come out of nowhere. I don't recall seeing Roscoe get hurt, nor did I see anything reported about him having any sort of injury and suddenly the guy is going to miss extended time - WTF? Just like the Crowell injury - guy goes from practicing and being the starter for the opener to needing minor surgery to being on IR within a few hours and as a fan you're wondering what you missed (I know Angelo's situation is a different thing and I'm not implying that Roscoe's injury is the same scenario). I'm excited to see Leodis and Hardy, but Roscoe just has that special ability to make a play when needed - that's what we're going to miss.
  17. That's where he's proving to be very vluable - being able to stick his man and making the stop at the point of contact without needing to wait for help, often against someone bigger than himself - those are the plays that stop drives and give your team another shot to put together an offensive drive.
  18. And now the burned timeout because we can't even get a damn play in - that's going to come back and kill us...
  19. Are we the only team in the NFL too stupid to quickly snap the ball and run a play when it could be a review to go against us?
  20. About the only thing I was rooting for in that game was a large meteroite to take out the stadium and the fans of both teams.... In all seriousness, though - I kind of like everyone talking about the Jets. Let them take all the media spotlight and the scrutiny that goes with it. I'd much prefer to fly under the radar and not have to put up with any sort of media hype. I know the Bills are a solid team - I don't really care who else knows or talks about them.
  21. I remember trying to keep up with what ws happening via the Net and none of the news sites was loading - just too much traffic. I called my wife and she told me that one of the towers fell - I just couldn't believe it. A plane hit a building and as unbelieveable as that was, it was clearly physically possible. It happened a second time and you knew it was purposeful. But when the building collapsed it didn't register that it could even happen. In 1993 a huge bomb went off, blowing away many levels of a parking garage and while the intent was to topple the building, it didn't even make in impact on the building structurally speaking - how could something tht big, somethng that could have survived a hurricane or earhquake could have come down. It still barely registers.
  22. A new record low in the history of posting here. Words fail me.
  23. Got my hands on the full album today and it sounds pretty solid. Its already growing on me, much faster than St. Anger did. Heavy but more structured than the last. Shortest song is 5:01, longest clocks in at 9:57 and there is an instrumental track.
  24. Carson Palmer and T.J. Housh - I know Baltimore has a solid defense, but passing for only 99 yards? WTF?
  25. I guess I'll show my age clearly by selecting 2 beauties from the mid 80's (can you tell when I was 14?): Vanessa Williams - and she's got a great voice Kathy Ireland - those eyes! Some of today's ladies are nice, but in general they're too damn skinny! I'll take a healthy looking woman over some starving waif anyday...
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