I'd take a year or 2 or rebuilding at this point if it meant that we'd have some real change (hell - we've been rebuilding for damn near a decade now - what's another year or two?).
Unfortunately, I see the same old mediocrity in the next two years - some hit and miss draft picks, a coach that can't seem to get the team to win more than 8 games, and a quarterback that shows some signs but ultimately isn't the answer.
2 years from now we'll be gladly waving goodbye to Trent knowing he's not the guy, we'll have some excitement about the next kid who's looked decent in a few games, we'll be excited about some of the young players on our teams, and we'll watch our star players reach the end of their contracts and sign with other teams, all while wondering why we can't get to double digit wins - it's a frickin' broken record - the same story we've had for 9 years.