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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. I thik the inactivity is just that - inactivity. I'm not sure how gung-ho Russ is about finding someone to be his peer or possibly even boss. Ralph is in his nineties and let's face it - most old guys don't act fast on anything (just look how long it took to fire Jauron). The Bills always seem to justify the lack of change by saying that they don't want to upset the applecart in some way - they wanted "continuity" so they held on to a shlub like Jauron way too long. They are probably telling themselves that they don't want to risk the Bills having a "magical" 6 win season by doing anything that would distract the team prior to the end of the season, meanwhile other teams are acting and the Bills could easily end up with a bunch of also-rans for coach and GM by not aggressively pursuing people NOW. The logic of the organization just boggles my mind....
  2. 2008 was the worst for me - considering the start we had and the fact that NE was without Brady we had a golden opportunity to finally do something and we choked like we've never choked before. Then we hear that Jauron got an extension despite going 0-6 in the division and losing 8 of his last 10 and it just made you want to jump off a bridge....
  3. Se also: Losman, J.P.
  4. QB can't wait another year, not that the options to fix it right away are very good. Fitzpatrick is at best a backup - always has been, always will be - what the Bills saw in him for anything other than a clip board holder always escaped me. Trent is just like JP - he just doesn't have it and has no business playing QB in the NFL. It won't suprise me if he has to do what JP did and leave the league to find his next gig. Brohm is unknown, but I don't get a great feeling about a guy who didn't make it off the PS in GB behind a rookie 5th round draft pick. Even if he comes in and playes well for the last 2 games of the season I'm terrified of the Rob Johnson syndrome - anoininting a guy as "quarterback of the future" based on a couple of good games... Without an adequate QB this team is going nowhere - NOWHERE. I'm not saying you need to have the next Peyton Manning to be successful, but you need someone who is at least an adequate NFL quarterback - the Bills don't have one because our front office talent evaluation is abysmal. God this team is in a huge hole - amazing considering how much time we've had to rebuild since we were last worth a damn....
  5. As soon as he said it the commish called and had him fired - that's why they went to commercial....
  6. I'm sure al the Philly fans watching loved it. Oh, wait, Philly fans aren't watching this garbage....
  7. Why the F^&%! would you show THAT NFL highlight? A play AGAINST Buffalo, but not even a Pats game - that's a big F.U. to Bills fans watching....
  8. Actually, I'd prefer to see someone who has at least some shred of business playing QB in the NFL, but we haven't had one of those on the team in years.....
  9. Just give it to them!
  10. Typical Bills - running game is going well and has to be abandoned due to penalties. Soon it will have to be abandoned due to the score. Great stuff.
  11. About the only case you stand of winning in these situations are that you were fired because of your membership in some protected class - race, gender, diability, age, etc. and even then you're gonna have one heck of a time proving that.
  12. Actually, as a private company (Fidelity is one of the few financial institutions that is privately held) operating in a right to work state, they can pretty much fire you for any reason at any time - there is no case here. As another poster mentioned, it's common knowledge at Fiedlity that thus type of stuff (fantasy football, weekly pick 'ems, March Madness pools, Super Bowl squares) are things they consider gambling and you can and will be fired for it. From what I understand it doesn't even have to involve money (i.e. a free fantasy league) for Fidelity to consider it a form of gambling and because they are in the business of investing people's retirement finds thay have zero tollerance for anything that gives the appearance that their employees gamble.
  13. Nah, I say we hold out for JP Flowers, LB from Coe College - classic "tweener" with a high motor.....
  14. He wants a flag? Does a flag EVER get thrown there? Go pound sand, ya ^&%%$!
  15. We are setup nicely for another 1 point, 4th quarter loss.....
  16. For a Harvard guy Fitz sure makes some STUPID decisions....
  17. Ladies and gentlemen, your Bills Pro Bowl representitive, punter Brian Moorman.....
  18. Time for Wegman's to hold the "You be the Bills QB" promotion - hell, just about anybody could do what Fitz is doing
  19. Wow - KC's as bad as us when it comes to clock management to end the half....
  20. Not a fan of all the jukes either, but the ball was not well thrown, he had to turn back for it and that killed him....
  21. as beat up as our O-line...
  22. Outstanding play by a terrible scrub QB - good Lord, is Fitz really the best we have?
  23. Both teams 3 and out - this could be one of the worst games in the history of the NFL by the time it's over...
  24. My favorite episode has to be when everyone realizes that Michael is wearing a woman's suit.... Lady Suit Clip
  25. We got mauled in the trenches on both sides of the ball - that's the story. No time for a medicore QB to throw, no holes for the running game, and then on the other side unable to stop the run and giving up tons of 10+ yard plays. Terrible, just terrible.
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