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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. Good Lord - who wants to lose more?
  2. Losers find ways to lose and the Bills are just a bunch of sorry a$$ losers
  3. Does anyone believe the Bills come out of this with anything other than yet another heartbreaking loss?
  4. Fitz is a loser - plain and simple.
  5. 4 games? Seriously? You're willing to get excited about a guy being a franchise quarterback and being able to address other areas where we lack talent because Fitzpatrick has 4 decent games? I can show you a whole slew of games where he's been well below average. Jumping to conclusions kills this teams and it's fans. Off to a 5-1 start? Sign Dick Jauron up for a big extension NOW! If this organization and its fans start thinking the quarterback problem is solved after 4 games then they'll get exactly what they deserve when it doesn't pan out. Can't wait to see what people are saying at the end of the season.....
  6. I hate to rain on anyone's parade, but as I recall we once thought our quarterback problems were solved when we saw a guy have a really good game - he played for the Jaguars and his name was Rob Johnson - I think you know how that turned out. I'd love it if we actually had a solid quarterback on our hands, but I need to see consistently solid play before I'm willing to believe that Fitzpatrick will serve the Bills any better than the last 5 guys or so......
  7. Wow - I've seen posts just begging for flme responses, but saying Creed is underrated really sets new standards in flamability. I'm going to get my flame suit and marshmallows........
  8. He'll make a a nice Bills RB when we draft him 4 years from now after passing up QB and OT yet again. We can feed him the ball 5 times a game and wonder why he's not helping the Bills get back to the playoffs after 15 years.......(on the plus side, he's one of a half dozen top return guys we have on the team).
  9. Only problem is that he has nowhere near the money needed to be a majority owner of a team. In 2006 his reported net worth was $346 million - not bad until you consider even a small market team like the Bills is worth at least twice that. If you look at who owns NFL teams you are talking about multi-billionaires. Then there's the whole exclusive club thing where it's not just a matter of having the money but who you are - someohow I don't see a bunch of old white guys who made their money building in industry really wanting a famous rapper/entertainer joining their club. It's like Chris Rock joked about the difference between rich and wealthy: Shaq is rich - the white guy who signs Shaq's check is WEALTHY.......
  10. Metallica - The Day That Never Comes Waiting for the one! The day that never comes! When you stand up and feel the warmth! But the sunshine never comes! No the sun shine never comes. Push you cross that line, Just stay down this time. Hide in yourself, Crawl in yourself, You'll have your time.
  11. Yeah, a guy who loves the spotlight, hanging with celebrities and taking in the nightlife - I'm sure Buffalo is right at the top of the list of places he wants to go..... ...did I mention that we are probably years away from even being competitive and don't pay huge contracts? Yes indeed, if I had a nickle for ever reason a guy like that would want to come to Buffalo....I'd have exactly ZERO nickles......
  12. Neither is surrounding them with guys who aren't NFL caliber and putting together a team that's not even competitive, but that doesn't seem to stop the Bills. The Buffalo Bills - you don't come here, you end up here.
  13. I get a lot of people giving me condolences and trying to put a good light on it - after the NE game they said things like "They played a good game - look at how many points they put up against us - they could have won". I feel like they were giving me a participation medal for the Special Olympics because we tried hard and now they are expecting me to get on the short bus and get the hell out of here..... This from people who know next to nothing about football and couldn't name any players on the team beyond Brady, Welker and Moss......
  14. Not sure what you really get - sounds like you spend over $600 before you get anything at all. I had a home warranty that the real estate agent threw in for free when I bought my house. I used it when my furnace died the first year. Luckily there were no HVAC guys in their network near me so I got to pick my own. In reading the fine print the warranty said it would not cover my situation - the part that I needed to fix my furnace was no longer made so I needed a whole new one. I got lucky and somehow they agreed to a new furnace but the unit was so crappy my guy refused to put it in - said it would last 2 years tops before it died and was a POS. I was able to get the money that the crappy one cost and apply it to a better one and it's been running fine for the last 10 years. I was lucky in that I got some benefit and the warranty cost me nothing, but when it came time to renew you better believe I let that sucker lapse. Gotta read the fine print to see what is/isn't covered and then ask yourself how likely it is that you're going to get more than $600 out of it...
  15. I'd like to see them explain that if they let a fire go and outside of their judgement it did spread to other properties and/or create a risk to lives. Fire is not something you mess around with - it IS a public safety issue. If it's big enough to burn down a house it's certainly big enough to hurt someone, even if you don't think it will. Simply put, it's a stupid idea to let it burn if you can put it out.
  16. Woo Hoo - as long as they're "good players" in the eyes of the front office I suppose I don't really care that they take up salary cap money and roster spaces but don't contribute anything on the field. Good Lord - that's the type of attitude that kills us - our willingness to see guys who don't produce in a game stick around because they embody the attitude and leadership the team wants in their players - WTF? If you want a good lockerroom attitude hire a consultant, get some Tony Robbins tapes, try accupuncture but don't give a 31 year old converted linebacker who can't produce a roster spot and $6 million a year - we need players, not guys you keep based on attitude.
  17. As Cartman said after showing the entire class his photo with Butters and learning Kyle really DIDN'T have it..... "lame" Hoping for better next week.......
  18. Not buying the town line argument - do EMS services stop at the town line? I don't see how this is much different - it is a public safety issue and falls within the common good of the municipality. Yeah, they may be rural, but obviously not rural enough to not make any fire service impractical - the neighbors were overed (if you have a cabin way out in the wilds of Montana or Alaska I can see your point). The problem is that nobody wants to do what should be done and actually tax people to provide this type of service. I can bet some tax cutting politicians cut the service so that each person in town could save $23 a year and anybody who thought about doing the right thing and taxing for it would have been blasted as some evil monster who wanted to raise your taxes. This is what happens when you let politics dictate public safety policy and have people who believe the only benefits government should provide are those they directly use, common good be damned.
  19. Yes, but at what point do things stop being "a la carte"/use based and fall into that category of government services covered under "for the common good"? People like to complain about taxes and how government should be incredibly small and then forget about the unseen givernment services that benefit them on a dily basis - the streets/stoplights/bridges you use to get to the airport, the cops/EMS folks who would attend to you if you had an accident on the way there, the FDA inspectors who made sure that sausage in your McMuffin wasn't rancid, the air traffic controller who makes sure your flight doesn't crash into another, the TSA guy who screens your bag and keeps the guns out, the CDC folks who tracks/warns you and fellow travelers if an epidemic flu is spreading....the list goes on and on...... You COULD pay for everything on an as-used basis is you lived in some sort of Milton Friedman utopia, but it's simply not practical and in the long run, I don't think it would be any cheaper or more equitable. Certain things exist for the common good and should be funded via everyone's taxes regardless of use - I think firefighting and public safety fall into that category, but maybe I'm just some sort of rabid Marxist pinko.........
  20. I'd hold out for Betty White, or at least Abe Vigoda.....
  21. At least Ko Simpson is worth millions.....
  22. Looks like one of the homeowner's relatives wasn't too happy about the situation - went to the fire house, found the chief and punched him out: Tempers Flare
  23. I'll see you on the Mass Pike then - my brother is taking the redeye from San Fran and I'm picking him up at Logan and driving out on Saturday. I'm much more excited to get to see my brother and having some good Buffalo food than I am about seeing the Bills...
  24. Beer was 7 years ago - I think most Bills fans have now progressed to mainlining oxycontin and injecting it right into their necks or experimenting with horse tranquilizers while practicing autoerotic asphixiation - things get bad after 10 years you know......
  25. Judas Priest selling minivans - even the commercials are ugly.....
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