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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. Would it kill the Bills to ever start a press conference on time?
  2. Video feed access denied - too manu users - awsome!
  3. Anyone want to bet that the Titans schedule a 1:15 presser?
  4. I'm sure one of those conditions is that whenever the wife arrives at the airport Wanny has to pick her up AND carry her bags....
  5. That's when you drive him out to the Meadowlands and leave when Clemenza says, "Leave the gun. Take the jersey".
  6. This is like picking up your prom date and she makes you wait 3 days because she's trying to get a better date. It's pretty clear he doesn't want to play here if he hasn't signed by now. What makes it more depressing is that if it falls through it's won't be because of anything the Bills did, but because we just aren't attractive enough, even if we pony up top dollar. Makes you wonder if there's anything we can do to compete for top free agents - if it's not money there aren't a lot of other factors that can quickly change.
  7. Seriously dude - take her bag - you're trying to impress her and you make her carry her own bag......
  8. If this deal doesn't happen it shows that the Bills can't be contenders for top talent, regardless of their ability to pay - they have actually sunk so low that they can't get out of the hole - if you can't get the talent you can't contend and if you can't win you can't get the talent - catch-22
  9. He won't do that - he loves that fish.
  10. Awesome, now all we have to do it outbid other teams in need of receiving talent - show him more money and more opportinity to win than he's going to get anywhere else - we do that all the time. Oh, wait.........
  11. I love it. Living in Boston and facing a day amongst gloating Patriot fans, most of whom don't know a stunt from a zone blitz (hell most could't even tell you what a tight end does on the field), I'm reveling in the loss. As soon as the game ended and they went to commercials the first spot we saw here in Boston was for Dunkin Donuts (naturally) that started out asking, "Hey Patriots fans, what are you drinking?" to which I instantly souted back "Tears! Cups of bitter, bitter tears - ha!" - damn that felt good....
  12. What, he doesn't like the Ritz Carlton Buffalo? Maybe the Four Seasons then?
  13. Sadly, when Uncle Billy went to make the deposit it slipped out of his newspaper and right into the hands of Old Man Potter and the business was nearly destroyed.....
  14. Please tell me you at least knew the correct answer was NOT "donkey punch"...... This Guy Didn't
  15. The reasons players don't come to Buffalo are many, but they seem to be a perfect storm when factored together. In case you haven't noticed, players don't come to Buffalo - they end up here. Think TO came to Buffalo because he wanted to? How about Merriman? No - each of those big name players came because they didn't have other choices - nobody else made TO an offer and Merriman was claimed off waivers. They guys who come here willingly are the lower tier or middle of the road guys that manage to get bigger contract here than they could elsewhere, and that's only when the front office feels the need to spend some money - Walker, Dockery, Brad Smith. The reasons people don't come to Buffalo (in order of how they rank in importance): 1 - Lack of competitiveness - Buffalo is not a good team - haven't been one in ages. Your chance of a championship here are just about nill right now. There is very little forward momentum in getting better, and we play in a division where all of our opponents are committed to winning and spending - they have better teams and better budgets. Think we'll beat NE for a division title anytime soon? Heck, even when Brady was out for a season we still finished last and went 0-2 against them. Even when NE falls from dominance it probably won't be Buffalo knocking them from the top and taking their place. 2 - Pay - Buffalo does not sign bigtime players to bigtime contracts - name me one top free agent with plenty of options who came to Buffalo because they got the best payday - you can't because it hasn't happened 3 - Bad football decisions - OK, so you aren't as effective in luring free agents as you want - there's still the draft, right? When you blow pick after pick (guys who HAVE to come here) on busts (Maybin, Leodis, Hardy, Troup, etc.) you don't build any forward momentum towards building a competitive program - see f#1 above. Throw in some poor coaching decisions and you end up with coaches more committed to a scheme than the personnel they have to run it - guys don't play up to their potential. Ever wonder why some guys have a career rebirth once they move on to another organization? 4 - City/weather - I love Buffalo - wish I still lived there. People are absolutely the best. Cost of living is affordable. Has a small town community feel without being a small town. There are things to do. Great place to raise a family - glad I was raised there. BUT - Buffalo is not a top rate city. It's not NYC, Washington, Dallas, San Diego or even Minneapolis. If you're a young man in his 20s living the life of a well paid athlete, are you really excited to be in Buffalo? Not much for bright lights and nightlife. If you want to live your life like a rap music video Buffalo ain't the place. Oh, and if you played ball at Miami, Clemson, LSU, USC, etc. I hope you like a stiff breeze off the lake and some lake effect snow when its 15 degrees - that's a special bonus (did I mention the stadium in NOT a dome?). I know the same things can be said for Green Bay - but they are competitive (see reason #1 above). Buffalo desperately needs to become more competitive, but to do that they can only control so much. The 2 things they can control to help get them out of this rut are pay and better football decisions, 2 things in which the Bills have failed continually over the past decade.Until that changes we'll continue to get a repeat of the same old same old year in and year out - we'll win a few games but in the grand scheme of the NFL we are completely irrelevant.
  16. Wow - was always a huge Dio fan and the more I listen to Sabbath the more I understand what a guitar legend Iommi really is. Seeing him on stage making it look easy - like all the greats do.........
  17. It's really up to the insurance company who underwrote the insurance Kroger had out on the thing - if the insurance decides not to pay then Kroger has to pony up the full $10K or get the bad PR - bad spot to be in.....
  18. Nominated - 3 years ago. Amazing how relevant it still is..... The Day That Never Comes
  19. OK - you would have still had your moral victory, but the record books would show otherwise....
  20. You'd be surprised. I had to submit to a background check for some work at the U.S. Mint and one of the questions on the form was what was my Selective Service number - my first thought was "how the &^*%! do I know - that was 25 years ago". Fortunately there is a website where you can get your number - damned if I was going to find I card I had in my wallet from 25 years ago......
  21. Thankfully we didn't score more points than we did in Sunday's debacle - if we had and New England scored 49 unanswered points to come back and win they would have robbed us of the greatest comback in history.....
  22. I sat up there for a game once - literally the last row in the stadium. We were up so it made you kind of dizzy, even if height isn't a problem for you. The running joke we had (and still have to this day) is "Sir, please don't touch the blimp".
  23. Have we learned nothing as Bills fans yet? Let's see - no sooner have we gotten rid of the last schlub we get all excited when the current guy shows some measure of promise and goes on a short hot streak. We start convincing ourselves that he has the talent to be the quarterback to take us to the next levels. He's not average or below average - he's an above average guy who is only going to get better as he gets healthier and more experienced players around him (next year). We spend the next 2-3 seasons realizing this guy really ISN'T any better than the below average QB the rest of the league thought he was until it's undeniable to everyone - even the biggest Buffalo homres. Then and only then do we sever ties with said QB and move onto the next guy we got via late round draft pick/undrafted free agent/QB everyone else already gave up on. Our previous guy, if lucky, will find a roster spot as a 2nd or 3rd stringer on another team (which he where he was destined to play) and our new guy has now won 3 games in a row so we're back to being all giddy about how our QB problems are solved. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
  24. I can independently verify the passing out story. We went to the East Coast Grill right after it opened (it was summer, 1994) and my buddy who loves hot food ordered the "Fiery Lo Mein From Hell" - about a pound of lo mein noodles covered in some really evil sauce - it was an appetizer. He started digging into this dish, stopping only to say "Wow - this is REALLY hot" multiple times. He ate about half of it, then stopped - dinner was stil coming. The main course shows up and John is just sitting there saying, "Wow - that was REALLY hot" when suddenly his eyes roll back into his head and he goes face first into the pate of food in front of him - it was like something out of a Kevin James movie. He's out for about 30 seconds, then comes to. The ambulance is on the way. I take John out back because the body's natural reaction to being "poisoned" like that is to "purge". My brother meets the paramedics and tells them all is OK. John is mortified and very quiet the rest of the night. It was a very weird night.....
  25. Looks pretty simple to me - they aren't looking at the names, just the addresses. The names can be challenged (and will be, I'm sure) but I don't think there's any way the state could effectively verify each name to an address at the time the hundreds of thousands of signatures are turned in - they'll accept them and then strike any that are challenged and found to be bogus.
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