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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. The ALBUM is Reign in Blood - the song is Raining Blood.
  2. I'd have to disagree on Slayer, Maiden and Pantera (and Metallica from a previous post). Having seen each band more than a dozen times I can tell you a signature song would be something you've seen them play every time you see them, so my choices would be: -Slayer - Angel of Death or Raining Blood -Maiden - The Trooper -Pantera - Walk (Cemetery Gates is popular, but really a much different song than most of their other stuff) -Metallica - Fade to Black
  3. I really like the bison as well, but it's running more than $9 a pound when I see it. Great flavor, but man - don't cook it too long - it dries and crumbles - if you like well done burgers skip the bison - you'll ruin it.
  4. I was in the first couple of rows dead center when Metallica played Monsters Of Rock at Rich Stadium in 1988 - great show. Multiple shows over the years where i've been right up front in the pit. I have 4th row seats for Mayhem Fest (Slayer/Slipknot/Motorhead) in August - can't wait! As much as in a metal guy, my wife got me into Springsteen and you're right - the guy brings it every show and is always awesome to see - you always feel like you're setting the best show he's ever done - not to be missed.
  5. Kinda like Fox News scoffs at global warming every time there's a snow storm or cold spell in the midwest? They certainly are quiet when it gets hot, though.......
  6. Nope - didn't misinterpret - just saying the push at a lot of companies, perhaps yours as well, came from when the big boss got an iPhone and insisted that he get his e-mail on it - amazing how fast those IT guys suddenly came up with ways to make it happen...
  7. I'm guessing that more than a year ago your comany's CEO or other c-level exec went to your IT guys and said, "I have an iPhone, I don't want to carry it AND a BB, so make it happen". IT may not have liked it, but Apple and Android made great strides to satisfy the corporate IT folks' concerns so when the big boys wanted it they go it and BB fell from its perch......
  8. As my HS physics teacher always used to say, "Yeah - most of the stuff we study isn't ever going to get you better toothpaste...."
  9. If anyone want to relive seasons 1 and 2 of the Walking Dead, AMC has a marathon coming up this weekend starting Saturday 7/7 - all 6 episodes of season 1 and 13 of season 2.... Good time to catch up (I haven't seen season 2 yet), or become a new fan of this show.....
  10. They have Sabbath, but no Iron Man? Hell, even if you don't like metal you know that riff.....
  11. Every year at this time it seems like ther's excitement, and I understand - as fans we all desperately want the team to do well and at this point in the season we're as good as anyone else - 0-0. It's fun to be excited an optimistic. But I have to laugh at how many times fans are polled in May and 80% think the coming season will have us better than .500, and damn near 50% think the Bills will have double digit wins - that's optimism for a team that's had 1 winning season in the past dozen. I agree that this offseason has been particularly exciting with some additions that look really good - who can't be excited about our defensive line? But in all honesty I'm still trying to temper my optimism - the thought of getting all hyped up in May for a team that finishes with 7 wins or less AGAIN makes me want to puke - I'm not doing it. After so many years of getting my hopes up I think being on the pessimistic side is a natural defense - easier to start negative and have the Bills over-perform than the get all crazy and have them crush you when they go on an 6 game skid. Anyway, so much is unknown. How will players perform in the system? Who will get hurt? With some key injuries (Fitz, offensive line, receiver) we could be in some real trouble - surely you remember the days when they Bills couldn't move the ball to save their lives - what if we had Thigpen throwing to Clowney with UFA's at the tackle spots? Nope - you can call me a cranky old man all you want but I'm not going to get worked up until the season starts and the team shows me something on the field - for now its all hype....
  12. I bought season 4 on DVD when it came out and one of the extras was a special on how they made the finale - almost an hour's worth going through the final scene and how they did it all - it was really cool.......
  13. What's the blue book value of the car? What would you get for it if you would sell it privately, what's the value you would get as a trade in and what would it cost for you to buy a similar car? What is the recommended scheduled maintenance for some of you bigger, more expensive things like replacing the timing belt? How much is that going to cost you? Even if nothing else goes wrong you'll either have to do the maintenance or suffer the consequences of these things wearing out. You should also be able to do some digging online and find out what things typically need repair on your exact year and model car. In the end you'll have to judge how much it'll cost you to keep it with all the known repairs (plus what you think may unexpectedly need reairs) vs. what it would cost to replace vs. what you can get for it by selling. I was lucky - when my 11 year old Outback died it died a certain death - blew the head gasket and the repair was way more than the car was worth so it was a no brainer to get another vehicle. If you don't have such a clear cut case it's hard to figure out what you should do but looking at the numbers should help.
  14. My surround system is 58.8 and i'm typing this on my phone that has 9G service. When I buy a track on iTunes it goes right to my brain and I can play it whenever I want - no headphones required (just beware suing like Achy Breaky Heart - if they get stuck you're screwed).
  15. Sadly, the project was canned when Reitman realized that the man he envisioned to play Buddy Nix, Slim Pickens, died in 1983......
  16. As a beekeeper I can tell you that getting free bees by capturing a swarm is nice - especially when you have all summer to build that hive up so it will survive the winter. If you get a swarm in late August it's pretty much a sure thing that the hive won't have enough time to prepare for winter. If you bought a queen and enough bees to start a hive it would cost you $75, and you can usually only get them early in the spring. Sadly, this year one of my hives swarmed - I think it grew so fast that the colony decided it had to split in 2 so there was room for everyone. Unfortunately it happened a few days after I got home from the hospital after having knee replecement surgery, so there was absolutely nothing I could do except call my neighbors and ask them not to freak out if they saw a swarm. Unless those bees found a really good natural home they won't make it through the winter - few ferral hives do very well.
  17. I can't imagine getting used to it. Maybe it's because I'm a Buffalo boy, but I'm never going to be able to live anywhere where temps get like this on a regular basis - I can't deal with it at all. I'll shovel my driveway for the rest of my life - at least I can put on some warm boots and a sweater, but I refuse to stew in my own juices while doing nothing more than sitting down and tring to breathe air that feels as heavy as molassas....
  18. As others have said, there are no words at a time like this....as you have felt helpless to help your daughter we also feel somewhat helpless about what we can do - all we can say is that we are here if you need us and pray for the best for you and your family... There are times when the world just isn't fair - for one family to have been hit so hard with such horrible tragedy. You may not see it now, but understand how strong you and your family are - every day you continue on and go through this you impress us all with your strength - I hope one day you realize how strong you are and can appreciate it - not everybody has that type of strength.
  19. I missed this thread as well - not sure how I did that. As a parent of a child born with a very severe congenital heart defect, I can certainly remember the stress of waiting to delivery a baby with a serious heart condition. My son was diagnosed with Hyploplastic Left Heart Syndrome before he was born - essentially it meant that he was born with only half a heart - the left side never developed and he did not have a functioning left ventrical (the main pump to the body). It was incrediby difficult to wait for the birth - on the one hand you're so excited and so joyful to bring your new baby into the world and at the same time utterly terrified about the unknown and what could happen. Wost of all is the feeling that you are powerless - it is completely out of your control - there is nothing you can do except to be in the best hospital with the best doctors. You ask questions now about what will be, and quite frankly there are no answers - difficult to deal with that situation. My son had his first open heart surgery before he was even 48 hours old. His first surgery took 8 hours and for most of it his was on bypass meaning his heart was not beating. When he returned from the OR he had so many wires and tubes in him that you could barely see him through all of it. We could pick him up and hold him but first we had to manage all of the various lines and wires - it was quite amazing. There's not much to prepare you for an experience like that - a newborn goinig for cardiac surgery - there really are no words to describe except emotional and intense. We went through the process twice more - 2 more open heart surgeries when he was 5 months old and again when he was 2 - all were very stressful. BUT, I'm happy to say that everything was successful and we are far removed from those dark days. My son's cardiac health used to be an all-consuming cloud hanging over us - he's now 7 and I'm happy to say that I don't often even think about his heart (I almost feel guilty saying that). I wish I had some fantastic words of wisdom having been through a similar situation, but I don't. All I can say is that you get through it. Good things can and do happen - my son is proof. Medical technology is amazing - the things they can do never cease to amaze. Brace yourself, dig in, use whatever resources you have available to you - family, friends, support groups, communication with parents who have similar children. Stay strong for you and your wife - you can't imagine how much you'll need each other. IM me if I can help or you want to talk.
  20. John Caparulo Aziz Ansari Doug Stanhope Robert Schimmel RIP Greg Berhrendt Brian Posehn
  21. Charged with malicious castration? There's a statute specific to castration? Is there a statute against non-malicious castraion? Who decides if it's malicious?
  22. Season 4 just released on DVD today - $19.99 on Amazon.
  23. Living in a small apartment in NYC and watching the game on TV. I was obviously pissed as hell watching that drubbing -you all know the misery. Nice guy that I am, I shared the misery with my wife (actually my girlfriend then). I finally couldn't take it any more - just shut off the TV and starting going off on the Bills. Because it was a small apartment and my wife couldn't get away from me, she made me turn the TV back on so at least my attention would be focused on the TV - BEST. MOVE. EVER. There are numerous reasons I made that woman my wife, but her forcing me to turn the TV back on ranks high on the list.....
  24. It could also be a dress they sold previously but is no longer available - I remember getting some gear on EBay for my twins when they were born and that had things (official) that were not for sale at the Bills store or on NFL.com - some of it I liked even better than what was currently being sold by the Bills/NFL.
  25. Exactly - all the dude needs now is a cowboy hat and bomb to ride.......
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