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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. 2 factors take away the impact of the ads featuring hungry kids that I don't think you get in the animal ads: 1 - For me there is some skepticism about how much of my money would actually go to that hungry kid - seems like there are lots of people between me and him, including people putting together glitzy advertising for future campaigns and government officials that need to be bribed to actually let aid get to those who need it - I don't really feel that with the animal ads 2 - The thought that the hungry kid is actually being used in some way - I remember feeling pretty negative about the Christian Children's fund - not because I hate christians, but because I felt their real mission was to ensure the hungry kid was educated about christianity. Looking at that hungry kid, religion was the least of his worries - he needs food and water - I'm not really concerned about what god he prays to. I kind of got the feeling that the main goal was getting christian converts in the third world - the benefit for joing up was that you got needed food - doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies.
  2. Seemed like a threat to me, same as his warning to Jesse about the last guy who tried to cook by himself (Victor) getting too close to the sun.... Not sure if people saw it, but the special preview for next week's show that aired while Small Town Security was on show Walt's birthday breakfast where Sklay arranged his bacon to show 51 - we now know that the opening scene from S5 E1 happened a year out....
  3. I hate it when people look at something and immediately complain that it is phallic - face it - some things are shaped that way - like communication towers - building it in the shape of an octagon won't work. I remember a lecture I sat through once in college where the professor went on and on about ICBMs being phallic and an expression of male aggression - I guess she never took physics or ever heard of aerodynamics and that missiles actually fly best when shaped like missiles....
  4. The same thing happened to Fabio at Busch Gardens in 1999 - a bird nailed him in the face at 73mph
  5. Obviously you're not familiar with loopholes for gun shows and private sales....
  6. Depends on your scoring system but runing backs are almost always more valuable than any other position in fantasy - by valuable I mean what's the drop off in talent between what you would get now vs. what you would get the next time you picked. Given that so few teams seem to employ a workhorse back who gets all of the carries, between the 20s AND in the red zone, RB is pretty much going to be your best bet. Rodgers is a great fantasy QB, but the drop off between him and the #10 qb isn't going to be nearly as huge as between Foster/Rice and the #10 RB.
  7. THIS - MUSKRAT LOVE Seriously, how can a song about 2 swamp rats falling in love NOT be the WORST FRIGGIN SONG EVER CREATED? I heard it playing in the grocery store last week and seriously wanted to hurt myself or others. I had forgotten that they actually had a part in there where they had cutesy muskrat chirping - good God - listining to a small nasty rodent chirp with sqeals of delight over being in love with another similar rodent? Katie Perry and Nickleback are friggin' geniuses compared to that........
  8. I'm here - sorry - been on vacation and not checking in as frequently. I don't tout the medicinal virtues of honey beyong the throat soothing effects. In theory, honey does contain the types of pollen from the surrounding area and if you believe that further exposure to these pollens can be beneficial, go for it. Just remember - bees only fly a radius of up to 2 miles from the hive, so "local honey" needs to be VERY local. If you get it even from someone 10 miles away it may not contain the same pollen components that you have at your house.
  9. And nobody can kill themselves like that with an AED - those things only shock when they sense ventricular tachycardia (too fast) or ventricular fibrillation (chaotic rythm) - I'm pretty sure it would be damn near impossible to artificially present either of those to an AED just to get it to shock you, but it was an interesting concept.....
  10. Didn't the eye show up in a drawer when Skyler got into Walt's apartment and was looking to get a hold of him?
  11. Beastmode was diving a Ford Econoline van when he was stopped - what was he doing, delivering fish? Dude should be suspended 4 games for lame wheels for someone with a gold grill...
  12. So glad that they picked us to go 7-9 - they also predict the Dolphins will go 7-9....
  13. Love that his last name is St. Bernard - how fitting - a dog known for rescuing people in need........ I imagine he'll be off the job for a bit with that shoulder injury - hope he's not out any pay for that.....
  14. Someone just sent me a link to Hector's Twitter feed - Hillarious! He Tweets Like He Lives
  15. I had seen season 1 on Netflix and got hooked. A friend of mine offered to lend me season 2 to watch while I recovered from knee surgery but never brought the DVDs in - now that I saw it i'm really glad I did not attempt to watch season 2 while on narcotic pain medication - that would not have been good - plenty freaky when you watch with a clear head...
  16. The whole thing is ridiculous. Yes, they should have been made here - dumb move that's getting a lot of bad press. The sad thing is, even if they had a Made in the USA label it wouldn't necessarily mean much - most of the stuff is made American Samoa or Guam which are American territories. Congress passed legislation years ago allowing clothing made there to have Made in the USA tags, even though wages, job rights and safety regulations don't need to conform to U.S. law - a neat little trick the politicians made (and were compensated by corporate friends) that allows China-like labor costs with the appearance of having been made in America by American workers....
  17. They should bring Jane and Gus back as zombies and then merge Breaking Bad with The Walking Dead - think of the savings on Winnebagos......
  18. Wow - now Viacom has pulled free episodes of a bunch of their shows from the Web and they had posted (but seem to have taken down) a picture of Spongebob with the caption "Who lives in a pinneapple under the sea? You don't know because you have DirecTv". They are also claiming DTV "dropped" the channels, which they did SO THEY DIDN'T GET SUED BY VIACOM..... I'm not a fan of either company right now for allowing this to happen and making us suffer through their pissing contest, but this is really infantile behavior for a major corporation on the part of Viacom - they really seem insensitive to their viewers....
  19. I guess that happens when you get drafted 36th overall and only manage 37 catches your first year, and when you become a full time starter the following year and only manage to snag 58 balls - a desperate and disgusted fan base tends to view you as yet another draft bust and maybe aren't so cheery. If Reed had become an impact player on the team or if he'd been a 6th round pick that contributed those types of career stats I think people would have been welcoming, but in a town that lives and breathes football you gotta live up to expectations or indeed you do find out how cold it can be.....
  20. This place is an excellent electronic water cooler - I check in every day to see what Bills news people are talking about as well as other non-Bills topics. There are places to get Bills news, but this place has so many sets of eyes and ears scanning the world for Bills news you're always going to find out what's happening very quickly on The Wall. You also get the stuff that you DON'T get in the new - the stuff that's NOT news yet - rumors about what could happen. And of course you also get the opinions of the fans - what do people really think about what's going on with the Bills. Before this place I used to hang out at the Rochester D&C HyperBills message board. Because it was tied to a commercial operation, the Rochester paper, they had to moderate it fairly tightly. The job usually fell to some kid at the paper who just couldn't police it all - way too much to try and control as a single person. As a result, the D&C just shut the thing down - too much trouble to deal with. Homeless, I dropped a note to Scott suggesting he pick up the torch and add a message board to his site and this place was born. I've been here since the start and when I see how many people have been a part of this place it makes me happy - this place was defintely needed - Kudos to Scott and co. for providing it.....
  21. It's fun for the NFL to dream about a franchise in Toronto, I'm just not sure it's realistic, especially if that team is the Bills. The Bills fan base is essentially Buffalo out to Syracuse (don't get me wrong - I know there are plenty of fans outside of this zone). I'm not sure how many of those fans they keep in Toronto - a long way to go for a game and a hassle, especially now that crossing the border requires passports. If you look at how the games in Toronto have drawn and the fact that this year they even slashed prices, it looks like the appetite for the NFL in southern Ontario isn't so great. If you can't get fans from WNY to come and you can't draw from Ontario, how is a team in Toronto going to fare, especially in a big stadium like Rodgers?
  22. Once again I've lost channels on my TV because the network owner (in this case, Viacom) and the carrier (DirecTv) are in a pissing match about rates. It's not unique to DirecTv, but I sure do hate being a consumer stuck in the middle. Earlier this year DTV got into a fight with the company that owned the NBC and UPN affiliates in Boston and I was without those 2 networks for more than a week - my wife was not pleased because it impacted a bunch of her shows. This new Viacom issue will have the kids upset as they'll lose Nickelodeon and I'll miss out on Comedy Central. When we lose channels my wife always starts complaining that we should ditch DTV despite the fact that we are under contract and its still the only place to get Sunday Ticket. I don't know who's wrong and who's right in the current dispute - I'm guessing both sides are cuplable. What I hate as a consumer is being a pawn in all of this when the two sides can't hammer out a deal in time to avoid this situation. It's not like suddenly both sides looked at the calendar and said, 'wow - looks like our deal expires tomorrow - better start working on a new contract' - they have time to work out a new deal but instead get into a pissing match that impacts us as customers. Considering what we all pay in satellite/cable rates I feel like we are owed a better effort by both sides to keep their fights from impacting us as consumers. I have enough stress in my life without having to come home at the end of the day to a wife and kids upset that they can't watch the shows they want, and for this I pay over $100 a month? Anybody else upset with this situation?
  23. They better position the mourners and pall-bearers just right or it'll take forever for the casket to make it into the grave when the flip on the power.....
  24. Songs - Hell Awaits by Slayer or F'ing Hostile by Pantera....... Seriously, I agree with other posters that a classic might be a good idea - soemthing you'll hear from time to time on the radio or at an event - it's nice to heary your song once in awhile and even after being married 16 years we still hear ours (Clapton's Wonderful Tonight) - if you pick something trendy you may never hear it again.... I also agree with the sentiment to wait on the kids - take some time to be married and live as a couple before your lives totally change - enjoy time together, travel - once you have kids that'll be difficult until you're older. Compromise on things but also know which things each of you have that are very important and are hard to compromise on. Being a rabid Bills fan is tough - nobody in my family understand how important my Sundays are except my wife - it's easy for people to say "oh come on - it's just a game" but my wife knows it's important to me and won't ask me to compromise there unless it's really important.
  25. I guess that isn't my definition of signature song. My definition is a song that is not only popular with FANS (real fans of the artist, not just some folks who liek a song or 2), but also representitive of their sound - I think it goes beyond a song that is just the most recognizable. Case in point - Quessryche's biggest commercial success was Silent Lucidity, but is nothing like any of their other stuff - to say it is their signature song would be laughable. But, lots of top 40 people bought the album in 1991 and were probably surprised that all the other tracks were a lot heavier - I know when I saw them on the Empire Tour in 1991 there were people there who came thinking they whole show was going to be Silent Lucidity type music and were wondering what the hell was going on when Geoff Tate started belting out Queen of the Reich...
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