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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. Championship! I know the Bills have a plan, but so far we've released our top 2 tacklers from last season and re-signed a backup guard - way to fire up the fan base.... i know, I know, we need to do some rebuilding and get on the right track and the new regime is going to do it - this time it's going to be different - really.....
  2. Awww, why don't we have cheerleading coaches like that in Springfield? Stupid Shelbyville cheerleading coaches.......
  3. I was really hoping they were going to sing ME as their next 3rd/4th string QB - I can be inactive and watch games with the best of 'em and my clipboard holding skills are second to none......
  4. Solving weak coffee with the reusable should be simple - put more coffee in! All the pre-measured ones calling themselves "extra bold" just mean that they use slightly more coffee in the cup than others. I like pretty strong coffe and the reusable has worked well for me - Peet's french roast - wow that stuff is awesome! I'm glad I have the reusuable system - it slows me down just a bit - if I was just dropping in a new cup every time I'd probably drink WAAAYY too much - when I first got the machine it was too easy to drink 6 cups a day - gotta limit that.
  5. The reusable k-cups are the way to go - no waste and way cheaper. I love Peet's coffee, but the don't make K-cups. Even though they are one of the pricier brands in the supermarket, the cost is less than half of what regular K-cups would cost. Cleaning in rinsing the reuable cup is no big deal - dump the grounds and rinse - well worth the cost savings. In the interest of full disclosure, I am the only coffee drinker in the house - my wife can't stand coffee. Having a single serve machine is perfact for that situation. I brew a cup as soon as I get up, and another to drink in the car - works well. I do sometimes buy K-cups if I know I'm having company and will want to make a bunch of cups back to back or if I see something interesting in K-cup selection (I bought some cups that make half and half iced/tea lemonade - tasty - I'm saving those for summer).
  6. Actually, I think he's a Gryffindor quidditch fan.....
  7. True that we don't know all the facts yet, but this whole thing is failing the smell test and that's what's got everyone talking. Te'o and his family saying or implying that he had actually met this girl at some point, the apparent hoaxster behind the Twitter accounts being a friend of Te'o - these are really not working to his favor. I'd love it if he was completely innocent, but like I said - it is starting to smell bad.....
  8. First off, kudos to Lance Amstrong for inventing a fake girlfriend and snaring Te'o months ago - that took some real foresight and his genious plan is now paying big dividends - damn that guy is brilliant! Seriously though, if the public believes Te'o was involved in this hoax rather than being a victim (and that seems to be how public opinion is playing out at this point), look out - Hell hath no fury like a public duped. Seriously, people will have more outrage at being duped by something like this than if Te'o was involved in some sort of drunk driving accident - he could probably get away with killing someone easier than he could with inventing a fake girlfriend who died of cancer...
  9. I always thought these were called "retattas" - maybe I'm wrong.........
  10. Ode to Kamil Gettin' the Red Ass.... Copying DVDs
  11. Exactly! I see you've tuned in to the past few - nothing like blowing the afternoon trying to watch discretely from work and nothing happens for a few hours - seriously, who calls a press conference and then can't get anything going for a few hours? It's so comically emblematic of how the Bills operate and how the world views the organization.....
  12. Yes, as I recall the crack A/V squad employed by the Bills has been unable to get a working podium/mic/internet video feed up and running for the last several major press conferences/announcements - most elementary schools have better A/V people....
  13. ESPN just went through a list of 7 GMs around the league and Nix was the only one whose job was leaning safe according to Adam Schefter. In his opinion: Out: AJ Smith SD, Gene Smith Jax, Tom Heckert Cle, Rod Graves Ari Leaning Out: Scott Pioli KC, Mike Tannenbaum NYJ Leaning Safe: Buddy Nix While the above is just Schefter's opinion, the more I think about the poor personnel decisions Nix has made or tolerated under his regime I think it is time to go - I don't have a good feeling about his ability to engineer a rebuilding.....
  14. A special Merry Christmas to the folks who don't get the day off to spend with family - our troops, police, fire, nurses, doctors, truckers, farmers - anyone who keeps things going so the rest of us can enjoy the holiday today...
  15. Remember that this is where we were with Jauron - the fans were screaming for his head and everyone outside of One Bills Drive knew he had to go and they still kept him another year - that's why it would not surprise me if he was actually at the helm next year, despite it being plain as day that he has to go...
  16. What everyone forgets is that NFL ownership is the most exclusive of clubs - not just anyone can join, even if they have the money. The league much preferrs single owners like Jerry Jones/Bob Kraft/Dan Snyder than they do a 50-headed monster of group ownership. Even if you could put together an ownership group as you propose, that group probably wouldn't stand a chance of buying the Bills if they had to compete against a single owner, and unfortunately very few billionaires call WNY home...
  17. Slayer - Disciple ("God Hates Us All") Slayer - Hell Awaits Metallica - The DayThat Never Comes
  18. Awesome! Bring out the cannons!
  19. Wow - isn't that the same complaint you get from a little brother when beating him in Madden?
  20. These are the things that really enhance a company's reputation - you can't buy that type of positive PR - it's good to see that a company that made the extra effort and did something special gets rewarded with a positive story like this.
  21. So close - I was just 5 numbers and the powerball away from hitting it....
  22. Yeah, but it's when a small Asian...oh, never mind - you can rent "Pacific Rim vols 1-27" if you really want to know.....
  23. What's he supposed to say? Mama always said - if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all - not taking about it at all would have been a good move.
  24. Those Brazilians don't mess around. If this is what they think is fun I don't think I ever want to make any of them mad...
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