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The Avenger

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Everything posted by The Avenger

  1. Great article - PT really does a great job of getting stories that are well told. I loved the anecdote about being a junior barber: "He had a shop in our garage, and it was like $7 for a cut from my dad and $5 if you wanted to take a chance with Kordell. "
  2. Finally wished into the cornfield....
  3. The metal detector is great when the security guy says "Sorry Parker, just doing my job" - doesn't even get his name right!
  4. Smith's best play of the night and it was before the ball was even snapped....
  5. I almost feel bad that Giants fans have to watch this with their fate hanging in the balance of these teams
  6. Like every other team in the NFC East
  7. Exactly - tops in a division where the winner will be sub .500 and host a team that will beat the ever-loving stuffing out of them next weekend while some 10 win teams go home- disgraceful
  8. Seeing him on the field is inspirational and I wish him the best but he is not playing well right now.
  9. This second half is like watching WWI trench warfare where ground is gained and lost in very small increments and ultimately it really means nothing. Alex Smith is a great story but he can't move and step into throws and is missing open receivers all over the place.
  10. IVF - very high probability of multiples.....that's why there are so many more twins now than there were 40 years ago.....
  11. It's not about getting the vaccine. It's about LOTS of people getting the vaccine and for the numbers to come way down and for this thing to finally go away - that's going to take some time. Just because you get your shot(s) doesn't mean that you flip a switch and everything magically changes - it's the results the vaccine makes in the broader community that matters.
  12. So why all the money on SF?
  13. Sounds pretty genuine. If you listen to what it said he obviously wanted to compliment the fans and he did it in a bad way so I think the apology sums up what happened - I'm willing cut him a break. Gotta say - one of my best bragging points about my wife is that she can spot a neutral zone infraction - show her a dead ball foul and she'll tell you the guilty party....
  14. One handed pushups are for wimps - I find I get much better results doing one elbow pushups while planking at the same time - arms, chest and core....
  15. The great Sam Adams taking Brady for 6 on opening day..... November 2014 snow moves game to Detroit - snow as high as the field wall around the stadium
  16. Ah yes, the "Fargo-style death" - the one that has you shake your head, rub your eyes and say, WTF just happened? Really?
  17. Yeah - Peter has been gone for some time now and network news is not the way most people get their news anymore. Even as a kid I was a huge newshound (and pre-Internet, network news WAS the way you got he stories of the day) - I was always a big Peter Jennings watcher so the opportunity to work with him on my first job out of school was a thrill...
  18. Working my first job out of school working for ABC News. Living in Manhattan when I wasn't out on the road with Peter Jennings. Fun times.
  19. Especially on a day with absolutely no wind - I don't think I've ever seen the winds so calm in Orchard Park for a game - it was dead calm.
  20. Sadly, all of these are real, luckily they are limited to the UK (although I have seen the Haggis chips at Ocean State)....
  21. Also, IIRC, if you went to the audio option on the DVD and tried to change the language to Hebrew it would launch a "Jew Alert" screen that beeped and warned that the police were coming to round you up as a Jew.
  22. The Borat sequel came out today on Amazon Prime video. I was a big fan of the first movie and the second does not disappoint if you liked the first movie. I can't believe the things Sacha Baron Cohen can get people to do when they don't have a clue - amazing. Several scenes were so cringeworthy that that I almost couldn't watch - how these folks got so badly duped and then put into a movie for all to see amazes me. Anyway - very entertaining if you're a Borat fan.
  23. Really have enjoyed all the seasons of Fargo, including this latest season. Even though the Coen bros. have exec producer credits, they have no creative input into the show. Regardless, I think all of the seasons have managed to capture that dark humor and bizarre characters from the original movie - not an easy thing to do. I really love when they make references to previous movies - I just about died laughing watching the last episode and it's nod to Raising Arizona during the robbery scene - perfect!
  24. My wife and I did the same trip on our honeymoon to French Polynesia - in Bora Bora. I thought it was pretty cool but I was expecting little more than a rope to hold onto that separated us from the sharks, and that was only so you could avoid drifting too close. In the end I rationalized that this guide dude did this almost every day and that if the sharks wanted something more than the chum he was closer to the sharks than I was, as were other small fish. Being in a group and being near the boat I figured I'd also be OK - I didn't have to be the first back into the boat, just not the last..... I managed to get some really cool pictures and a story to tell...
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