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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. More will come out because of this. Like the Gruden love triangle stuff.
  2. The real story is not going to be the sexual harassment, but the other dirty stuff they were doing that comes out along with it. The prostitutes on NFL payroll, etc.
  3. There's pics of the wife in there, meh. But oh man, that Dianna Russini... been a fan for a while. Not sure if this makes me like her more or less tho. Not sure which pic to even begin with https://www.google.com/search?q=dianna+russini&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ALeKk01gpOGo-drS6GIohimQxvy_3HvZFA:1594928011177&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_gbHswdLqAhVmkuAKHcZ0CpUQ_AUoAXoECB8QAw&biw=1280&bih=675
  4. Rumors posted by McCloughan's WIFE! https://blacksportsonline.com/2015/09/redskins-gms-wife-tweets-espn-reporter-used-oral-sex-to-get-scoops/
  5. Ok man, take it up with WaPo and the Skins.
  6. No idea, I'm not a lawyer, but I mean separate from the internal policy review. It could be as simple as: The team was contacted last week with a chance to comment. Instead of commenting, they announced the name change as "cover", then waited until the last minute (last night) to tell the WaPo "this one part of your story is not true and if you print it we're suing", which causes WaPo to go back and re-vet their facts? Pretty simple stall tactic. Right, but if they were contacted last night or even this morning, they may want to take a couple hours to double-check, which could push it's release back a full day. No?
  7. It's not like the Snyder culture was much of a secret. He knew what he was getting into going to Washington.
  8. Couple of possible reasons behind the leaks (could have been from WaPo side to stay ahead of the name-change story, or from Skins side to get ahead of it themselves), and a couple of reasons for the delay (Skins lawyers are now involved so most likely delaying the drop).
  9. Can the NFL relegate the team to the ACC and promote Clemson into the league?
  10. My emphasis was on the second part of my post
  11. To be fair, you locked the name thread. Plus, we're mostly idiots here.
  12. Doubtful. This wont be a "Russ Brandon had consensual sex with a staff member and that's frowned upon ethically" story. The stuff that's already coming out is way worse than that. It's not going to be "Dan Snyder ran a sex-trafficking ring" either, but it will still be bad. Look at the links I've already posted.
  13. I like the Bezos idea floated in the other thread. Makes sense.
  14. The whole thread/story in one image: NSFW
  15. This is the best thread about what the story will most likely be about. I'm only posting the main/first tweet because the rest gets vulgar, but follow the link to the whole story.
  16. The link opens at the time stamp. Looks like 1hr 4min in.
  17. For whatever this is worth... Pat McAfee gets a text during his show today containing allegations assumed to be in upcoming WaPo story. Said allegations not only of off the field issues but also on-field issues which could potentially damage the entire NFL.
  18. Even if none of this is true, its hilariously entertaining in the doldrums of the lockdown.
  19. Report: 'Lawyers are involved' in pending Washington football news https://www.nbcsports.com/washington/washington-football/report-lawyers-are-involved-pending-washington-football-news Why the story may be delayed. Proper vetting and fact checking. Not a bad thing.
  20. There is a real story coming. Speculation is that the Redskins DID respond to their request for comment this week, and now it's tied up in legal. But should be dropped today/tomorrow.
  21. I'm sure it will be tough to prove some of the stuff. But he is local and has access to the org and works for former Redskins. Also works for The Daily Caller, so that should be right up your alley! ? It's tough to be skeptical about any dirt in that franchise after what has already come out previously. And look at how much was kept hidden about Russ Brandon even though everyone who ever went to a bar on Chippewa knew about it. Remember, this is the franchise that did a topless shoot with their cheerleaders and pushed them to prostitute for sponsors. So that's our starting point already. Yeah, Im not buying into some of that extreme stuff until I see the real story. I think his main tweet says it all with regards to the main story.
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