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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. No you didnt. You stated it as a fact. And you are wrong. But I knew that because you didnt even spell HIPAA right.
  2. While the "previously infected" crowd technically counts in the classic definition of herd immunity, it's a bad way to shape public policy. There is a fine line between "previously infected" and "culling the herd". Herd immunity via infection is usually pretty deadly. And we've already had more than enough of that.
  3. It's only a matter of time before the league mandates vaccinations for their players/employees. And why wouldnt they? They'd be nuts to go through another season where every week is at risk of getting shut down and re-scheduled due to an outbreak. They are just waiting until qualifications open up fully, and there isnt much of a waiting list anymore.
  4. Are you saying you're woke? 🤣 For real, tho. You guys arent more enlightened or smarter than everyone else just because you want to be ultra-cynical, and not do even the bare minimum to help our country recover and get back to normal. You have the freedom to choose to be a plague rat. There will be consequences that come with that choice. Just like there are consequences that come with any choice. I may get sick from the vaccine, but I've weighed those consequences against what could happen if I dont. You made your choice, so own it.
  5. Someone get me a Venn diagram of the "I wont go if I have to be Vaccinated" people and the "I wont go if they build a dome" people. And then throw that diagram right in the garbage, because no one cares if you arent coming. There will be more than enough of us that will show up. And we're gonna have a ***** blast.
  6. Depends. If folks keep refusing to get vaccinated, and we dont get to herd immunity to drive this thing out, and , and allow more variants to pop up.... it could certainly go on forever.
  7. Yes, I believe it was fully vaccinated. I dont know. It is good that we got that many done in such a short time. But the problem now is, for every person already vaccinated, we each need to find 2 more that havent been and convince them to get vaccinated. And that will still only get us just over 60% of the adult population. Tough ask when pretty much everyone I know who wants the vaccine has gotten it, and the only hold outs are the "my choice" crowd who don't intend on getting it.
  8. Because they need something push more people to get vaccinated, and this is good bait. (and I mean all that in a very positive way) The issue we're about to face is that the US is not even at 25% vaccinated (barely 1/3 of where we need to end up), and we are already seeing DEMAND for the vaccine dwindling. Herd Immunity, and a safe, full re-opening, kicks in around 70%. If we top out at 30-35%, we're going to have some major problems.
  9. Cheering on our little engine that could as BTC finally blasts through the $60k ceiling! Next stop $200k!
  10. Happy Birthday, Chef. If you need advice on how to celebrate, dont ask us!
  11. LeVar Burton or bust! NONE of these guest hosts are qualified to pick up where Alex Trebek left off.
  12. Been on a pretty strict/responsible lockdown since March 2020. Now that my wife and I are fully vaccinated, and the vaccination rate is promising, we're making plans. We have a trip to St Thomas booked for this July. And I am fully expecting to be at some combination of the Home Opener/New Orleans/Tampa Bay games.
  13. Glad to hear you are feeling better. And have you noticed that no matter where you go, your 5G coverage is amazing now?!?
  14. Aw man, definitely didnt mean it to sound harsh. My bad if the brevity made it sound "short" or aimed at you. Anyways, yeah, unless there is a generational DE available, we should be hanging at #30 and going BPA with all positions on the table, except for QB, K, and P.
  15. The reason it was worth KC giving up all those picks was to get a QB. Out of those 3 positions you listed, only DE is worth trading up for. And only if there is a generational-type talent there. Not sure there is even one of those at DE in this draft. Also, kinda funny you want to trade up from #30 to get an impact CB, when according to this post, we got our #1 CB right around #30....
  16. Nah, eff him. He isnt a top-100 WR of all time. Brady made him what he was.
  17. College starts playing their preseason in APRIL with their Spring games, which regularly pack stadiums. And then they practice all summer, and hold kids to strict training regimes throughout the entire time. Hitting in practice is a GOOD thing, because you cant get your body ready for it any other way. No matter how many weights you lift and wind sprints you run, you still need to get into "hitting condition". He was wrong.
  18. If you are seriously comparing voting to what someone can do with a gun, then we arent in the same realities. Plus, I can walk into any Walmart or Dick's near me and walk out with a gun today.
  19. I just keep picturing him out there trying to field punts with little to no athletic ability and taking them right to the face. I wonder how many he had to flub before the rest of the team started questioning whether he should be there. 🤣🤣🤣
  20. This was my thought process as well while I was sick. "At least I know it's working!" Yeah, the ibuprofen helped, for sure. Not sure about the arm soreness. I just kept moving my arm around, and that seemed to help work it out. It would only get sore if I didn't move much. But who knows.
  21. Hmmm, Polynesian from Utah... Where have we seen that before?... And we know Beane loves to stick with his methods... Could be the pick.
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