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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. Oof! Original price was $250. Opened on the Retail market at $390. 😳 Down to $360 right now tho...
  2. If it makes anyone feel better for the investors, 80% of the losses from Madoff's victims have been recovered. So looks like most folks got their money back, and are continuing to do so. https://www.madoffvictimfund.com/
  3. They always are. We're expecting at least 4-5 QBs to be picked in the 1st round. Even in 2018 with "The Greatest QB Class of a Generation" they didnt all hit. Only 2-3 have turned into Franchise QBs. I expect at least 3 busts from this class.
  4. Well it's more like $8M. Which is less than what we paid Murphy and Addison, so a decent deal.
  5. Dang, under $10M. Woulda been nice. Oh well.
  6. Given the way this offseason has gone, I guess we can say "At least he didnt kill anyone".... ? 🤷‍♂️
  7. Heads up: Coinbase IPO today.
  8. Oh sure, drag me down to this ***** hole, where all your bad ideas look halfway decent compared to the other garbage being kicked around Thanks for the stats. Yeah, COVID affects older people more. No duh. We all know that. What I was challenging was @Boxcar's assertion that, and I quote, "the average age of someone who dies from Covid is over 80 years. The average life expectancy is a little over 78 years." Now it will seem I'm splitting hairs, but he uses that stat to prop up his other assertion that the average life expectancy is less than the average COVID victim, and uses those assertions to conclude that we shouldnt worry about COVID. So the details are important. What he is saying in the bold is that if you added up all the ages of all the people who died from COVID, and divided by total deaths, the age would be over 80 years old. Using your statista.com link, and using ages at the high end of every age bracket (giving you and Boxcar an advantage), it averages out to 74. And again, that is giving YOU the benefit of the doubt and using only higher ages. So the true average is likely more around 70. Still old? Sure. But far from "over 80", and well under the normal life expectancy. So refuting his assertions. Details, accuracy, facts... All these things matter far more than how you guys want to feel about it. In all seriousness tho, even though we greatly disagree, good chat in the main page thread. We almost kept it on the rails there in the beginning, but then it took the usual life of its own. Oh well. edit: @Boxcar, one other note, the ft.com link you posted in the original thread has a hard paywall. No idea what it says or what you were trying to link. But I imagine I covered most of it above anyways.
  9. There's room enough for all of us!
  10. So dont even bother to try. Just give up and let it infect everyone. Got it. How Boot-strappy American of you. Man, I dont mean to make it personal, but your lack of management/leadership skills is on full display in this thread. Maybe take a break. Skeptical is one thing. Ultra-cynical to the point of detaching from reality is what we have been dealing with.
  11. I cant imagine why those people wouldnt do whatever it took to eradicate the virus that kept them from those things in the first place. Especially when all that has been asked is "stay home, wear a mask when you do go out, and get this vaccine". Weird to blame "the government" when it's the virus's fault. Weird folks dont want to do simple things to eradicate the virus so we can all get back to normal.
  12. First, thank you for being the first to spell HIPAA correctly. Second, that is still not how HIPAA works.
  13. Which one is it, dude? Do I get special treatment and am allowed to attend games because I got vaccinated? Or do I have to continue living the same way as those who didnt?
  14. EVERY decision has consequences. Sounds like you just dont want to ever have any consequences for your decisions, and never be held accountable to anyone by anyone. That isnt "freedom". That's being dangerously self-centered and over-entitled. You are free to choose to get the vaccination or NOT. Each choice has it's own set of consequences. Deal with it.
  15. And they will continue to look at that data, as well as local vaccination rates. And then they can always back this off very easily. Which is the point you are missing. It is easier to say this now and back it off, than not say this and try to enact it at the last minute.
  16. You literally said "5 months from now" which would be September 13. Or pretty much opening weekend.
  17. It's not just the death rate tho. There are long term effects from COVID that we already know of. Chronic fatigue, lung damage, etc. I'd much rather have my kid vaccinated than possibly cause them physical damage over the rest of their life. If given a choice, I'm taking a vaccine over getting the actual virus every time.
  18. Amazing how many people here want to point to HIPAA and dont even know how to spell it. Much like the Bible, the Constitution, and 1984. The most quoted works by folks who never read them.
  19. You're asking for a logistical nightmare and setting yourself up to be totally unprepared. It is far easier (and better management) to put this in place now, start working on the necessary logistics, and then back it off if numbers are in a good place. Since in that case, the back up plan is simply Business As Usual. Waiting until the last minute and then trying to cram something in is bad planning and horrible management.
  20. See, their plan worked! (and that is a good thing. best of luck getting an appointment, and hoping for minimal hangover)
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