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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. Anyone keep a list of all the players Beane hyped up? Would be interesting to see if any actually make the team.
  2. Hahaha, it doesnt start with as good a line, but it does drop us straight into the action right from the jump. Same tone and pace. It's like The Martian with a cool sci-fi twist and all the real science to go with it.
  3. I feel like his decisions might be ok, but he just doesnt have the physical ability to successfully execute on those decisions. I wonder how many of those INTs on 4th qtr end-of-game drives would have been TDs and wins if he had Josh's arm?
  4. Haha, exactly. The Bills games are the most stressful, nail-biting-est time of the week!
  5. Holy *****, youre back!!!
  6. It definitely isnt as bad as it reads on social media. But guys who are towards the end of their career, and wanting to make a real Super Bowl run, could certainly lose patience soon. Jerry Hughes for example.
  7. So triggered, and still so wrong. Now you've moved from Ad Hominem to strawman fallacies. Must be a real great leader yourself 🤣 Never said he should let his emotions spill over in press conferences. He can keep everything in-house, and STILL take a much harder stance than he has.
  8. While I dont think they will sweep us, the Patriots will be better than last year. Some big time players opted out last year and will be back. Let's be real, we barely got out of that first game, and if it wasnt for a fluke fumble, could have easily let that one get away. I can see us splitting with them. But 2-4 in the division is ridiculous. More like 4-2 at worst.
  9. Was wondering about this. Gotta get them in for at least 1 series in the preseason. But hopefully no more.
  10. lol, you arent getting my resume or making this about me. if youre entire arguent is simply stating "you dont know what you are talking about" when you dont even know me, it isnt a real argument. Ad hominems dont fly. Argue the point, stay on topic, dont make it personal. The Bills have one of (if not THE) worst vax situations in the league. Coaches are in the news every day for what they are doing to get their team's vax rate up. I'm sure McD has tried stuff, but it obviously isnt working. If he can't get these guys to understand how important getting the vaccination is to the team's success this year, then that is a leadership problem. If he is unwilling to take a hard line approach (Arians), that is a leadership problem.
  11. Lowest vax rate in the league and dropping with every cut we make. That's a leadership problem.
  12. Doesnt seem like he's handling much of anything anywhere now that we have guys quarantined away for 5 days, guys being fined and on the verge of suspensions, and one of the lowest vax rates in the entire league... as we were supposed to be starting our Super Bowl run. Maybe he should try the public approach.
  13. You arent wrong. They are over-entitled selfish babies and loud public whiners. Full Karen.
  14. Not sure what youre expecting from them. They've had all year to fix it and this is as good as they got it (which is one of the worst situations in the entire league). When I see what Arians is doing in TB, and what Seattle and Atlanta have done, it really looks like McD doesnt have nearly the handle on or respect from his team that we all thought.
  15. Pretty sure Beane came under fire for saying this is exactly how it will go.
  16. I had started Old Man's War and got distracted/sidetracked by Andy Weir's new Project Hail Mary which has been a really great "addition" to The Martian. Not a sequel at all, but written in that same first person, journal-type method. Need to pick OMW back up again.
  17. I'll go with some basic, popular sci-fi classics... The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. 5 books, all great, all quick easy entertaining reads, and some of the most famous and legendary quotes ever. The Foundation series by Issac Asimov. There are like 8 books, but really just the first 3: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation. About to come out as a series on AppleTV too. And in newer sci-fi, Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars). from wiki: That chronicles the settlement and terraforming of the planet Mars through the personal and detailed viewpoints of a wide variety of characters spanning almost two centuries. Ultimately more utopian than dystopian, the story focuses on egalitarian, sociological, and scientific advances made on Mars, while Earth suffers from overpopulation and ecological disaster.
  18. Sounds like our headache is over. Team isnt going anywhere, confirmed over and over. Nothing left for us to worry about.
  19. Are you piecing that together from Beane's comment that we are "just above 80%"? Because that article doesn't seem to name the teams (unless I missed it). Not sure if this question/post is against the rules. Just trying to clarify the info.
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