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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. I'm 10 seconds in and I'm already loving it.
  2. When you are 6'5", youre probably used to ducking and slouching a lot.
  3. There are two white tees with backwards caps. I was talking about the one with the long hair. The other one is definitely Josh, I agree. He was tough to identify at first because he was hunched over.
  4. Very excited for this! Havent had a chance to listen yet, but I've been told this is a great version of "Montreal"
  5. Haha, thought that might be Josh, was surprised if he wasnt there, but couldnt tell and he didnt look as tall as I would expect sitting next to Fromm!
  6. I'm hearing this was also a dinner to celebrate Josh's Birthday, although I dont see him in this clip. It does look like there were other tables of players as well.
  7. Thought that might be him in the white tee across the table...
  8. Davis Webb Trubisky Harry Fromm ?...? Tre Edmunds? ?...? Nate Becker Knox Isaiah Hodgins Help me fill in the blanks.
  9. Thats not ice on that logo 😳
  10. Gotcha, thanks. I'm on CB Pro as well, and for those same reasons. Luckily I got into the game late, so when I googled around to see which exchange to join, there were already plenty of articles pointing out that Pro is free and has lower fees and better trading options. However, I'm thinking about also starting a Binance or Bilaxy account as well. I worry that if anything I dabble in actually did hit the moon, or if I wanted to just cash everything out and get out of the game, doing so from a single platform might be tough. Or if the company goes breasts up or something crazy (COIN stock tanking, Binance under SEC investigation, etc). Want to be a little diversified in who has my money.
  11. Out of curiosity, which platforms/exchanges do you trade on?
  12. Which feels like 10 miles at 12:30am after a MNF game when the tailgate started at 2pm.
  13. There are lots of things working against COIN being thought of as a good investment besides being linked to the price of crypto (which is absolutely is). Their business model in general isnt great. I was excited and got in early, but luckily quickly got out as well.
  14. All you need to do is look at their stock price from their IPO last month to today to know that "crashing" is pretty standard for them.
  15. Nah, it finally loaded for me a few minutes later. Not sure if they were just overloaded, or pulling an ol' Robinhood. I was more upset because I want to be able to buy if it drops below $30k. Not trying to sell anything off yet.
  16. LOL, what a chart to wake up to this morning. And Coinbase wont even load for me right now, they're like "SHUT IT DOWWWWWNNN!!"
  17. I thought as far as recent "Released at Home" cheesy-action-schlock movies go, Godzilla v Kong was better than Mortal Kombat.
  18. I was surprised/bummed to see yours closed when I searched it out just now to post the update.
  19. Hard pass. Really dont want to be involved in the Bucs opener when they hoist another Brady Super Bowl Banner and the announcers spend the entire night slobbering all over him. Been there, done that enough over the last 20 years. Happy to be opening at home against a weakened non-division opponent.
  20. How's that look? It wont be shut down on a global scale. So what? We get a law in the US that BTC is illegal to trade? What happens when a company gets hacked and has to pay in BTC?
  21. You love to see it! side note: I get ESPN+ (and Hulu) in my Disney+ bundle, and it includes ESPN Insider access. Not a bad deal for all of that for like $14/month.
  22. Regulation goes against everything cryptocurrency and the crypto community stand for. The main points of crypto were a decentralized, unregulated, global currency. The funny part is Elon and his tweets are helping all the crypto-bros speed run a lesson of Financial/Econimic history.
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