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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. Which question? BA was the one who received these emails. Of course he wasnt going to report him because he's a scumbag too. He's already been ousted tho, so not much left to do.
  2. Speak for yourself. I am not getting canceled. Not ever worried about it either. Another paradox/fallacy to read up on! Youre really nailing them today. Paradox of Tolerance Or else what?
  3. So cancel the NFL? 🙄 Slippery Slope Fallacy
  4. Not rationalizing anything. Simply explaining how the league views it and the obvious differences over what they are ultimately responsible for. You can want to cancel those guys, and everyone else, as much as you want. All good. Probably would do best taking it to twitter if you want real results.
  5. I know you werent defending Gruden. My point is that there really isnt much hypocrisy since Gruden is an NFL employee, face of the franchise, and major decision maker who wields a ton of power across the league. The other guys are just hired help to fill 10 minutes. I used that term on purpose since we are discussing racial issues, and to point out how the League views the entertainers differently than Head Coaches. Good catch. But noted that you are all for pushing cancel culture as far and wide as possible.
  6. I expect more of a buy-out/push-out then any major lawsuit. "Look what we did to Jon Gruden with just a couple emails. Here are piles and piles of evidence showing what a scumbag you are. You can be bought out, take your BILLIONS, and leave. Or it all goes public during trial." Seems pretty easy.
  7. Because they arent hired to be the face of a franchise and top leader of a team. They are there to shuck and jive for 10 minutes and provide minimal entertainment during an intermission when most people tune out. Plus, Gruden was never fired. He was never canned by someone at the League. He chose to leave. Isnt even close to the same thing, and the fact that some people here cant see it is scary/sad. Your guys false equivalencies or whataboutisms arent nearly as smart as you think.
  8. What would he have to gain? He is already sitting on $50M+ The cash isnt worth ruining your reputation for the rest of your life. If he goes away quietly, waits for Urban Meyer to do something else dumb, and comes back slowly and contritely, he could hang out with his buddies again.
  9. Easy. Gruden cashes checks. Snyder signs checks. Goddell works for Snyder, and all the other owners. And the other owners arent going to push the league to go after Snyder because then they open themselves up (Jerry Jones, Irsay, looking at you)
  10. They arent guaranteed if they resign/retire. Davis now has an immediate and legal out. You think that after being shamed out of the league, Gruden would then want to go through a public court battle, demanding he be paid the rest of the contract? Bigoted AND Greedy?! That is a really bad look. All but ensuring he would NEVER work again around the NFL in any capacity. Like I said, they may pay him the rest of this year, but no way does Mark Davis (or any owner) pay 6 out of 10 years and $60M to someone who was run out of the league in disgrace.
  11. Agree to disagree. I dont think he sees another dime going out like this. Maybe the rest of this year, but that is it.
  12. Knowing the history of the Davis family, I'll believe that when I see it.
  13. Rousseau sat out 2020 via COVID rules, allowing him to slip to us. Otherwise he might have put up a big year and gone earlier. Just a silver-lining joke
  14. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/09/highest-paid-espn-jon-gruden-report-monday-night-football-jon-gruden-salary ESPN's highest paid employee when he was there at $6.5M/year. Plus the $20M+ from his original coaching stint. Plus the $30M+ he already made on his latest contract. I think I could survive.
  15. And I learned something new today!
  16. I'm sure he had a talk with Davis and was told "we can do this the easy way, or the hard way". He ultimately willingly left $60M on the table and saved himself the bad optics of having to fight for it in court after all this. Gruden has made plenty of money. Probably already sitting on over $50M. That's enough to "fall back on" when something like this comes out. It was already on the fence facing his players with the racial stuff. But the homophobic stuff when you have Nassib on the roster... unrecoverable. He had to walk away.
  17. I mentioned in the other thread... I think Diggs simply didnt realize he was THAT wide open, and was expecting to get hit as he caught the ball, and when he didnt it took him a sec to get his feet back under him and running down field. It's typical Diggs to make a deep catch and go down before the Safeties lay a lick on him (and a smart move). Kinda bit him this time, but oh well.
  18. Ha, true. I guess that is one way of looking at it. Although that must mean the bar is really low. Not giving him much credit for it tho.
  19. He didnt even get fired. He resigned because he knew he could no longer show his face in that locker room as a supposed Leader. He canceld himself twice.
  20. Center, OG, DT, RB. I expect the Interior OL to be Beane's next offseason project like WR was in 2020 and DL was this year. From all reports, this will be Morse's last year. We need at least one starting OG on the right side, and some depth behind Feliciano (and his future replacement).
  21. It was part of the WFT/Snyder workplace investigation. WFT turned over 650,000+ emails. These were in those.
  22. Yep, the 2 year policy is just to clean up the server for space so people dont have profiles that are 20GB of junk sitting there. It isnt to protect the user or erase evidence. The emails are still archived and saved elsewhere.
  23. You mean Bruce Allen? May want to do some of your own research on Allen and what an upstanding individual he is. Or isnt. Keep in mind, the NFL was investigating the disgusting office culture of the WFT which was lead by Snyder and Allen when they stumbled across these emails. Gruden's emails arent even the main event.
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