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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. #1 its a joke #2 they better not have STOLEN any of the mojo. If the Bills O is flat on Monday, I'M BLAMING THE SABRES!
  2. Winning a Super Bowl... against the Bucs and Tom Brady... ultimate exorcism.
  3. Yeah, I was all about this trade for most of the year, then forgot about it over the past month. Good work, Knox!
  4. More leaks. Not as much controversy. Yet. NYT issuing a leak during each PrimeTime game so far. Wonder if they are sitting on all 650,000 emails. Or someone from the league office is leaking them out as they see fit...
  5. And the most crucial step for the owners once you have that GM/Coach tandem: GET OUT OF THEIR WAY! Terry has been the Ralph of the NHL. Not as cheap, but as meddling. He fancies himself a "hockey guy" who wants to have a say in running the team the same way Ralph fancied himself a "football guy". But neither are/were those guys. The best thing an owner can do is find the right guys who understand the sport and the league, and get out of their way. Luckily, the Pegulas realized how in over their head they were in the NFL. They are starting to realize it with hockey as well (I hope).
  6. Eichel was a cancer that needed to be cut out. That much is now clearer than ever. It's early, and there is a lot of season left, but it seemed like the boys played like a team for the first time in a long time last night. Agreed on the bold. Wish we would've traded Eichel away instead of RO'R...
  7. PSE made these guys hold this sign for the Sabres, and I’ve never seen such forced smiles and “ickyness”. Josh won’t even hold the sign in his throwing had and barely by two fingers. I hope they all used hand sanitizer after.
  8. Love how you think that is an indictment on everyone else but yourself.
  9. Great example for discussion. On that play at 18:30, Kelce never even turns his head towards White. He comes off the line, makes a stutter step that looks like part of his route but also which slows him down enough to stand in White's way, White is the one who runs into Kelce, and Kelce barely engages White and heads upfield in a continuation of his route. That is about as well as you can run that play from Kelce's perspective. He kept it as a "rub" and not a pick. Now, even if this wasn't within 5 yards of LOS, he would probably still get away with it since he never went at White, nor made any real contact. They just happened to cross paths. And White is actually the one to contact Kelce. Now had he turned even his helmet toward White and bumped him, stuck an arm out, lowered a shoulder... it might be a different story. But it is definitely a tough call in real time for the refs, and very subjective. They will likely make the wrong call more often than the right call. But what else is new.
  10. Another boogey man to keep you scared and outraged when it doesnt actually exist. You dont know that. You dont know that he'll never get another job anymore than I know he'll get another job. You are just jumping to that conclusion because you think it makes your argument stronger. When it's really just a guess at the future. Additionally, even if your guess is right and he never works again... oh, boo hoo, how will he live on his pile of ~$50M he is already sitting on? I'll take a "punishment" of never working again if you give me a $50M fallback plan. You're trying awfully hard to be outraged here. You fit right in on Twitter.
  11. There was literally ZERO mob justice here. Gruden was being allowed to keep his job after the first leak (so no mob justice getting him fired). And then he resigned immediately following the 2nd leak, because he knew his relationships with the locker room and his bosses (owners and commish) had been damaged beyond repair. Twitter had zero role in any of this. Any mob crying was ignored on the first leak, and never had a chance to even get started on the 2nd leak. Sometimes accountability is real without your boogey man of "mob justice". Consequences, personal responsibility, and all that.
  12. Wonder how Mitch feels about Josh stealing his award, as Mitch was the ORIGINAL NVP last year. To the point it became a huge meme.
  13. Edmunds. (maybe Klein if he is in to support the run)
  14. If either side is a work email, it isnt a private message. We should all know how this works. If you want to keep stuff private, keep it out of the work servers on either side. There are plenty of other means of communications. Heck, I don't even text much with my brother-in-law because he has a work-paid cell phone. Any dirty jokes or funny memes, I send to my sister's phone and have her show him. That's to protect both of us.
  15. Fair enough. Just discussing since all the different aspects and opinions on this are interesting to me. Go Bills!
  16. It isnt the NFL as a whole. It is releasing the WFT emails that are now being used selectively and arbitrarily by the NFL Office to oust people as they see fit.
  17. Maybe they did but didnt have the platforms or voice to get it accomplished. I'd say the work "attack" is a bit overblown too. Keep in mind that it was NOT Twitter backlash or uproar that ended Gruden. None of that even had a chance to get rolling before he resigned. This was strictly because he 1. lost the locker room, and 2. insulted all the bosses. Accountability and consequences for actions isnt a horrible thing. Ehhh, yes and no. Specifically to this Gruden leak, he is in a direct position to hire staff and make player personnel decisions. So when emails pop up, even from 10+ years ago, talking about which vulnerable groups he doesnt think should be employed... yeah it has bearing on what happens today. After that, he'd never be able to make a cut or a hire that wouldnt get put through the filter of "Is this valid, or just his biases showing up?", and rightfully so. But they are from the WFT office emails. Work emails are never private. They arent releasing someone's gmail account. I mean, you are aware of some of the stuff already confirmed was happening in Snyder's offices. Right?
  18. The opposite is letting the NFL office sit on "ammo" that they can use to blackmail and control and threaten people with releasing if they do not fall in line with their bidding. If they are going to leak emails, they need to release all the emails at once. Rip the band-aid off. It isnt to witch hunt folks, or to cancel as many people as possible, but rather to take that away from the NFL office.
  19. The idea that there is supposed to be some sort of integrity or honor in Sports Reporting is pretty laughable. ALL sports reporting is simply another branch of marketing for leagues, and "news" on a form of entertainment. Always has been, always will be. We're talking about Sports. Not the Government. Not Foreign Wars. Not Labor issues. Not the environment... "Sports". This is like asking what happened to "Music Journalism"? Or "Film Journalism". Who cares. Keep your expectations low.
  20. Whopping Nothingburger here. Common practice and nothing nefarious. In this specific instance.
  21. If accurate, then immediately goes to the top of the list. But are we really counting UDFAs here? Seems more like a discussion around established players who came from other teams. Great suggestion. Tough call (on UDFAs).
  22. Great additions to the list. Milloy and Fitzy for sure.
  23. Great list. I put a line in where I'd separate the candidates for "Best Ever" from a group that is just "very good". Sanders and Beasely could still work their way up, but they need to either string a couple of great seasons together, or make some amazing plays that directly contribute to a Super Bowl victory season.
  24. OOh, good one with Ted. He's up there. Reminds me to throw Sam Adams' name out there. A good one, but likely not "best ever".
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