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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. The biggest safety concern with the upper deck is knuckleheads falling over the railings onto people below.
  2. They really got one over on us, stealing away our top CB. Dang. Tragic.
  3. I would also recommend the TBD tailgate. Although I'm not sure I'd bring my 20-something daughters around most of this board.
  4. I'm just thrilled to have the Bills finally in a place where we are arguing whether to keep a ST Gunner vs 5th RB vs 7th WR, instead of trying to figure out a solution at QB, LT, DE, or any other starting position. Work your magic, Beane. GO BILLS!
  5. No need to. Train in suburbs, play downtown. Most teams do that.
  6. It's a very disappointing, short-sighted, small town, bush league plan. Agreed. As the only team that actually plays in NYS, and the fact that there is no way the politicians will let the Bills leave, the Pegulas should press the state much harder to pony up what is needed to get an awesome new stadium downtown, a bunch of new surrounding bars/restaurants/commercial space, and the added infrastructure to support it (expand 190, add ramps, add rail from airport to downtown). I dont care if they say it will cost $3B. NYC is good for it. Make it happen.
  7. Then I'd recommend something downtown so they can see the city and some nightlife too. And get some great wings at Gabe's Gate. You have the Hampton Inn, and Embassy Suites on Delaware. Or the Best Western-On the Avenue as a more cost effective spot, and that is right in the heart of Allentown, a two block walk to Gabe's Gate, Allentown Burger Venture, etc. JMO
  8. Not in any of the roach motels near the stadium (and Im not even sure roaches will live there anymore).
  9. Agreed in general, but no way do we ever get a SB with an open-air stadium. Never gonna happen.
  10. Doubtful. The seats they had in the clubs broke down pretty quick and they went to overhead warmers. Would be a huge hassle and cost to maintain. But maybe that is where the $1.4B for an open air stadium comes from.
  11. Tore them up and... still lost 31-21? Teams will put up yards on us. The key though is how many points they actually end up with. Good luck keeping up with the Bills Offense.
  12. I want need one before my dad passes. Hopefully we still have some years ahead of us, but the sooner the better when it comes to the Bills.
  13. That's a bummer. He was a HUGE step up from Rodak, and actually provided insight and information.
  14. Kumerow is talked about a lot due to the Aaron Rodgers story from last year. That is far more the reason he is in the media than some conspiracy to set up a trade later on. As far as D Johnson is concerned... this is just typical Beane MO. It's what he has done every year prior, except last year in the odd year, and usually it has been with OLinemen. He overstocks the trenches, and then trades away the guys who would be otherwise cut because there are usually teams looking for help along the lines at the end of camp.
  15. I know it's just preseason but 2 stops on 4th and goal/short is pretty impressive.
  16. Anyone keep a list of all the players Beane hyped up? Would be interesting to see if any actually make the team.
  17. Hahaha, it doesnt start with as good a line, but it does drop us straight into the action right from the jump. Same tone and pace. It's like The Martian with a cool sci-fi twist and all the real science to go with it.
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