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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. Get ready for an onslaught of Crypto commercials.
  2. I'd rather be the Bills DC than take most of the open HC jobs on trash teams with garbage FOs.
  3. Seems like a great environment for their project QB to develop in. Lol, trash.
  4. What 14 year old kid doesnt need at least one good punch in the face? Especially a punk Florida teen. Good hire, glad he is back. Really like the changes to the O staff so far.
  5. I get that. But in the context of "Should we extend Edmunds (likely for $12M+/year)?", it's not unfair to compare him to the best. His stats show he isnt up there with the best. And when you watch actual game footage, he looks even worse. Eyeball test, he can't hold a candle to Kuechly, playing the same position, in the same D, for the same coach, with the same amount of DL talent in front of him.
  6. Interesting. Any word on who McDaniels is hiring in LV?
  7. That's why I'm hoping for a player/player trade instead of for picks. Find a CB or OL that hasnt lived up to their hype either, and could use a change of scenery, and see what happens. Like the Hughes/Sheppard trade.
  8. Edmunds is the lowest in every category you posted, but it must be "hating" to say he's not as good? Wow, the mental gymnastics here. Kinda funny that you can post real numbers in a side by side comparison, show him to be the worst, and still say "I've already made up my mind that he is good". But its "haters" saying he isnt good. Got it.
  9. Titans just signed Tannehill to a big contract. He's a $38M cap hit this year, $57.4M dead cap hit if they move him. I think they are locked in with Tannehill.
  10. It's not worth worrying about the Salary Cap. Even if it's to have a budget in mind when thinking about FAs. If there is someone out there Beane wants, he'll figure out a way to make it work. Like when he went after JJ Watt last year, that would not have been a cheap signing and we were already up against the cap. Fans shouldnt get too bogged down in cap space
  11. Reading back, it seems Richardson was already thinking about selling since both of his sons had left the team operations years before. He announced his intent to sell the team before the NFL even started its investigation. Pretty much the same day the Sports Illustrated story dropped. Not exactly the same as how Snyder has handled it. And so far, the NFL hasnt really had to force anyone out. edit: SI story dropped Dec 17, 2017. Richardson announced his intent to sell Dec 18.
  12. Tough to compare the NBA, and the way Silver and those owners run that league, with the drunken fratboy free-for-all of NFL ownership.
  13. Who is going to force these guys out? Goodell works for them. And the other owners (like Irsay, Haslam, Jones, etc) certainly don't want to start holding each other accountable since they're almost all dirty dogs in some way or another. Even though they should be removed, Snyder and Ross aren't going anywhere.
  14. How about we ask him to make a simple tackle? How about diagnosing the run play and hitting the proper gap instead of getting caught in the wash? How about making a play in the passing game, since that is supposedly where his value comes in with all that length and athleticism? Unless you think our scheme is asking our MLB to bounce off of RBs, over-persue and over-commit, be outrun on coverage, and generally just be ineffective. The kid just doesnt have the instincts or awareness to make the most basic of plays, regardless of what is being asked of him in the scheme. Call me a hater, I dont care. Calling me a name doesnt change the fact that Edmunds STINKS.
  15. Most of these guys all know each other well before they get to the NFL. It's a very, very small club that spans the entire country. Guys dont get to this level without having been around it almost their entire life leading up to it.
  16. WOW! Brady would be a huge add to this staff at QB Coach and OC-in-waiting. Could learn behind Dorsey for a year or two to keep developing in the NFL, and be ready to slide right in.
  17. Hahaha, it is the only way we refer to him in all of the texts and group chats I'm on. Even my dad calls him "JFA". Keep it going!
  18. The "migration continues"?!?!? 🤣 They got 1 guy. I love that this was posted when they were all chuffed up about landing Dorsey. Suck it, New Jersey.
  19. Just because we run Josh doesnt mean he's taking big hits. Quite the opposite actually. Dude is juking players out of their cleats, getting down or out of bounds, and even when he is tackled isnt taking big shots. More defenders have been injured trying to tackle Josh, than Josh has been injured getting tackled. Sure the risk is always there, but I think you are overplaying it a bit. We should always have Josh's running abilities as an option. It creates mismatches, and keeps the D thinking.
  20. I'd think that would go more to the new QB coach. We all love Hall, but he seems like more of a technique guy who is a great positional coach, than an Xs and Os guy who is drawing up plays and calling them.
  21. I havent seen a better option proposed in any of the threads or articles. It's slim pickins out there with everyone after young Offensive-minded coaches. Heck, Mike Shula's name was thrown around. 🤮 Any better ideas you know of?
  22. I noticed that grey beard while they were getting the NFC trophy and was surprised. Whitworth is goood. Could go out on a high note this year tho. And then I REALLY have no chance of playing.
  23. Half joke, half serious... I was about 12 years old and at a Bisons game with my dad. Hot blonde comes walking up the aisle and with my 12 year old hormones, I'm basically entranced and staring at her all the way up. My dad leans over and says "Just remember - someone, somewhere, is sick of ***** that." It was kinda surprising since my dad never even swore around us growing up, let alone say something so crass. But he was right. And it helped me keep a perspective of not always chasing the next hot piece of ass, and that if the fire was dying a little in my current relationship that it is a natural part of being with someone for a long time, and you need to work at it.
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