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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. I have issues with numbers 3 and 4, but everything else seems fair.
  2. I have no information and havent even watched a video of the injury, but I'm assuming this isnt much more than a calf tweak and he'll be fine.
  3. Finished the season last night. All in all, great show. Loved the deep behind the scenes looks and access the players gave this show. Loved that, thanks to having Josh, I'm able to get back to being a fan of football again and not so bitter as I was through the drought. That all said, it was also a bit discouraging to see the level that the Chiefs operate at. With Reid as their HC, and offensive mastermind, it's obvious they are a step above everyone else. Even us and Cinci, who can play them hard and beat them. It's still the Chiefs' conference for the forseeable future. Doesnt mean we wont get our shot, but it means we need to be PERFECT to pull it off. And I'm not sure our coaches can get us there. We'll see. I'm not trying to be a chicken little, it was just a bit of an eye opener. Some jealousy mixed in there as well. One last observation, speaking of the Chiefs. So many coaches got so much facetime on this show. We saw a bunch of Reid and Matt Nagy in-game comments on the sideline, a ton from the Trainers as well. But through all 8 episodes almost NOTHING from Eric Bieniemy. It wasnt until Episode 8 that he got a couple of appearances, and even those were light/weak. I dont know what that means exactly, but it was noticeable. Nagy seemed much more like the OC than Bieniemy.
  4. This is a bummer, especially given everything she's gone through in her life. Hopefully now she can find peace.
  5. This is exactly what he shouldve said, and what I believe he meant to say, but boy did he miss the mark. And that short answer is exactly what caused the media and our own chicken littles to blow up.
  6. And the Josh deal gets better and better
  7. To that point, Daniel Jones touched the ball on 1089 plays last season. Barkley had 295. After Jones handed him the ball.
  8. If you want to help running backs, you do what RB Chris Johnson did: dont let your kids grow up to be RBs, make them convert to WR when they hit high school. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2849372-ex-titans-rb-chris-johnson-wont-let-sons-play-rb-due-to-pay-gap-poor-treatment
  9. I'm here for it
  10. Congrats to Trevon and the Diggs family. Good on Stefon for staying home in Maryland to make sure his brothers had the support they needed to get through school.
  11. No, he can be tagged again next year.
  12. Haha, and from what I've seen, he would chuckle and absolutely agree with that assessment. I can't hate on anyone who is at least that self-aware of his dorkiness and leans into it. I absolutely appreciate how little he has talked about "faith" in this show. Maybe that is a Netflix decision, but it definitely helps him come across as more normal. Unlike all the weird stuff we saw out of Carson Wentz in Hard Knocks.
  13. Watched Ep 4 last night. Focused on family. As a girl-dad it just made me like all these guys more, especially Mahomes. Also pretty cool with the deep dive they did into playcalls and all the studying and work these guys have to put in just to be able to repeat the words they heard in their headset. Love this behind the scenes stuff! This is EXACTLY how I felt about Cousins... until I watched this series. He's still a dork, but he seems much more genuine and down to earth after watching this. One thing is for sure, he is one tough SOB. Just sayin. The dynamic shown between Cousins and new coach O'Connell is super interesting. It seems most times O'Connell is barely tolerating Cousins, and usually Cousins in butting heads with O'Connell. Interesting! My predicition for Season 2 was Josh, McCorkle, and Rodgers. I think Josh is a shoe-in. But I'm SHOCKED Rodgers would actually give anyone as much access as Netflix has in this series. We'll see...
  14. It's 120% of the player's previous salary. Google has this answer pretty easy. I'll add there is a caveat if the franchise tag number for that position goes up by more than 20% than the player gets that higher number. So it's minimum 20% raise, or a higher than 20% cap number. Not the addition of both. This cap/tag stuff is always interesting.
  15. Well, 120% of $10M is easy math to $12M. Not too outrageous given his possible $11M hit this year.
  16. Follow up question: Even tho they have this "new" deal done, does it still count as a Franchise Tag year? I ask because a second straight tag requires a 120% of the previous tag. So I'm wondering if they tag him again next yeartdoes he get the regular tag number or the double-tagged number?
  17. Ah true, true. Seeing that now. My bad. Earlier tweet I saw was wrong.
  18. No tag clause in the new contract. They cant tag him again. I was wrong. He can be tagged again. Also, pro athletes ARE in fact the heaviest taxed high earners. They dont have the same abilities to shelter and skirt like the true wealthy. Their pay is all fully taxed. They cant defer salary to stock options and cash out a year later to only pay long term capital gains. Most of the players arent financially savvy enough to find even the most basic loop holes.
  19. I have a feeling that scenario wouldnt work out for RBs like we think it would. Instead of signing slotted rookie-scale contracts (fully guaranteed for 1st rounders), they'd be getting peanuts as undrafted free agents.
  20. Ah dang, I was just at Maid of the Mist last week! Wish I wouldve known.
  21. It wasnt enough! Yeah, I did see we got to him a bunch, but nothing good enough to really knock him out. I think Von got him in the ribs good one time. I guess credit him for being one tough SOB. And maybe I should be putting more blame on our backup DBs absolutely botching a few key plays. That replay of Cam Lewis HELPING JJ catch that 4th and 18 ball... 🤮 I dunno, just seemed like we had a perfect setup, but let them hang around instead of really knocking them out.
  22. Well he says he was hit by another jet ski/driver. So that would confirm both sides here. 1. he was just sitting on the jet ski but 2. there was definitely horse play by the group. I'd bet the other jet ski was trying to splash him, like snowing a goalie, and miscalculated.
  23. "Not gonna make it"?!?!? Dude won the Heisman in college, was drafted #2 overall, is on his 8th season in the NFL, and has career earnings over $64M so far. What more does he need to do in your opinion? I dont think he's even a top-20 QB in the league, and he'll never win anything. But I think on a personal level, he's "made it". Far better than most of us at least.
  24. I'm late to this - started watching this weekend and am 3 episodes in. My observations so far: I like they have 3 different levels of QB being featured. You get to see it from all perspectives. I'm mad at Neflix for making me like Kirk Cousins. I'm still not a huge fan, but he comes across pretty well in this. He owns his dorkiness and I can respect that. I also like his hidden memorabilia room so he can keep collecting his stuff but not make it look corny. Speaking of Cousins, episode 3 focusing on how injured his ribs were and how much he was struggling in the game against the Bills only further serves to show how much Frazier needed to go. The guy is struggling just to talk to people, and we can't get hits on him. All in all tho, I'm really enjoying the show. And it's been nice to finally start feeling like the same fan I was in the 80s/90s, where I could watch stuff about other players and teams without being so bitter. For me, that is due to having a top QB and a top team again. I can watch this stuff and just enjoy it as a fan of the game knowing our guys are featured with respect, and we'll have another shot this year. I dont mind Mahomes off the field. I think he is becoming my new Dan Marino. Respected him, was fine with him off field as a real person, hated him while we were playing him and loved to beat him. Mahomes seems like a good dude and pretty humble given his upbringing and rocket to stardom.
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