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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. Beane is great at hitting singles and doubles, but can't hit a homerun. That's the problem.
  2. There might be a chance on one of these backup OTs. I dont see them bringing in a new MLB to (compete to) start this close to the season. Unless they can have Hyde or someone call the defense. But I dont think McD does that.
  3. This thread is fun for keeping an eye on what other teams are doing, and for daydreaming. But my money is on Beane NOT bringing in any of these guys. Unfortunately.
  4. "Hold my checkbook and watch this" -Terry, probably They are two completely different items/issues. He not only can go ask, he pretty much has to. The money he got for the Bills has nothing to do with this ask. If the teams had different owners like they have had in the past, the new Bills deal would not stop the Sabres owner from asking.
  5. I hear that. I'm just thinking for depth. Could he be that much worse than Tommy Doyle?
  6. I dont think it's due to the team performance, as much as it is the demand of running an NFL team and not having Kim around to handle a lot of it anymore. They have a far bigger investment (and payoff) with their NFL team. The Sabres were originally just a hobby for Terry. The Bills are a real business and serious investment. He may feel he HAS to sell off the Sabres in order to give the Bills the proper attention.
  7. Anything is possible, but ABSOLUTELY NOT. Last year proved we need as many DBs as we can get. With our aging and banged up vets, that still holds true.
  8. He was a FA and Texans could pay him more, better chance to play, and Texas is home.
  9. There is a stark difference between what is morally correct and what is best for the NFL. Canceling games in a sport where every game counts so much will completely up-end the NFL. It almost did last year. Some (Cincy) could argue that it definitely did. If this were baseball or hockey, sure. But games are valuable and schedules are tight. I was there for Kevin Everrett being paralyzed on the opening kickoff. It was a life threatening situation. There wasn't even an inclination of canceling or postponing that game. Right or wrong, football has played through major life threatening injuries throughout its history. There is also a small part of me that wonders how much the canceling of the Cincy game contributed to our "zombie state" we saw the next 3 weeks. Morally the right thing to do. But was it the right Football thing to do? Tough one to hash out on a message board.
  10. Dont care about the preseason games. Good for those coaches that called it after the injuries. Although I feel bad for the guys who may not have had a chance to play yet and needed the playing time to get on some film. It will be really interesting to see how the NFL plays out with regular season games. I'm pretty sure the league is ABSOLUTELY AGAINST canceling games like McD did. That may be the last time we see such a thing.
  11. Anyone kicking the tires?
  12. Or is he faking his own death?
  13. This is all about "on paper". And on paper, it's tough to argue against their position. The main difference in the Bills favor is how much better Josh is than Tua.
  14. He was dead the second he stopped. Once he started he had to go all the way. Stopping was just as good as killing himself.
  15. The funniest part of this is that us old guys see this post and think he must have been a child model in like the early 80s. Turns out all his work was in the 2000s.
  16. It's not a cynical take. It's the realistic take given who signs their paychecks. Your understanding and expectations of this specific person and situation are inaccurate. You are lumping all "broadcasters" together as equals. They are not.
  17. Ok, you can "disagree" with it all you want. But short of writing a letter to Tasker and the Bills about his job description and duties, it is what it is whether you agree with it or not. Prepare to be disappointed. Those are YOUR expectations. Yes it is.
  18. You seem to be spiraling on this, when it shouldnt be much of a shock to anyone who understands what Steve Tasker's job truly is. He is NOT an independent journalist trying to give us scoops. He is NOT an outside analyst trying to give objective breakdowns. He IS hired and paid BY THE BILLS to promote and market their team. He does his radio show from the Bills' offices. It's on you the listener to understand his motives and keep a proper frame of mind when listening to his entertainment show. Also, understand that ALL sports media at its very core is nothing more than marketing arms of the professional sports leagues.
  19. Right, no one likes Jim Harbaugh. The rest of the family is cool tho.
  20. "When did Van Miller become such a homer for the Bills?!?" @Mister Defense in 1990, probably
  21. Jim is a goof, but John, their dad Jack, and mom Jacqueline, are all good peeps.
  22. Then who plays RG? Bates? IMO, [Dawkins LT, Torrence RG] >>> [Torrence LT, Bates RG]
  23. 100% yes. Not going to be Torrence. We didnt draft him for LT.
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