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Posts posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. but speaking of flex-schedule!...


    what if the league had a rule that if they changed the gametime within 6 or 7 days of gametime, they cant black it out locally.


    the whole flex-schedule thing is the league saying they care more about the tv deals then they care about actual ticket sales. and probably rightfully so. but if they say that, then they should give us the games. right?


    not that this has any effect on your traveling to see the game, but about flex scheduling...

  2. i could always see how it would be a pain for people who have to fly. but thats why i also posed the question of how many people do you think do that(fly in and/or out on gameday? 100? tops? thats still a lot less than the number of tickets left.


    the point still stands that the games shouldve sold out, there was just too much other stuff going on for most of the people in buffalo. and there arent enough people around to pick up the slack.

  3. All bullsh--. This is not a new thing. I remember, albeit 20 or so years ago, going to a Bills/Redskins game. It was late in the season, cold and Buffalo had a bad record. There were between 10 and 20000 at that game. Westeren New Yorkers were'nt so tough back then either apparently. Most bad teams are not going to draw,period. If the Bills had a decent team the last 5 years it wouldnt matter. We would sell out every game. Can't blame the fans.



    seriously? 20 or so years ago? you cant call BS with that argument gramps. :flirt:

  4. A lot of people travel hundreds of miles to see the games. Add to the group people who are flying &/or scheduling hotels and the flex schedule cuts down on the out of town folks who are willing to buy a ticket late in the season. Bunk, hardly!



    so what? its not like theyre changing days 12 hours before the game.


    youre either gonna be busy/at the stadium from 9-7 or from 11-9. either way, all day sunday.


    how many people did we really lose because they didnt know the time so they couldnt fly into town 2 hours before the game and 2 hours after?


    i mean, its sunday, the whole day is football. no?

  5. I'm guessing you weren't around for 51-3 or the '88 Jets game?


    lol, i was there. my dad and i got season tickets in 1985, when i was 6 years old.


    we saw every home game, good and bad, for the past 21 years.


    i moved away after last season and still made it back for 2 games


    i was there, i was 9, i was on the field with my dad and 3 other guys from our section.


    the "let it snow" game was on the scoreboard at the tenn/xmas eve game as the greatest ralph moment so i was just quoting the organization. im sure we all have our own personal favorites :flirt::lol::(

  6. It's really no surprise that the Bills had trouble selling out the games this season, and it's also not much cause for alarm. It was the perfect storm:

    1] Too many games late in the season when the weather was cold.

    2] Most of those games not sexy, excluding Miami, who had been on a downtrend.


    the fact that this is an excuse and calling miami at home in december "not sexy", is making me sick to my stomach

  7. everyone whined and moaned when they started scheduling miami at buffalo in september saying the league was taking away our homefield weather advantage.


    now people are complaining about the home games late in the season?


    people, the home games in late-nov/december ARE THE ONLY REAL Bills games.


    the best moment in Ralph history is the "Let it Snow" Miami game.

  8. i meant LB, sorry.


    regardless of position, if we have a hole at CB and LB and there is a better CB out there, why wouldnt you take him? im just trying to learn other peoples draft strategies...


    ive seen that video. its one awesome tackle over a 4 year career. im sure he had plenty more but im not making an opinion on ONE play.

  9. from that list:


    i like okoye best. if we dont sign clements, i like hall best.


    if both are gone by 12, i like Samardzija. but i think hes playin baseball. plus, if he came to the bills id have to type his name over and over on the board. yuck.


    12 is a tricky spot. its a good spot, like others have mentioned, cause we get good talent for a better cost. but maybe if the top guys from our needs are gone we trade down?... even though that goes against Marv's draft strategy from last year.

  10. youre taking his comments in the wrong context though and reading meaning behind those words thats not there.


    that being said...


    DROP IT ALREADY, i was hoping to be done arguing this 3 pages ago, im done now.


    no one cares and youre not going to change anyones mind and no ones going to change yours.


    the fact this thread has gone this far is an EMBARASSMENT to the fans way more than willis making some stupid comment

  11. I think we were tied for ninth overall in the league, but set a team record for least amount of penalties. I was stunned to find out the OL had only four holding/illegal use of hands penalties all year.


    Two other things this coaching staff did that was impressive to me relative to previous years: better half-time adjustments and better road performances.


    For the first time in years, I stopped looking at road games and thinking "we'll get our ass handed to us there." Good performances in Indy, Houston, NJ and yes, even Baltimore. The two areas I hope to see improvement (where the 2006 team team could not do so year): cross-country road games and primetime games. We have sucked at both.




    the farthest west we go is cleveland, and we have 2 florida games, but everything else is northeast

  12. your logic is flawed


    yes he way you have it mapped out, it looks correct


    but your definitions and absolute meanings of what he said are all off.


    no one is going to sit here and pick it apart though, at least im not


    the day i put that much energy into a willis mcgahee argument is the day i quit the board forever.

  13. im sure all marv is going to do is recognize he has plenty of other holes to fill and a kid going into his contract year.


    i think that all marv has to do to handle the "situation" is tell willis "no extension, run for your money"


    then when we find out NEXT YEAR if we want to keep him or not we can draft a RB then.

  14. It was stupid of the NFL to put 4 home games in the last 5 weeks of the season in the cold weather and one of which was a christmas-eve game. I went to the Nov game between

    Pittsburgh and Cleveland on a cold Thursday night and there were 30K people in the stands...about 50% of people attended the game....Since the steelers have 100% sellout of season tickets it did not matter to them....



    this is THE WORST EXCUSE ive ever heard.


    as Bills fans we should be priding ourselves of the winter weather. THATS OUR THING!


    saying the Bills couldnt sellout games because they were in the wnter months of the season is a stance directly opposed to our home field advantage.


    plus you guys had a MILD winter up there. did it actually snow at any games this year? i barely had to wear my wintercoat to the tenn. game and im not used to the cold. im living 1500 miles away and still made it in for 2 games this year.



  15. Well why don't you tell me where I came to the wrong conclusion as opposed to trying to argue with a one-liner?


    I bet you can't.


    Here is the quote:


    "When asked about the possibility of an NFL team in Toronto, McGahee said, "That would be a good situation. Toronto is a beautiful place. But if they're going to put a team there, they should just bring the Buffalo Bills to Toronto. Case closed."


    1. "That would be a good situation." - A response to the question regarding the possibility of a team in Toronto.


    You with me so far? (I bet I would have lost Willis right there).


    2. "But if they're going to put a team there, they should just bring the Buffalo Bills to Toronto. Case closed"


    If there is going to be a NFL team in Toronto, Willis has stated that it should be the Buffalo Bills.


    So, what we have is this:


    According to Willis, an NFL team going to Toronto would be "good".


    If a team goes to Toronto, it should be the Bills.


    Therefore, the Bills going to Toronto would be good.


    Does that clear things up for you?


    ive already argued enough in this thread about what he did or didnt say.


    i understand your logic mapping.


    i just think youre reading too much into it.


    he was asked a hypothetical question about a hypothetical situation and actually as an EMPLOYEE OF THE NFL and NOT a buffalo resident, his comment makes sense. i think he was commenting more on fan-base and proximity of the teams rather than bashing buffalo.


    could he had said less? probably

    if he did would you guys not be crying so much? yes

    does he care what a bunch of faceless/anonymous botards on the internet have to say about his comment and if they are picking it apart and analyzing every word of it? no

    should he? no


    so get over it, its not the end of the world, its not a big deal.

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