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Posts posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. Do you think he was worth a #8? Do you think it would have been OK to try to build a football team with a 1st, 2 2nds, and 2 early 3rds in a draft which was loaded with talented players?

    Tell us. We ALL need a good laugh.


    yes he was worth a number 8 pick. michael huff was a #7 and what did he do this year? not sayin we should compare or draft to the raiders, but no one had a problem with Huff going 7 because he was a name. Huff had 25 less tackles and no INTs this year. It's not Marv's or Donte's fault that some people didnt do enough draft research and had never heard of whitner before.


    and im happy with the production we got out of our rookies. the draft is a crap shoot whether you have 1 pick or 15. we did well with what we had, thats all i can ask.

  2. 1.Some might say Willis is running behind a crap O-line especial when it comes to run blocking - 2. If Willis had not got his Ribs broken he'd probably gotten around 1200 yards which would have put him around 12th for RBs - now I'm for trading Willis because I want a more versatile back and think we could draft Mashawn Lynch at 12 but Willis isn't garbage and Plaxico isn't gold.



    no way lynch is there at 12, even if he is, im not sold on him. someone who has heard how good he is for so long, we may just be drafting another bad attitude. BUT i do agree that we could find a more than suitable replacement in the draft.

  3. Oh really? Please tell me how Willis has proven as much as Henry.


    The unrealistic expectations of this board are nuts. Of course, that just leads to angst about how bad Marv is when he doesn't get what everybody else thinks is Willis's true value.



    whooooa, take a breath. my point was that neither of them really proved much as far as league leaders go. 4 years into each career, all that was proven for both is that theyre both capable of 1200 yard seasons but you may get 900 yards from them too...


    oh yeah, heres how willis has proven as much as henry at this point in his career:


    Travis Henry


    2001 BUF 13 213 729 3.4 4

    2002 BUF 16 325 1438 4.4 13

    2003 BUF 15 331 1356 4.1 10


    Willis McGahee


    2004 BUF 16 284 1128 4.0 13

    2005 BUF 16 325 1247 3.8 5

    2006 BUF 14 259 990 3.8 6


    you can split hairs over a couple hundred total yards, but theyre the same back basically

  4. I want willis gone because he isn't a very good running back. I think I've been saying that all freakin season.


    Good football players are not always nice people (OJ, anyone?)


    On the other hand...being a football player doesn't isolate a person from criticism. The willis jock sniffers have a tough enough time convincing the rational among us that we should keep a very average running back whining through his agent about his contract. They don't have to attempt to justify the guy's off the field foibles as well.



    his "off field foibles" shouldnt even be talked about. he didnt kill anyone, he didnt steal anything, no crimes have been committed. its NOT news. you guys need to stop watching E! television.

  5. having lived in a few other cities (miami, philly and now atlanta) i can say that there is practically NO marketing for the bills in buffalo.


    not sure whether ralph just never needed any before or if he never thought of it and got lucky. but in all these cities, their teams are cross marketed with the other major league teams, theres waaay more public appearance and promotional stuff going on, and it all reaches out farther than buffalo to toronto.


    just an observation


    edit: although i agree, the best marketing is a good tema on the field. sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

  6. You talk about everyone else's ulterior motives. What are yours? What is with your constant love affair with Willis? As I've said for the last 18 months, Willis is as average as you get as far as SKILLS go. Come on, take all the responsibilities of a RB and grade Willis, if you still think Willis is a top-5 RB and it's all our line, you really need to watch football a little closer. The guy is far worse than multiple rookies from this year, and is easily in the bottom half of the league. Why everyone else can see it (including Ralph), but you can't, is beyond me. Let's not even start on how much of a moron WM is to boot.


    the problem is youre arguing about his onfield performance which is what we SHOULD be talking about. peter is just saying that everyone should mind their own PERSONAL business. i dont need to know about Willis' 3 kids to know i dont want him on the team. nor should his 3 kids matter to ANYONE here.


    the fact that he failed to reach 1000 yards should completely overshadow this whole child thing. but in todays day and age people cant see the difference between celebrity gossip and real news.

  7. hes proven as much as henry did when we got an early 3rd for him.


    given willis' name alone(cause lord knows we're not going on onfield performance), i think we could get another early 3rd for him. maybe even a very late 2nd(but probably not). i thin we could get a 3rd.


    and keep plax away from one bills drive

  8. im not reading this whole thread, nor am i reading the whole Jerry Sullivan article.


    i dont know whats worse:

    the fact that most posters here are now no better than jerry sullivan or

    the fact that jerry sullivan is basically a long-winded, paid, message board poster



    either way at least we're not talking about how great a team the pats are


    edit: ok, i went back and read the article, figuring it was the only fair thing to do... that was pitiful. ive read better written posts on here about the same thing. im pretty sure Sullivan just drudges this place for material and doesnt even bother thinking about it.

  9. Pyrite, I can't thank you enough for clearing up the Ngata thing.


    He is a GOOD player, but he is NOT right for this system.


    KYLE WILLIAMS and LARRY TRIPPLETT are right for this scheme. They are quick, they are disruptive, they don't get the stats but they get their jobs done. Just because we didn't pick the massive run stopper doesn't mean that we made a mistake, we had a plan, and the experts made the right decisions for the scheme.


    they dont get the stats, they dont get their jobs done either. they may be "right" for this scheme on paper, but we destroyed on the field. you can blame that on the sceme but then the scheme itself needs to be re-worked. and if theyre going to change the scheme, then its time to change the type of guys we have too.


    and by "change the guys" i mean, add a couple big stuffers for 1st and 2nd downs. and go to the quick guys during long yardage situations.

  10. I want Jeff Samardzija


    The guy is a phenomenal possession reciever.


    But that would be the end of Sam Aiken/Andre Davis :-/


    but no one kows if hes even playing football


    dude got drafted and signed with the Chicago Cubs last year.


    IF he makes a sure commitment to football than im all for him, but until then im pretending hes not even there.

  11. well... given the fact that theyve won 3 super bowls in 4 seasons and in this modern league are STILL keeping the team together and STILL going to the playoffs and STILL beating good teams in the playoffs. i can understand why the media is all over their jock. i dont expect much from the media and nothing they do really surprises or affects me.


    what i cant understand is why so many "Bills fans" are now swinging from the same jock?!?!?!


    thats just plain unacceptable.

  12. Its the average of the top 5 RB's. As of 2005, the franchise tag for a RB was 6.32 million. So now, figure that its probably in the 7.5 million range (just an educated guess). Seeing as the Bills probably wont spend completely up to the cap, you could use willis for another year, even if he is over priced.


    IMO, its worth it to keep a motivated willis at a big higher price tag than it is to let him go for nothing.


    even if we have 2 or even 3 other RBs who are ready to pond the rock?

  13. the bad thing about slapping the tag on him is that if we cant trade him, we have to give him the money of a top 3 back. im guessing thats a HUGE cap hit.


    as far as drafting goes, id much rather grab Hunt in the 2nd (and definitely in the 3rd if he's there) than Lynch in the 1st.


    if we can grab a RB this year and have a-train signed, i would have no problem just letting Willis walk after next year and drafting another RB then as well.

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