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Posts posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. If it's your opinion Lynch isn't going to make a great pro then you’re entitled to it. I haven't watched enough on him to decide one way or the other. My beef with not factoring in Lynch is with the people who think we shouldn't because we need help in other areas, or that RB's are a dime a dozen. To consider Lynch he needs to be graded as an elite difference making RB. A player like that is ten times more valuable then a normal RB, and supercedes all other needs. I'm confident that if we pick him Marv and Co. will do it believing they've found a top 5 RB. To select him under any other condition would be the lunacy you describe.


    im not discounting lynch ONLY because we need help in other areas.


    im just not sold on his talent AND we need help in other areas.


    im all for drafting a RB this draft. later in the draft.


    but like i said, if we DO grab him at 12... in marv i trust

  2. He also gave up some tight interceptions.

    And I've never heard the Ginn/Parrish comparison, which I think is spurious at best. Ginn's a bigger downfield threat while Parrish is more likely to get teh ball in the short zones.



    well if YOUVE never heard of it then i guess its wrong! ;)

  3. There's a difference of degrees, yes. But the point I was making is that there absolutely has to be a line somewhere. It's just a question of where.


    If Chiniqua Smith's saying stuff like that, it's pretty reasonable to conclude McGahee isn't exactly a candidate for the dad of the year award.






    no one really cares, youre all just bored and have nothing else to talk about


    its embarrassing that fans of other teams come here and see this thread....

  4. The reasons you discredit Lynch could just as easily be applied to Walter Peyton (Jackson State), Marshall Faulk (San Diego State), or LT (TCU). All of whom had a significant amount of space to work with do to inferior competition threw out college. RB will be a need in 2008, and if we decide Lynch is an elite RB it's not pure idiocy to consider drafting him.



    if the brain trust at OBD decides lynch IS special and the guy we need and drafts him, i wont argue or lose sleep about it.


    they know more than we do (yes, i said it, and its true) about the kids coming into the draft.


    my whole thing is, RBs have gotten to be like CB/WRs. theres always a bunch of new, fast, young kids coming out to replace the last one.


    if we can get a stud DT or MLB, id take him.


    someone earlier said "you build a team in the draft and fix it in FA". well, imo, you start building a team from the middle of each line and go from there. it all starts in the trenches


    everyone went nuts every year because TD would ignore the trenches and just go for sexy.


    now that we are in a spot to BUILD our lines, everyone wants a new RB...



    ahhh, the internet ;)

  5. And if his name is Lynch? And his position is RB?


    Suffice to say I agree with you on the Bills having many holes to fill, but I don't agree that it necessitates that you pass up rare talent in favor of need.


    show me rare talent. lynch is good, in the pac10, playing for Cal...


    but hes not "rare"


    we could get probably the same thing out of tony hunt from penn state in the 2nd/3rd

  6. Drafting a RB, WR, or QB is not always a "sexy pick." A sexy pick normally applies to a player that you dont necessarily need, but you pick him because of a big name or for luxery. A team that needs to desperately add to their running attack and drafts a RB should not be considered a "sexy pick." Just because a team drafts a skill position doesnt mean it is "sexy."


    I am curious as to why you say our defensive help will not be found in free agency. In my opinion, adding veteran help at certain positions is a better idea than adding more young players to a possible playoff contender. It is known that you adress your needs in free agency, and build your team through the draft. I would say that for our defensive line needs, it would be a better scenario to sign a DT in free agency since we will already have a 1st round pick coming back in McCargo. I think a veteran siging for our CB situation is a necessity as well. Whether that means keeping Clements (a FA) or letting him go, a veteran will need to be brought in to assist Youboty or whoever they decide to put there.



    hey, id rather fix the holes in FA too. but


    a) who are we going to sign, at a fair price, to fix the DT position? and the MLB position?

    b) im not completely sold that Lynch is as great as everyone who is drinking the koolaid says (see simon's post above for more on this)

    c) our running game can improve by adding a dominant RG (thru FA) and with JP/Evans/passing game improving as well


    im not saying that drafting a skill position is what makes it "sexy"


    its the fact that everyone has their panties in a bunch about willis and his off field BS that they are just jumping at anyone who can replace him


    once again, im not happy with #23's onfield performance, but i think it can improve with some help up front, and a slight change in attitude.

    and we dont HAVE to worry about replacing him right now, but we DO have plenty of other things that need attention for now.

  7. Fine. But, we need to add a legitimate RB onto our roster for next year. I don't care if he comes from the 7th round or NFL Europe, but he must be able to legitimately compete with Willis (and hopefully beat him out). Willis needs to know that he must be the better RB of the two. If not, he rides the pine. You cannot sit on the bench your contract year or you will watch the prospect of signing a lucrative deal go down the drain. Then after the season, we wish him luck. I am sick of the dancing.



    agleed, id love for the bills to be in a position to bench mcgahee this year

  8. Well, with the 27th ranked rushing offensive this season, we definitely have room for improvement.


    And contract year motivation sickens me. These people are making millions. Is the potential to make 20 mil instead of 15 mil their only motivation? And if this is the case, what happens the year after the contract year? Willis's motivation and numbers go into the pooper? We might as well just draft a replacement now. They can both share the field for one year while Willis gains motivation to leave. Face it, we need to address the RB position either now or next year. Why is it when we draft a CB with the intention of having our current starter leave, nobody bats an eyelash?


    I was very jealous watching the playoffs this year. I was watching teams actually run the ball for first downs. Also, excellent RBs will also help the defense. By chewing up the clock, they keep the defense off the field, resting.


    i do agree with you a lot as far as philosophy of the game and how players should act go. but how we think and how they actually act are 2 very different things.


    also, mcgahee isnt even making a mil per year yet(nor should he). i would be happy pounding the rock for $100,000/year.


    but if someone said to you "hey, youre making $50k/yr now, if you have a killer year youll end up making $200k for the next 5 years" you know you'd work that much harder too. so contract year does end up being a lot of motivation for these guys.


    and we drafted that CB in the 3rd round. if we take tony hunt in the 2nd(or 3rd) id be very happy with that too.

    with the life expectancy of RBs being 3 years, im just not for picking a RB in the 1st right now.


    if we let mcgahee walk next year, then grab one in next years draft when we need to, like we need to get Defensive help now.


    (edit: i dont know if we drafted yobouty "with every intention" of letting nate go. im pretty sure thats a "just in case" pick. i guess we'll see how serious they are about keeping nate in the next couple months)

  9. The defensive line and O-line can both be fixed by FAs, although a linebacker would be nice with F-B on the way out. And how is having the ability to run the ball sexy? Like Marv say, you need to be able to run and stop the run. A RB, when we have an inadequate running game, is not a "sexy" pick, but more of a neccessity. A WR, TE, DE, FB, QB would be a sexy pick.



    with a little improvement at O-line and a little contract-year motivation, our running game is more than adequate.


    losing a bunch of starters to FA on a defense that already cant stop the run is the biggest issue on hand for the bills.

  10. We have proven we can run ANY adequate running back out of town. We don't need to use the #12 pick on one.


    The only way most of you people will be happy is if the Bills pick up a guy from a WNY high school, who went to UB, is clearly a "Buffalo guy" (whatever that means,) was undrafted, runs for 2100 yards per season, catches 65 passes for another 800 yards, scores 22 TD's, has zero fumbles but five fumble recoveries, donates his $475,000 salary to charity, negotiates his own contract without an agent and never asks for a raise, and most importantly, NEVER gets a girl pregnant.


    Of course, he probably has trouble picking up the blitz and therefore will be flamed on message boards and talk radio until the next RB is cycled through.


    lol, no doubt

  11. quite possible, but it doesn't logically follow that drafting lynch at 12 would be "following Donahoe's draft techniques" and/or dooming us to utter to a 6-10 record. There are way too many variables and scenarios to occur between now and then and during the rest of the draft for this to be the case. Marv wouldn't become Donahoe simply by drafting Lynch. That is oversimplifying both Marv's and Donahoe's approach to being GM. This being said, I too expect Marv to draft someone that no one expects and for that person to contribute immediately and fit into our respective offensive and defensive schemes very well.


    i understand my leaps in logic and oversimplifying. thanks. this is more about people on the board who hated Donahoe's philosophy, and are now asking for that same philosophy to be applied. doi.

  12. For a board that ran Donahoe out of town, you guys are following right in his footsteps with this "sexy" pic.


    if ol Tom were still here and everyone was (still) threatening to not renew their tickets, all he would have to do is pick Lynch and you'd all be fooled again. and the bills will be 6-10, again.


    stop being silly. we NEEEEED defensive help. help that will not be completely found in FA.


    people that say #12 is too high to pick Willis, or at #12 you pick the biggest talent on the board are just following Donahoe's draft techniques. and we all know how well THAT builds winning teams.


    get ready for Marv to sit at 12 and pick the player who will come in and make a difference right away. no matter his name or position or whether Mel Kiper and the rest of you have heard of him or not.

  13. Its more Clements' call than anyones


    oh i understand that. and if he goes and Marv says "hey, we offered him the same money, he just wanted to play in Wherever" im cool with that.


    but if we get a Pat Williams thing(not that it will ever be THAT bad) where we miss keeping him for the difference of a million bucks, then ill be furious.

  14. What about Asante Samuel.


    WHAT ABOUT HIM?!? you think he's really gonna be that much cheaper to sign than Nate? not after putting up a good showing in the playoffs so far. at this point Asante Samuel is THE CB going into free agency. Signing Nate will be the same thing.


    and im pretty sure we are talking about the draft here.

  15. 2 quick observations:


    1. if that "Top 5 Cornerback" list isnt enough motivation to re-sign Nate, i dont know what is! aside from Hall, there are NO major CBs coming out this year. so forget about taking one in the 1st.


    2. I wonder if Samardzija isnt "playing dead" telling everyone he wants to play baseball so he slips to New England and once he's picked by the Pats he drops Baseball altogether??? i wouldnt put it past Samardzija/Weiss/Belichick

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