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Everything posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. Bag of footballs and a soft pretzel. "Swap of late round picks in 2025" is all we know right now.
  2. I'm a big fan of Beane. I have a Big Baller Beane tshirt that is my lucky gameday shirt I wear every week. I love the dude. No GM is ever 100% on picks, or even 75% for that matter. That doesnt mean we cant criticize bad picks that we knew were bad from the moment the card was read. Especially when there seems to be a trend around him missing on those late 1st and 2nd round picks. We need to hit on them in order for this team to win a Super Bowl. That's all. Fingers crossed on Cook, Kincaid, and Torrence who look like they might improve that early draft record.
  3. Hyde and Poyer were both signed March 9 2017 Doug Whaley was fired on April 30 2017 Beane hired May 9 2017
  4. I was always under the impression that an October return would be amazingly early. So this is good news as it fits right into that Sucks he misses games against both the Jets and Dolphins tho.
  5. Tinfoil hat indeed. Take this to the PPP with the rest of the loons. Absolute nonsense.
  6. Yall keep wanting to move the goalposts which only shows we all agree with the main point whether you want to admit it or not. Beane needs to draft better in rounds 1 and 2. End of statement. If you want to argue against that, fine. But dont mention late round picks. Dont mention FAs.
  7. Please lay out the conspiracy theory that the Bills were somehow using Carolina's draft board and Beane, who was not close to being employed by the Bills yet, was feeding another team info. Because the Panthers would have already taken this up with the NFL and the Bills would have lost draft picks if even a WHIFF of this nonsense was true.
  8. McD was running that draft, based on the scout notes provided by Whaley and team. Classic Whaley Team draft, hitting on a CB and late LB, missing on WR.
  9. As the Count again points out, Beane didnt draft Milano or Dawkins. Which means we're talking about a few good 3rd and 4th round picks. Which only further proves the point of those of us saying Beane needs to do better in rounds 1 and 2.
  10. I dont remember seeing that, but it does sound kinda familiar. Did they do that in prior years? Do you know specific games? Because preseason this year was definitely the MLBs, and it's usually the MLBs.
  11. For the 100th time, he didnt draft Milano. None of those other guys are "homeruns". Homeruns being star, game-changers. They are definitely solid. Especially for their late round pick status. But that's the whole point. We are talking about the ability to find superstars in the 1st and 2nd rounds. Those players are all nice late round finds. We've established he can do that.
  12. Beane didnt draft Milano or Tre, so I stopped reading right there. Thank you, Doug Whaley and the Whaley Scout team. edit: ok, i kept reading. I love Rousseau, but he isnt a homerun. A homerun is a pro-bowl player who can change the game. He's good, but he's not dominant. Yet. The fact that most of Beane's "hits" come in FA IS THE PROBLEM. FA's cost too much money. We need to find playmakers with low cost draft picks.
  13. Worked out perfectly for what the FO wanted them to do, which was "buy in" to the new HC and set the example to the other guys in the locker room that they should listen to McD and "trust the process".
  14. I didnt say none. We all know the one he hit. And it was a doozy. But let's also be real here. I'm not saying fire the guy. I'm saying he has trouble finding the elite talent in the early rounds. Josh was a top-10 pick so easier to do there. Picking later in the round is tough, but get me a triple with a couple runs batted in at least. Beane needs to dial it in better in the 1st and 2nd. I dont think that is an unreasonable assessment.
  15. Not immediately, but it does speak well to his status and possible early return.
  16. Yep, Need those stars to elevate the team to the next level.
  17. Beane is great at hitting singles and doubles, but can't hit a homerun. That's the problem.
  18. There might be a chance on one of these backup OTs. I dont see them bringing in a new MLB to (compete to) start this close to the season. Unless they can have Hyde or someone call the defense. But I dont think McD does that.
  19. This thread is fun for keeping an eye on what other teams are doing, and for daydreaming. But my money is on Beane NOT bringing in any of these guys. Unfortunately.
  20. "Hold my checkbook and watch this" -Terry, probably They are two completely different items/issues. He not only can go ask, he pretty much has to. The money he got for the Bills has nothing to do with this ask. If the teams had different owners like they have had in the past, the new Bills deal would not stop the Sabres owner from asking.
  21. I hear that. I'm just thinking for depth. Could he be that much worse than Tommy Doyle?
  22. I dont think it's due to the team performance, as much as it is the demand of running an NFL team and not having Kim around to handle a lot of it anymore. They have a far bigger investment (and payoff) with their NFL team. The Sabres were originally just a hobby for Terry. The Bills are a real business and serious investment. He may feel he HAS to sell off the Sabres in order to give the Bills the proper attention.
  23. Anything is possible, but ABSOLUTELY NOT. Last year proved we need as many DBs as we can get. With our aging and banged up vets, that still holds true.
  24. He was a FA and Texans could pay him more, better chance to play, and Texas is home.
  25. There is a stark difference between what is morally correct and what is best for the NFL. Canceling games in a sport where every game counts so much will completely up-end the NFL. It almost did last year. Some (Cincy) could argue that it definitely did. If this were baseball or hockey, sure. But games are valuable and schedules are tight. I was there for Kevin Everrett being paralyzed on the opening kickoff. It was a life threatening situation. There wasn't even an inclination of canceling or postponing that game. Right or wrong, football has played through major life threatening injuries throughout its history. There is also a small part of me that wonders how much the canceling of the Cincy game contributed to our "zombie state" we saw the next 3 weeks. Morally the right thing to do. But was it the right Football thing to do? Tough one to hash out on a message board.
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