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Everything posted by Buckey

  1. The producer stated in an interview that "it's not a dream, or aliens from another planet or anything like that."
  2. It ripped out trees. OR could it be that whetever is underground exploded upward andmade it "look" as ifthey were being pulled out??
  3. Well, from a previous episode, she explained that she had to kill some of the others because the island had changed them. I really don't think she is bad.
  4. I don't think that was black smoke. I think it was remnants of a hollogram that dissapated after the dynamite went off. The explosion ruined the hollogram and it shorted out or something. The thing that pulled Locke in the hole was a seperate thing IMHO.
  5. Well obviously the mystery lies underground!
  6. I think they discover something under the water. Maybe that's why Jack dives in. I still think the baby is a major factor in all of this. But why would the psychic want her to go to that island vs. raising the baby elswhere? hmmm.
  7. How about Warren Buffet? It would be cool if we could go what Green Bay did... Fans can all kick in and buy the team.
  8. Are you kidding? The Bucs have a mile long waiting list for season tickets and they seel out every game.
  9. The guy in the forth row is added to the the second row. This gives the population one more guy because you are not replacing a man for a man. This is because the very first guy adds nothing to the second group but the top 4th row guy adds one man to the first group. Another way to look at it is row 4 is replaced by row one, but row two is replaced by row 4 which has 3 people in it not 2.
  10. Well, good luck. Look into avenues that offer ways to contract out your services... eventually you'll be able to start your own business with any luck. Can you grab some clients away from your old company?
  11. Congrats! It's only going to get better. Try running your own business or start out as a individual contractor. What do you do? Did you tell them what to do with their job?
  12. Totally. He's a scammer, I'm pretty sure. Sounded like a real low life on the phone.
  13. EACH ONE! I'd love it if you called him.... it would be interesting what he says.
  14. Ya, he's a real gem. It would be interesting to see what he says to you if you call. He should be reported to SDS.
  15. Does anyone know why Locke was on theplane to begin with?
  16. I'd love to see that game. It will be great revenge from the when we played them a few years ago and they cheap shotted our linebackers and Sapp dumped our Gatorade. Anyone have any extra tickets? I found this guy "footballguy" who is trying to sell them on the trading post forum... called him up. He was rude and obnixious, wouldn't give me any info about seat, row numbers or section. Said"it's on the 50 pal, that's all you need to know." Trying to scalp them for 250... if he even has them. Anyway, wonder if anyone can help.
  17. His O Line and weapons around him in NE went south. Then he lost confidence. Same thing with Testicleverdi, he needs a wall in front of him and streaking receivers.
  18. Did a search about "Black Rock and Portsmouth". Seems it was an 1800's ship. Couldn't get much else... hmmmm.... Time Machine?
  19. No significance, just thought it was cool.
  20. Never forget it. Unreal.
  21. I agree. As a Knicks fan, it was fun to despise him back in the 90's, just like Jordan and the heat. Maybe Spike Lee will send him some red roses instead of black this time.
  22. I have to say that, I read an article of an interview with on of the show's producers. He said that "it's not about a dream, aliens oranything like that". Just thought you guys should know.
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