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Everything posted by Buckey

  1. HA! me tooo!
  2. They don't even know who JP is.... But they will.
  3. You have too much time on your hands.
  4. Good advice!
  5. Jersey City?? Are they kidding? And Tampa is supposed to be depressed??? Ask a Buffalonian or Jersey guy how depressed he is in the middle of January, then ask the same question to a Tampa Bay resident while he's on the beach swimming in the ocean.
  6. Awesome show. Absolutely watch it. You can even get the dvd set if you missed something. Also, you can download the past shows from the web. Best show I've seen in years.
  7. As a person with 25 years experience with back problems (from motorcycle stunts) take it from me. Go to an OSTEOPATH. ESPECIALLY for what you have described. This is a physician that specializes on the back. Chiorpracters are not doctors, and they love to keep you comming in repetitively...$$. You should only need 1 or 2 visits to correct the problem. I also suggest wearing a weight belt as tight as you can stand it for a few days after your visit... it works wonders for securing the adjustment and the lower back pain. My problem sounds exactly like yours. The foot numbness is most likely a pinched nerve in the lower back. Trust me, you will be very glad you didn't rely on a Chiropracter and instead sought out a more experienced professional.
  8. Same here. I have really been looking forward to "The 4400" on USA Network. It's a great show... if you like "LOST" you'll like this one.
  9. Here is DriveShaft's website http://www.driveshaftband.com/
  10. Scifi.com Lost Answers Are Out There 1-24-05 Damon Lindelof, co-creator of ABC's hit series Lost, told SCI FI Wire that he and fellow executive producers J.J. Abrams and Bryan Burk have carefully worked out the answers to the castaway island's mysteries, including the nature of the unseen jungle monster, some of which may be revealed by the end of the first season. "Every mystery that we present on the show—What is the monster? Where does Ethan come from? Why hasn't Claire had her baby yet?—all those are questions that we know the answers to," Lindelof told reporters at the network's winter press tour in Universal City, Calif. "But how and when we present those answers is not written in stone. ... Hopefully we ... won't betray the audience. ... All I can say is, we're trying, we're doing our best, and we think the answers that we have are pretty cool." Lindelof said that a DVD set of the first season will come out this summer, before a second season begins in the fall. As the show progresses, he added, it won't venture too far into science fiction as its mysteries unfold. "We're still trying to be ... firmly ensconced in the world of science fact," he said in an interview. "I don't think we've shown anything on the show yet ... that has no rational explanation in the real world that we all function within. We certainly hint at psychic phenomena, happenstance and ... things being in a place where they probably shouldn't be. But nothing is flat-out impossible. There are no spaceships. There isn't any time travel." As the first season winds up, expect guest stars, including former The X-Files star Robert Patrick, Lindelof said. "I think part of the fun of our show is that guest stars can pop up in flashbacks, and it'll be a real surprise to the audience," he said. "Instead of stunting it or promo'ing it that way, to suddenly see Robert Patrick on an episode of Lost, I think, is potentially very exciting for people. I'm kind of sorry that slipped out." Patrick appears in a scene during a flashback involving Sawyer (Josh Holloway). What about Keri Russell, who starred in Abrams' earlier series, Felicity? "Well, I don't know if she'll turn up on Lost or [Abrams' other ABC show] Alias or anything, but her and J.J. are always threatening to work together again, so it could happen anytime or anywhere. Keep your eyes peeled."
  11. I figured it out.... maybe. They are all really dead and the others are the close ones that they "lost" in real life. First, why did jack drink and accumulate the vodka when he said that he didn't drink when he was in the airport? and, I guess Charlie was caught with the drugs and that's why he was running to the bathroom.... to hide the stuff. anyway, maybe everyone has to atone for their mistakes and come full circle before they go on to their after life. Or maybe some of them are really the ones that they "lost". Food for thought.
  12. Definitely going to watch that!
  13. There are new images on the seating chart page at the Oceanic site. Check out Locke's. I looks like he was EXPECTING to crash land on the island! Also check out Shannon's new images (a map of the island!). Also, why, when you click on shannon's seat, does Sayid's I.D. come up? Could she really be the girl he "lost"... Could Jack (vodka bottle) really be Jack's dad? Two quotes stick out for me... 1) "things are not as they seem" and 2) They are not who they thought they were".
  14. When you click on the blue squares that stay blue, some of the green squares dissapear (Locke is one of them). Maybe these people are not real!
  15. I don't know. ha, But why isn't he using his real name? I see the name Jarrah.
  16. I think there is a correlation and meaning to this. Look at the Iraqi's real name!
  17. I'm doing screen shots of each image that pops up. They go faster and faster. I noticed some images show up for just a split second and are different than the rest for that person. Like the scribbled note.
  18. Could there be some correlation with some survivors "lost" someone dear to them and some didn't before the flight?
  19. I think so, is he the one he told about it and said that he's off it now?
  20. I think his addictiongot the better of him. I doubt he'd take an empty one! He just couldn't turn it down.
  21. and maybe, as someone else stated earlier, that the islandmay have some sort of cloaking device which hides the island from people so they can't discover it. Remember the guys on the raft said "I wonder why no one has found this island, it's so big." The cloaking device would tie in with the technology tocreate holograms too.
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