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  1. Yes - I think he told this story on another forum too That's us, the crazy Bills/Panthers couple....
  2. Hello everyone! Get this scenario. I am a Carolina Panthers fan. My husband (BillsCanada) is obviously a Bills fan. We're from Saskatchewan, Canada and we're travelling there on the weekend for this game. We've been waiting for a couple of years for this weekend as it's been on the schedule for a while and it's finally here. The Monday after the game we're on the way to Charlotte to see the Falcons @ Panthers game and one of us is going to have a long plane ride...... Looking forward to a great game but it will sure be interesting coming to the "enemy" stadium in my Panthers jersey but I've gotta represent We were at the Ralph in 2003 to see the Colts @ Bills game and I look forward to hanging out with all of you again, just this time I can't cheer for your team. (Bills are definitely my second fave though - I sure would love the day that it's a Bills/Panthers Superbowl but there would likely be a divorce for sure then.... Section 108 Row 11 - please don't beat me up.
  3. Boudreaux & Thibodaux's, hey?? I feel a Cajun joke coming shortly..... I like BBQ burgers of my own making, nothing like a fresh mushroom & swiss right off the grill... Buffalo burgers (actual Buffalo) are really good - they sell them all over up here these days, nice and lean & tasty.
  4. There we go - you and I will get along just fine!! Remember "Jake is a good QB with a great team behind him.... but I'm a GREAT QB with an OK team..."? What an ass..... I've got a buddy in Carencro which is about 15 minutes from Breaux Bridge (as you likely know)... if I get my way we'll be taking a side trip to LA next May - my in-laws are taking the family to DisneyWorld but I can only take so much Mickey Mouse, they want to go for two whole weeks!! Don't want to stray too far off topic now!
  5. It's all about the Stella Artois....
  6. Great post.... ...and on that note, I'm joining "Two Bills Drive". My husband "BillsCanada" is a lifelong Bills fan and I of course am a Panthers fan. To turn this thread around my second favourite team is the Bills so I didn't join to be a troll by any means. I'm a really big Delhomme fan (I even have a Delhomme website) so of course I just loved THAT post Hunky.... My first NFL game was the Bills/Colts on a beautiful November day in 2003 (YES, it was about 70 degrees in Buffalo! In NOVEMBER! Perhaps some of you remember it?). My husband lived in Ontario growing up so was a Bills fan but then moved to Saskatchewan (where we live now) about 15 years ago - I promised him we'd go see the Bills one day and in 2003 we did... last year we went to Charlotte to see the Panthers and they quickly became my husband's second favourite team - we loved North Carolina, the people were awesome and it's nice to see some Carolina people on this board.... even a Cajun (who I am surprised has not proclaimed his hatred for the 'Aints.... LOL). This year, of course the Panthers are playing the Bills and we're actually going to be coming down for that game too - can't miss that one!!! Look forward to meeting some of you at the game/tailgate - I made so many "internet buddies" when we went to Charlotte and even though I'll be cheering for the opposing team it will be some good-natured fun - at least we can share some mutual hatred for the Patriots...
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