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Louie Armstrong

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Everything posted by Louie Armstrong

  1. SCREW ALL YOU WHO SAID DONT PICK LEINART. This is what you get!!!
  3. I hope JP is still in that apartment and hasn't bought a house yet.
  4. Its all falling into place now. I wonder what number Leinart will wear here, since parrish is already #11.
  5. I vote for the LA Saints. As bad as it sounds, if another hurricane hit down there, I think it would be a safe bet that the saints would go to LA as opposed to the bills. Then again, isnt that market big enough for two teams?
  6. It didnt even snow until today, and most of it hasnt stuck to the ground. Nobody here is complaining, and like Coach stated, its going to be nice and warm by gametime.
  7. Screw that notion about the rotation of warm weather cities. The weather has been great all week here, and even when I was downtown today the weather wasnt as bad as they are making it out. Detroit has been a great host, and I dont doubt the super bowl will be back in the near future.
  8. I dont think there was a penalty on McKellar or a penalty at all. Two plays before the kick, there was a replay to review a catch that McKellar made off the tip of his shoe. It was ruled a catch and the next play I think thurman ran one and then came the kick. If I'm wrong I'd like to know, because that 5 yards certainly could/would have made a difference both psychologically and physically for Norwood. When will they win one. 15 years later and I'm still breaking down Norwoods kick. Just one, thats all I want. The thing thats so hard about SB 25 is that you could sense victory the entire game. Even when the giants had lead at the end, and the bills started from about the 10 on the final drive, you knew they were going to move the ball down the field. That was the best team this organization has ever put on the field, and they were so fun to watch. I think about those losses a lot this time of year, as I'm sure all of you do. It reminds me we once had a dominant team, and I hope this new regime can restore some of the pride to the Bills that we've been missing for a long time.
  9. Too bad you didnt get these quotes to Marv last week. I'm sure he would have never hired this clown if he had read those.
  10. So would you say your a "glass is half empty" type of person?
  11. But come on man, you still gotta BILLIEVE. Go Bills!!!
  12. Thats cool. You're in a good position then if the big move ever becomes a reality. Plus you'll save a ton of traveling money. If the DJ hire pans out like most here say it will, you'll be in a good position when we become the Los Angeles Bills of Anahiem.
  13. I implied we would be warmer in the stands in LA. I implied nothing about moving the team there. Also, is DJ>RJ?
  14. If your petition works, and the bills move out to California, you are still going to renew the tickets?
  15. Its good that we have another "overreacting" thread. These help.
  16. I'm longing for the Mike Mularkey days........
  17. Well that makes one of us.
  18. We'll all be way more comfortable in the stands in late december too. All the sudden I'm liking the DJ hire.
  19. I never said DJ=RJ
  20. I was just asking. Now who's the one overreacting????
  21. Riddle me this: Is DJ>RJ???
  22. Yeah, lets see if we can get him to bolt after two years as well!! No, but seriously.
  23. I think Mularkey should reimburse me for the cost of the sunday ticket package for the puppet show he put on the field. At least half.
  24. Maybe we dont know dick....................................................................jauron.
  25. ........Marv Levy sucks circa 1986
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