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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. yeah right. its as plain as the bulbous foam nose on your face. and my wager is always on the table any time youre ready to give a thousand bucks to charity just to demonstrate how flimsy your objection here is, lets talk about how many documents ive written. i ran a four million dollar consulting division and to keep my sr mgrs billing as much as possible i did all of the proposals. do you have any idea how many proposals you have to do to support a four million dollar consulting business? granted, a lot of that was boiler plate, but who do you think wrote the boiler plate? who do you think customized the boiler plate for each proposal? and thats just proposals, it doesnt take into account all the other documents i had to crank out all the freaking time do we really have to sit here and quibble over an exact number? it was a freaking ton. who here has the problem to begin with anyway? and if youre not threatened by me why do you have to question me on stupid stuff like this? if im nothing and youre the better man than you could just let me tell whatever lies i wanted to. after all that would make me pretty pathetic. why would you have to call me out at all? its bc you have an obvious self esteem problem. you see yourself as king of this hill and when someone comes in who is obviously capable your self-confidence is so low that have to try to knock them down. i can tell youve been doing this a while here since the underlings are so much like you now that there has been a pattern established. you unilaterally declare someone unworthy and they are parroting your words exactly. its not just me its how you all treat tiberius and whats that other guys name i cant remember, but you all speak in one stupid voice about it. that doesnt happen by accident, i happens bc someone like you becomes the standard bearer and influences the weaker minds to form the mob behind you singing in unison its pathetic dude go buy a book on reinventing yourself and throw yourself into it. youre not all bad but youre kind of a dick right now. you can change that if you apply yourself. it sucks that you waste your intellect training these guys to be dicks when you could be putting that mind to good productive use. and youd be a better person for it and for gods sake, stop calling me a liar if you have nothing to back it up. im not a liar and i would love the chance to take your money from you. in fact, if you dont have the money i will prove you wrong for free just to show you how fkg pathetic youre being about this and how you are negatively affecting others who look up to you. try to be a force for good instead of a force for asshollery. theres nothing stopping you but you, well the dickish you. it doesnt have to be that way
  2. lmao. thanks for reinforcing my point, tom change. you can do it. even at your age. if you want to and stop being threatened by me. being king of this hill here is a pathetic position to want to hold onto. i dont want your spot, i just want you to stop training these sheep to be dicks
  3. it became pathetic a while ago. i used to subscribe the the Bnews when i lived out of town just to read the sports section, now i hardly ever read them at all anymore today i made the mistake of starting to read the two articles you mentioned by sully and bucky. didnt make it more than a few paragraphs in before i gave up. what a couple pieces of garbage, the articles and their authors. idk how bucky can sit there with a straight face when he claims the tank somehow contributed to the sabres disappointing season. wtf does the one have to do with the other? and i should have known better than to read a sully article at all. he publishes like two good columns per year, the rest are most useful for lining bird cages or sopping up urine spills we are full swing into the age of click-based journalism. that means garbage reigns and those two are junk dealers. vic isnt much better either
  4. that wh press secretary job is one of the toughest, most thankless jobs you will ever seen. even the most reasonable and intelligent ppl get chewed up in that job. i thought ari fleischer was great during a very troubling time for america, but even he got roasted its obvious spicer is just reflecting his bosses style. thats probably why trump hired him. and it could be why trump fires him. as much as i cant stand don i have to admit you can see signs hes growing up in the job. hes got a long way to go to get my respect but its a good sign that it looks like hes learning he cant be the same dick he always has been and get this job done. but spicer probably doesnt have that leeway, his pattern is already set and its gonna be tough for him to change that now. more likely don will just find somebody else and start fresh
  5. i bet ive typed at least a million pages worth of online communications over the years in the form of emails, forum posts, stuff like that. it quickly gets to the point where you dont control it anymore, it controls you. i had been doing it for so long i just felt totally fed up. so when FB/Twitter/whatever came out i never bothered to sign up then of course youve got the big brother problem that you mentioned. i didnt care much about that myself bc by that time i was out of consulting and not planning on ever going back so i didnt care if somebody saw my stuff and didnt like it. plus the only thing controversial that i say are when i talk about race issues, but those things are only controversial bc we are so incredibly fkd up on race. there are ALWAYS nimrods that attack you when you are white and talk about those issues in anything other than a coddling manner but by far the biggest reason i didnt sign up for FB/etc is bc of the incredible pettiness that dominates those platforms that i just knew i would have to deal with. just think about all the crap you/others have to see and deal with from friends and family when you put up an account. yeah there are great things like keeping in touch with friends, but you can do that without exposing yourself to all the petty bullѕhit. if i want to deal with petty bullѕhit all i gotta do is come to a place like this. at least here youre mostly anonymous and not dealing with bickering relatives youre going to have to deal with at the next family get together ive actually been thinking about opening a FB account just to have easier access to some friends that have moved away. im hesitating bc i know there will be a flood of crap i have to deal with once i do, so i still havent made the plunge
  6. yeah idk what it is about computers and instruments but its always been that way. maybe the dexterity that comes with extensive keyboard use? idk but ive had a bunch of clients, coworkers, and employees that were in bands or orchestras and would invite me to go see them play. one female employee i had was a concert violinist but hurt her wrists or something like that and couldnt keep on playing i didnt play my instruments very much when i was working, not at least until i got into sr mgmt and then started back into playing regularly to get over the stress. and then of course when i became disabled in 2004 i started playing again a lot more. i found a handful of old songs i wrote in college in one of my old gig bags and that was an awesome find. i took one of them and reworked it and its come out fantastic. wrote a couple other new songs and put together some real nice custom covers for Let it Be and Amazing Grace, among others i was planning on getting off disability by starting a new career doing performance lectures on contemporary spirituality that included music, multi-media, and lecture.but injury and a new chronic illness has kept me unable to do it. idk if im every going to recover enough now. makes me regret not getting out of that stupid consulting business and doing it sooner or maybe im just a big fat liar. if anybody wants to put down the thousand bucks i will be happy to demonstrate
  7. and as far as my lying, i will make the same offer i made before that you never took me up on: $1000 donated to charity and i will produce documents to show im not a liar how about this big binder full of C code and support documentation from my last software programming job? how about these training courses i developed for Oracle and Informix interfaces for C language? how about this user reference document for the shell scripts i wrote as the external interface for those database systems? or maybe im a just liar about being a C programmer or UNIX system admin or a database architect how about this business plan that i had to do every year as a part of P&L planning? or a copy of the entire P&L itself? how about some documents i had to prepare to gain CMM compliance? or maybe one of these massive proposals to outsource testing for a large Xerox client? or maybe one of these large findings documents from a Year 2000 consulting study for Northern Telecom, Johnson & Johnson, or Kodak? or maybe im just a big liar about those things too the problem here is not with me, it with you ppl. this is the asshollery behavior ive talked about before. this is a bad skill set youve picked up bc you are looking up to the wrong person here i realize its like talking to a wall but i have to represent. fight the asshollery!
  8. oh nos! a belligerent interwebs mob doesnt like my posting. whatever shall i do? this isnt about me its about you people. your core here acts in a similar manner bc of the guy youve decided to make the alpha poster. you venerate a surly abusive guy bc he does what is always guaranteed to make somebody popular on the internet: hes a jerk. and so you emulate him in some sick hope that someday you can be like him this is a bad skill set youre picking up from him. and i hope you realize why he does it: bc hes insecure. its blatantly obvious he puts a huge emphasis of his self-image on his intelligence, but his insecurity makes him lash out at others to make himself feel better. hes obviously highly prone to calling ppl liars and the rest of you now do it as a matter of this boards sop. its stupid and youre being stupid when you do it ive told you before and i will tell you again, you would be wise to pity him instead of emulate him. but you wont listen
  9. dont hate me cuz im pwngful
  10. lmao. now what lies am i telling? must be the writing of documents i guess. guess what is one of the primary functions of a software consulting manager? writing all kinds of stuff: proposals, business plans, CMM compliance documents, systems review findings documents, risk analysis, you name it i had documents coming out of my ears, its a big reason why i write like this now, just to be opposite of what i was forced to be for so long. same reason why i still dont have a fb twitter or any other social media account, bc i was doing email back when us C programmers used to swap code on the all text internet back before there was no interweb what is it with you guys and not believing stuff? you act like children about this, or insecure adults i guess. i couldnt play guitar and now i cant write documents just bc you havent seen it? yeah definitely insecurity. i expect this is just another of the bad temperament skills you regulars picked up from your exulted leader you know if a capable person makes it to middle age and doesnt have kids they pick up a lot of skills. idk why thats so unbelievable to you retards
  11. i wrote hundreds if not thousands of huge complicated documents during twenty-five plus years of consulting mgmt so if i want to fourgo grammar and punctuation and use run-on sentences and intentionally misspell words or use homonyms for comedic effect on a stupid message board im gonna do it and theres nothing you can do to stop me bc this is america so if you dont like it you are shirley within your rights to blow me
  12. also note that junior infamously claimed he and darth cheney ignored the FISA requirement bc they didnt have the time to wait to wiretap all those bad terrorists, despite the fact that the FISA court allows RETROACTIVE wiretapping warrants. yes thats right, FISA allows the gubmint to go ahead and wiretap, just make sure you come back to the court as soon as you can to get the warrant for the surveillance you just conducted. so yes, george expected us to just trust them while they conducted many thousands of wiretaps in private and in secret when they could have had an army of lawyers sitting with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing but waiting for instructions to get a retroactive FISA wiretap to make legal what they were doing. what could possibly go wrong with that?? shirley no politician or president or scary evil vice president would ever abuse that power!
  13. as i recall from george jr infamously ignoring the FISA requirement, that is a secret court with a very low threshold to get a warrant for national security reasons. as i recall, in the history of the court there were something like a thousand requests and yet only three-ish were refused. its basically a rubber stamp warrant process that is there simply to have an audit trail and to ensure that a judge has a chance to be involved so any suggestion that someone under a FISA warrant is somehow guilty by association would usually be false
  14. you just described at least two-thirds of americans
  15. its been an incredible turn-around for fox in that regard back when little george was president fox was completely off the hook with its one-dimensional portrayal of everything ultra conservative. they basically started the current model of outright lying about news reports to make them more salacious click magnets fast forward to today and i would have to agree they are probably the most balanced of the major news networks. msnbc long ago took over the mantle of hyper-partisan shilling. cnn isnt too bad but their liberal bias is still obvious it makes sense, tho. when your preferred party (that of your viewers) is in power you need to be more extreme to differentiate and create outrage that drives viewership. when your party is out of power you really just have to present the news and the general discontent that most ppl have will make whatever is present into something bad. in this current climate that has just finished lurching left fox really doesnt have to be insanely partisan to stand out if the country was really lurching right again i would predict fox would become more outrageous in short order. but i dont think this mistake into donaldland marks another major cultural shift. i think its really more of a correction against the runaway liberalism that was so fkg annoying i think weve had our fill of hyper-conservatism following 9/11, and the hyper-liberalism that whipsawed away from that. well at least until we forget those important lessons, say in another ten years. hopefully by then our news media will get away from this 'salaciousness at all cost' approach and get back to reporting the news. i doubt it but heres hoping
  16. well that i do know. not to diminish middle easterners but their lifestyles and politics seem primitive, at least to someone like me who has never actually traveled there. they have large portions of their populations that appear to view actual war almost like we view professional sports, like it was their pastime. theres good ppl everywhere but ive always had problems relating to arabs its not the same as traveling but when i was in technology consulting i hired a ton of foreigners and i liked to try to get to know them as ppl. of course some of them it was a lot harder to do than with others, some i became friends with, some i never came close. i hate to say it but the arabs i always found a bit shady, like you could never tell if they were telling you the truth or just placating you until they found a way to exploit you. im not proud to say i had trouble trusting the arabs, despite my best efforts. i dont mean that offensively, it was just true. i had one iranian who told me harrowing stories about how he had to pay a fortune to hide his family in a false van bottom to get across the border. he was an awesome person, very kind. i had an egyptian woman i inherited who was very bossy, very difficult to reason with, very convoluted logic and we differed quite a bit on strategy. i had one russian who used to work in the KGB IT department who said he was rich in russia and had to give it all up to get his family to america. hired tons of indians and generally had no problem with relating to them i guess my point is its kinda funny how someone like me who tries to give everyone a chance never found much synergy with arabs. idk if that was just bad luck or something cultural thats a great point. i sort of ended up interested in race issues simply bc i was raised in the church where racial harmony was completely normal so the rest of the world seemed alien to me in that regard when i became old enough to see it. i set about to understand the american race issues and mostly ignored world issues until i was about forty. i probably would have gained some insight had i tried harder to understand world conflicts at an earlier age if i had it to do all over again i would forget about chasing money via a computer consulting career and focused more professionally on the cultural issues. probably too late for that now
  17. true but we cant fight every battle. ive chosen our perpetually broken race issues as my cause to focus on. im glad there are others keeping better track of international conflicts i thought turkey was sunni and iran was shia? arent they usually on opposite sides of whatever warring is going on in the middle east? its been at least a dozen years since i picked up a book on middle east politics. i was going by memory, which was probably a mistake considering all the drugs im on now
  18. yeah idk about that. personally i never bought dons crap about russia. at best it was optimistic, more likely it was just don being his idiot contrarian self even this allegedly reformed russia remains a serious threat the america and the western allies and will until we are all dead and gone. there never was any way the american congress was going to let him snuggle up with putin i suppose if don was seriously unhinged, as in mentally unstable, he campaign affinity for putin would have been alarming. but i dont think don is crazy i just think hes a stupid ass. when faced with the reality of the russian threat i always expected him to change course on that. and if he didnt i would expect the entire congress to strongly resist any irresponsibility toward russia. europe would have a right to be nervous but i expect they probably viewed it the same way personally i like that obama tried the more humanistic/diplomatic approach. sometimes it worked, sometimes it failed pretty spectacularly. but id rather have someone who leans in that direction than trying to live by some 1950s doctrine of might makes right the world will eventually get over this nationalistic flashback we are going through right now. its going to take a much more humanistic approach as time goes on to find solutions that dont involve military threats as a starting point
  19. well turkey is a mortal enemy of iran and i can imagine they are sick and tired of watching iran successfully orchestrate wars by proxy against those they consider their brethren of course that would also mean turkey would have been intentionally gassing those same brethren which makes it harder to believe but certainly not impossible ugh. stuff like this where gubmints use ppls lives as political tools disgust me. thats why i dont pay more attention to it, id rather not have mans inhumanity towards man shoved in my face. but it is admitted fascinating when i can get past the immorality of it all
  20. thats one of the big problems, we never know what is true and what isnt. this explanation certainly seems plausible, so do other competing explanations glad im not president
  21. ty for that. it was fascinating so it looks like mr hersh is pinning that first gas attack on turkey. so they wanted to pull an iran and install a proxy in syria and tried to goad obama into helping them by destroying much of assads war mechanism idk how true it is but a fascinating read
  22. Putin: US plans to fake chemical weapons in Syria Russian President Vladimir Putin will reportedly press the United Nations to officially investigate last week’s chemical attack in Syria, claiming, without evidence, that there are plans to fake the use of chemical weapons. Reuters reported that Putin claimed Russia also has information that the U.S. is planning to launch new missile strikes in Syria following last week’s attack. “We have information that a similar provocation is being prepared … in other parts of Syria including in the southern Damascus suburbs where they are planning to again plant some substance and accuse the Syria authorities of using [chemical weapons],” he said in Moscow, standing alongside the visiting Italian president, Sergio Mattarella. http://thehill.com/policy/international/russia/328228-putin-urges-un-to-probe-syria-gas-attack-report i cant tell if putin is actually accusing the US of planting evidece after the fact for the latest chem attack, or just planning on planting evidence for future instances i dont think theres much doubt we would plant fake evidence after the fact, we certainly arent above using that tactic. but to plant evidence in absence of a real chem attack just so that we can lob more missiles seems incredibly risky. but im not expert on covert operations like that, maybe one of our other experts can provide some insight
  23. why would dons missile slap make european allies breath a sign of relief? bc they dont have to do it? i think it had to be done but its not without serious risk. we already know it will dramatically help violent jihadist recruiting efforts. lots of other things can go wrong by bringing more extremism against american targets the case to not bomb was a lot easier the first time. the agreement was made by russia and as i recall at the time they appeared earnest in getting chems out of the equation. you can at least make a decent case to let the non-violent solution get a try there. that was also when assads status retaining his country was a lot shakier this one was a lot more blatant, he knew what he was doing, an obvious thumb to the eye of all those that oppose king assad. he simply didnt care about the consequences bc he was about to gain control over his country again and would either retain that power or die. his brutality makes things easier for him, assuming he doesnt die over it. thats evil the decision to bomb something of his by the western allies sort of makes itself here. im a serious pacifist and i still think a strike there was necessary so forgive me if im not going to gush just yet over dons great military strategy
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