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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. 1. Comeback game had just moved the day prior so my house was filled with boxes. almost left the game to go home and unpack but my dad convinced me to stay. personal disaster averted 2. 51-3 my dad and me sat in my seasons tickets for an hour after the game just soaking it all in 3. Sam Adams rumbling stumbling went with a whole big group of ppl. one guy was complaining the whole time how we were going to get crushed. loved seeing him after the game 4. three TDs in seventy-seven seconds or whatever it was two huge comeback games back to back. called my parents from a payphone in a drunken euphoric stupor. they still tease me about it
  2. boyst eating mushrooms picked from cow dung again
  3. thats certainly a possibility but sometimes there is no event, no 'thing' that happens. i hate to admit it but some ppl are just wired to be 'bad'. im sure weve all seen good parents that have a rotten kid, or terrible parents that have a gem it really can be either nature or nurture
  4. yeah but the whole point of christ 'dying for your sins' is to allow redemption regardless of sin thats why i said if it was authentic he wouldnt have to kill himself. he could be a disciple in prison until he died so basically he was just using the verse to make himself feel better instead of having the real internal transformation that would have redeemed him
  5. well of course thats the verse recounting gods gift to mankind of christ the redeemer id like to believe that the gravity of all his lifes bad choices had finally dawned on him and that he repented. if so he kind of missed the point. if he had done it right he didnt need to kill himself. he could have become a force for good in the prison and lived out his life in there as a redeemed man or he was just high out of his mind. but i find it doubtful he just randomly scrawls john 3:16 on his forehead for fun. we'll probably never know
  6. damn thats harsh and yet funny as hell
  7. a predictable if extreme consequence of embracing the thug life now if we can just get the twenty million others to realize their mistake before its too late
  8. im not going to wait for your reply bc you wont be able to. and if by some impossible miracle you are able to articulate why this is racist in an effective manner, i will thank you and openly apologize on this forum. but that aint gonna happen lets break this down with rational non-hysterical thought: was she jewish? you bet your sweet yarmulke was she my wife? well we werent married but she moved with me and we cohabitated, so in the colloquial sense she certainly was my wife hence my playful nickname, the jew wife this is a great demonstration about why most americans are completely fkd in the head about race issues since i put two words together that used the word 'jew', in todays massively fkd up hyper-sensitive ridiculously pc world, in some kind of bizzaroland twisted logic, this is automatically racist forget that it is impossible for a rational person to explain how this could possibly be derogatory, prejudiced, demeaning, or disrespectful. but SOMEHOW we just KNOW its racist. our receivers are broken. it SOUNDS like it might be racist so lets just rush to the stupid conclusion that IT IS racist. and now lets mob together and shout down that horrible racist mh. wow what great caring ppl we are! especially compared to that racist mh my god we are suuuuuper fkd in the head on race issues. or more precisely, YOU people are suuuuuuper fkd in the head on race issues this my friends is neo-racism. the NEW racism. YOU are the neo-racists. and youre FKING everything up with bullѕhit destructive ѕhit like this my strong recommendation is to stop it but instead of listening to me you will rush in here and scream that im lecturing you, that im preachy, or whatever dumb fkd up ѕhit youre going to throw at me instead of actually contemplating what im pointing out YOU are keeping real racism alive with this crap. you are obscuring the REAL problems with this made up bullѕhit again, my strong recommendation is to just stop it
  9. Explain in rational terms why you have a problem with that
  10. no that was just classic overconfidence and not knowing the rochester market i just came from washington dc where the market was much more liberal, in that sense. in dc you could walk into somebodys office and if you did a good job on the presentation you stood a good chance of getting some bidness. it all seemed pretty easy to me there and we were quite successful. i didnt realize it at the time but clients were much more freewheeling in dc, which i had to learn the hard way when i moved to rochester on an existing contract i told my boss i wanted to move there to be closer to my family. he said as long as i could keep the business going like i had in dc he would keep paying me plus a fat commission. i tried to use the same approach i used in dc ... and it crashed and burned in a massive fireball. rochester was WAAAY more conservative, they had to see you many multiple times before they trusted you, it was a long grinding process i wasnt prepared for at first. i got a couple gigs but not enough to keep the bidness going and of course my boss eventually cut me off that was a pretty low point in my life. failed bidness venture. jew wife left me. no job. price is right loser sound going off every half hour in my head. lmao. did a couple gigs working for a crazy egyptian woman, some oracle training development and sun micro unix admin. then got a great job in a smallish consulting group with some awesome guys and stayed there a long time. ended up running several practices, then was the branch mgr. things were really good until a big company bought us and they ended up firing me bc basically i couldnt fit in with a big corporate environment. too much super-fake asshollery up in there. i couldnt stand those ppl. then i got another great job with another small consulting company, just before i became disabled permanently. more price is right loser horns last worked in 2004. shoulda never tried to clean up all those fallen trees myself. destroyed my already injured back. seems forever ago
  11. jew wife was an actuary for peat marwick. thats why she could move around so easily. idk what its like now but actuaries with masters degrees were pretty scarce back then. she got a job in the first day she started looking. they picked up all her education costs, just like when she worked for waterhouse i think it was in maryland. just about every time she passed a test she got a raise. lol. she studied all the time, took her books everywhere holy smokes that sounded like a boring ass job to me. apparently thats the problem finding actuaries. i would hang myself if it had to memorize all the ѕhit she did, but she liked it. never had to worry about a job again, thats for sure
  12. come to think of it, i think it was the jew wife on that trip. that was soon after she defied her parents and moved with me to rochester where i had a big consulting opportunity. failed spectaculary on that venture, btw. but i ended up consulting in rochester for almost twenty years after that so larry lived in nyc and so did our other college roommate, jon, both jews. larry and jon didnt get along well anymore. so me and jew wife stayed and visited with jon before we visited with larry i remember bc jew wife was raised in an affluent area in bethesda and wanted to see how other jews were. she was very interested to see the two different styles of jews that i had told her about. larry was sort of jewish by accident, didnt take it too seriously, but still wore the chai around his neck. jon was from a very snobby jeweler family, sort of classic tv jewish. stores in manhatten and everything. and a much nicer chai. i didnt like them much tbh, but jon was cool. jon ended up becoming a bad alcoholic later on jew wife was from a deeply orthodox stick up your ass style jewishness ... and wanted out. so she was sort of looking for different jew styles to see if she liked them it was fun to watch her process that stuff. well except for the crying when she told her parents. they blamed me. the shocking conclusion to this story: we eventually broke up under the weight of her parents objection. last i heard she married some jewish guy and started cranking out little jewlets so all ended up well there
  13. larry was like a smart curly neal. i swear to god. he shoulda gone to an artists college or something. he was very creative, off the wall kind of stuff, and was good at ad libbing we would do like a bad version of whos line is it anyway when wayne brady and colin mochrie make up improv songs. lots of laughing, lots of mistakes, but who cares youre just fkg around. if there was anybody watching they usually thought it was fun usually the songs sucked out loud, like a bad adam sandler snl song. so what, it was just fun. but sometimes it would gel and sort of make itself more interesting so we'd try to keep those pieces for later. 'donna' was one of those. but that was the exception, usally they just sucked, hallarryusly. lmao holy cow that was fun. only saw larry once since he got married. we went on a couples trip i think maybe to vegas, heck idk somewhere. i cant remember which wife that was for me, maybe the jew wife? whatever. but larrys wife got preggo a short time later and i never saw him again. lol. true
  14. oh and i just remembered, we used to write songs as gifts or jokes to each other larry the harmonica player started that. for his birthday i got him a ticket to the stones concert at rich stadium. i told him i got him something great but i wouldnt tell him what it was until his birfday, which was a few weeks. he was going crazy trying to figure out what it was, he kept guessing and he made it really fun that way. he was so freakin happy when i finally gave him that ticket. then he surprised me with a crappy little funny song at the night before party we threw, thats what started the whole thing after that we started writing those stupid little songs. then we started doing little performances when we wrote a song for somebody, like passing a big test or whatever ѕhit i cant remember. my name is hal so he started this phony band called Hallarryus (get it?) and we'd put on a little show with stupid little songs for whatever occasion. and if we had girls at these parties we'd write stupid little songs for them. oh they loved that. i could probably resurrect one for this girl named 'donna'. donna was awesome. and lots of good stuff rhymes with donna lmao. that was one of the few we kept and replayed man i havent thought about this for a while. had some awesome times with those guys
  15. sounds pretty legit to me. putting songs together is sort of like programming, theres a progression that leads to a resolution. and its all within a malleable structure that supports creative application. so yeah i can see that for me i just picked up a book and started reading. took a few classes but mostly it was just self study. once you know the structure, writing songs is the easy part imo. you play chords and add poetry to it. anybody could write songs, its like writing essays, anybody can do it. but writing a GOOD essay, now that is hard the overwhelming majority of the songs i wrote ended up in the garbage. id get an idea and put the first draft together ... and then hate it. once in a while id get a decent one i kept for more work but usually i never ended up liking them and in college we used to get loaded and write songs for fun. i had three crappy guitar playing friends like me and a harmonica playing roommate and whoever ended up in the room would participate. we'd have a blast slapping them together and singing drunken odes that didnt quite sound as good the next day out of all that ive literally ended up with four songs i would play for other ppl. lmao. that doesnt count all the custom covers ive done, those are easier bc you have a core of lyrics already done and you can customize from there eh look at me, im rambling. oh well, music has been an on and off thing for me since college but it holds a tons of great memories
  16. i wonder if they have nachos at the concessions
  17. the surgery was a success but now carew gets strange cravings for quiche and pinot grigio
  18. yes but its given me PBSD: Post Billsmatic Stress Disorder
  19. the mistake obviously was disassociating hitler from killing ppl with gas when obviously he did. only military wonks are going to get the connection specifically with CW. its splitting hairs on a disgusting point that he never should have made
  20. exactly sully rags on the bills for spending time on qbs bc it would be dumb to draft one at ten (true), completely ignoring the fact that they could end up needing that familiarity with the qb class during the draft heres one very realistic scenario: bills trade down from 10, get extra picks, and by some miracle one of their top rated qbs falls to them at one of those spots ala discount double check man thats like the definition of complaining for the sake of complaining
  21. Republican Congressman Mike Coffman of Colorado called for the resignation of White House press secretary Sean Spicer after his remarks that Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” during a press briefing this week. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/gop-congressman-calls-for-spicers-resignation-after-hitler-comments/ spicer should probably go soon but this is a stupid reason to call for his resignation he made a mistake and apologized. i dont like how our culture so often moves to immediate execution for legitimately corrected mistakes its not like hes organizing neo-nazi organizations in secret. he made a blunder. so what this mike coffman when on to say spicer doesnt represent the office well, thats true, which is why he should probably go. but then coffman flip flops back and forth, defending spicers intended message, then back to pointing to the hitler comment as if thats the reason he should resign his boss is making much bigger mistakes like that on a daily basis. i see no reason to execute spicer over a classic hitler blunder when its pretty obvious hes embarrassed he let himself fall into that self inflicted wound
  22. dont mean ѕhit to a straight up gangsta
  23. highlight reels make everybody look awesome. the stuff jc quoted was a concern but you never know when a guys going to break out as a star. apparently mcd thinks hes got a good shot so that enough for me right now. still would like them to bring back cory graham as insurance and at their price but the bills havent seemed to show interest for some reason. maybe they are just waiting for the price to drop
  24. the press is never on your side in that job. its the job of the press to not be on your side in that situation has spicer/trump made it even tougher by going all dc tom on the media? yes. but our media is indeed broken and deserves a calling out. i cant stand donald but on this i think hes mostly right. most of the media has treated him brutally bad. theres plenty to criticize don on without the media resorting to severe twisting of things like they do, or even outright lying agreed. don can do it be he won the election and is actually the president. if don were the press secretary it would be fubared way worse than it even is now you can tell that dons team came out with guns blazing after the election. think about how kelly whatshername bimbo came out afterwards responding to every criticism by essentially saying 'scoreboard', as if the winning side gets carte blanche to do and say anything they want. we saw the same from bannon whenever he spoke and certainly spicer. now that theyve had a taste of actually governing and getting a tremendously embarrassing big hc defeat in the process, we are seeing them tone down the fifteen year old taunting behavior my confidence has always been very low that don would ever evolve enough to be an effective president. but i will give him credit for making adjustments here to get that shrill B word kelly the fk away from cameras, to drive bannon to the fringe, and to have spicer tone down his act a little (i expect spicer will be replaced here shortly, btw). so a glimmer of hope that maybe don is growing into the job like he needs to. my confidence is still very low but its been bumped up lately. and if he manages to enlist the dems to get a real hc fix going it will get a bump like a rocket. hey it could happen
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