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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. you know who else has an excellent pedigree? my mom! wait i mean rex ryan!
  2. god i wish you were right i mean, god i hope you are right vote rutherford!
  3. after all this time you would think they could have built a system that didnt have that problem. my sftw engineering was a lifetime ago and i never worked on that specific problem but i would think a solution would be available
  4. its early and this could change, but on the surface this one looks like another good example of a cop who should be in jail http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/02/us/texas-officer-kills-teen/ The family of Texas honor student Jordan Edwards is too distraught to speak about the teen's death -- especially after police admitted Jordan posed no threat to them. A day earlier, the Balch Springs police chief admitted he "misspoke" when he said the car Jordan was riding in Saturday night was moving "aggressively" toward police -- leading one officer to fire his rifle toward the car. why these officers shoot in these situations is unfathomable but they have been trained extensively and simply should not make these mistakes. when they do they should go to jail
  5. Michael Slager, officer who fatally shot Walter Scott in South Carolina, pleads guilty in federal case In a dramatic turn of events, a former South Carolina police officer who spent years fighting charges in a high-profile shooting of an unarmed black man pleaded guilty Tuesday in his federal case. Michael T. Slager entered his plea in federal court in Charleston, S.C., more than two years after he fatally shot Walter Scott five times as Scott fled on foot after being pulled over for a broken brake light. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-michael-slager-walter-scott-2017-story.html thank god. he finally did the right thing one of the most obviously unjustifiable police shootings you will ever see. idk wtf took him so long ppl that compare this incident to thug induced tragedies like trayvon and brown are buffoons
  6. just the white car trying to keep the black car down
  7. hahahahhahahahahhahhahhahahahhahahaaaahahhahahahhahhhahahahah yeah right
  8. Trump: My first 100 days 'just about the most successful' ever "My fellow Americans, I truly believe that the first 100 days of my administration has been just about the most successful in our country's history," Trump said during his weekly address. "Our country is going up, and it's going up fast." http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/331154-trump-first-100-days-just-about-the-most-successful-in-history this dick really thinks the world is an entertainment TV show
  9. Trump says presidency is ‘more work than previous life’ and ‘thought it would be easier’ As his 100-day mark in office approaches, President Trump admitted Thursday that his new job isn’t quite all it’s cracked up to be. “I thought it would be easier,” Trump said in a wide-ranging interview with Reuters that covered a variety of topics, such as his longing for life prior to the presidency as a business mogul. The former billionaire tycoon conceded that he thought the presidency would be a much simpler task than that of his former work in real estate. "I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life,” he said. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/28/trump-presidency-easier-previous-life-237728 poor guy theres one person on the planet that thinks being president is an easy job. just our luck, we elect him at least he had the largest inauguration turnout in history. yuuge
  10. lol beat me to it i dont put stuff on my list bc im thinking theres NO way im forgetting that then i get home and, well, you know the rest
  11. i was a ski patroller and i love winter so as long as it aint ice raining i like the weather here. though i have to admit the stunning majesty of the hours after an ice storm is the stuff of visual artistry. but i also love summer and its nice that you can comfortably do stuff outside here most days in summer. we forget that ppl travel here in the fall to view the natural beauty we are blessed with in that season. spring is actually my least favorite, its slushy and muddy and massively unpredictable. thats a fair price i guess for having the awesome variety the other three seasons
  12. welcome to my world or maybe its bc they have the best passer ever at a time when rules make the qb the most overpowered position in major team sport history
  13. dont forget, the cheaters are in a unique position bc they have the goat at the most lopsided position in modern history. they can twist everybodys arm to take less money than they could get elsewhere for a chance to drink from marcias magic fountain of rings. sucks for the rest of us but they have that gift right now and arent afraid to turn the screws and then just trade guys who wont play along the rest of the team mostly have to pay market value or above to get their stars to stay. its a big disadvantage for the rest of the division teams especially bc they have to face them twice every year. it is what it is. and it sucks
  14. for some reason this whole time i was thinking this was sal gazpachio or whatever. cappuccino? capocollo? capastrami?
  15. meh we should know by know, this is what players always say when asked that question at this point in the season esp with a new defense. blah blah coach whatever allows us to play to our strengths blah blah more proof might be their good play in the last 4-3, but that also had mario before he became polly prissypants, and was a different philosophy, the wide nine. it remains to be seen if it means anything now
  16. if they have confidence a guy is a bonafide franchise type qb then yeah absolutely they should take them at 10 if available, no matter what else they have at the position. if you end up with two good qbs you can always flip one for at least one 1st and more picks later that position is super over powered in all of sports so you gotta take the premium guys that fall to you when you get the chance 100% of the time all that said, i dont think anyone believes any of these guys are strong top of the draft picks. if youre a team that desperately needs a qb then sure youll take one, but if not its better to wait and take somebody later and see if they turn into gold
  17. bill blowhardchek is a 'genius' for one reason: he opens the door for his prom queen goat i pray with all sincerity he continues coaching after she retires just to clearly demonstrate why he has a sub-.500 record when his golden girl isnt playing
  18. but but i thought belicheat was a genius?
  19. how old is he now? too old for this kind of whine and cheese i think the news is inflating things again. hes been around long enough to not let a random calendar fluke melt him down. i hope
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