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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. man tyrod must feel like things are washing out underneath him last year we were all excited to see what progress he could make after his first pretty good first year starting. by the end of the season he seemed to demonstrate he had no more upside. didnt even get a sniff when the bills gave him permission to talk to other qb needy teams. agreed to cut his pay IN HALF to stay with the bills. and now the spanking new GM says his spot on the roster isnt even a given holy dropping rock batman
  2. optimism is the medical branch related to eye health, right?
  3. how about sammy let his gang member brother handle his own problems made by his own terrible decisions and not bail his law breaking black ass out? i can tell you this, i would love a half-brother of mine to death but theres no way im bailing him out if he got in that trouble bc he was in a gang. that means hes made a few terrible decisions already at least and im not going to compound it by letting him walk the streets like nothing happened. your own actions put you in there, your own actions can get you out
  4. terry is cheap
  5. sorry but as much as i liked td mike he simply was not anything resembling a feature back. thus hes quite replaceable at significantly less than the cheaters paid when you have players all over the roster playing for less money to get a chance at drinking from marshas magic ring fountain you can overplay role players like that bills certainly dont have that luxury, especially at backup rb, when you can now find guys at the fry station for that job there will be loads of rbs available all through camp. im sure the bills will latch onto one. plus they still have not karlos williams
  6. christine? for real? i can see why hes a running back
  7. Zak, Dak, all those guys look the same to me you know, quarterbacks
  8. for some reason when i was a little grade schooler my favorite team was the dolphins. dropped on my head i guess. nick b was my favorite, i used to have posters of him and mercury morris in my bedroom. good luck nick
  9. its bad enough the jerk offs that form this boards core are miserable abuse artists, i would hope someone reasonable like you wouldnt encourage them. everyone should be free to express their opinions without proclamations of the desire to punch someone in the face. the way they treat tiberius and others is appalling. idk whytf he hasnt told them to go fk themselves yet, im about to reach that point myself. i would encourage you to not enable them and it appears obvious to me that republicans in general and this administration in particular indeed are interested in funneling money to the top. we are already at fifty-ish year lows for tax rates on the wealthy. republicans like to claim its to spur job growth, which is one of the most horseѕhit rationalizations ive ever heard. its this obsession that everyone should be allowed to keep every penny possible bc of some sick worship of money as a measure of worthiness. its an infection in a lot of peoples minds and its especially virulent among conservatives. wealthy ppl dont stop creating jobs just bc they have higher taxes. if anything it would spur them to create more jobs to make up for the easy money they make with the money they already have financial and job realities have permanently changed. we will never bring back the glory years of american expansion that made everybody prosperous. most money is made now electronically and thus it keeps flowing to the top. there it accumulates in accounts for people that already have plenty. meanwhile the standard of living for everybody else continues to ebb. the income gap just continues to escalate. thats immoral and steps need to be taken to return some of that accumulation to the middle and lower classes that need it i realize the right wing bent of this forum will flip the fk out over that. but it is what it is. i hope youre one of the reasonable people that can see this and help expand our collective consciousness to the necessity of making these changes
  10. agreed hopefully we will look back on this as the catalyst for his impeachment investigation
  11. as a longtime on and off user myself and somebody that has been around let me just say this statement is profoundly naive i will bet you my entire lifes savings (about $74) that some players already definitely absolutely are playing stoned. that number would only go up if its legalized once they develop a reliable field test for weed i will be ok with them legalizing it. the fact that you already know so many ppl that drive stoned ALL THE FREAKING TIME should tell you everything you need to know whether some guys will play football stoned personally i dont drive stoned bc i dont want the responsibility of causing an accident, but a ton of ppl dont care. same thing with their jobs, many many many ppl work all day stoned or drunk. thats just reality
  12. wouldnt work 1. current research shows that although CBDs are the primary cannibinoids responsible for pain relief, they work better with some THC included as well c. some conditions specifically respond to THC and not CBDs only. Mast cell disorders and other neoplastic diseases (ie. cancer) respond to the THC molecule far more than CBDs. as with pain treatment, it is better to have some CBDs in the formulation as well although more conditions respond specifically to CBDs more than THC, it would only be a matter of time before a player had a condition that needed the THC specifically
  13. im sorry, im losing my patience here bc its like shoveling ѕhit against the tide ive already explained all this stuff and i know youve read it. im never going to make any headway if i have to keep going over the same stuff repeatedly. if im talking to sensible rational ppl i shouldnt have to and it doesnt help when i finally come back to see if by a wild chance something constructive was said and the first thing i see are more of this boards childish empty insults instead of ppl acting like mature adults and offering something of subtance my entire preposition is that our culture is broken on race issues. one of the flaming red warning signs is the inability to see beyond 'magic words' that somehow are automatically racist regardless of context ive told you before, it is impossible for me to be racist. so if i say something that SOUNDS racist its a clue that theres a deeper context. yet even after i explained it to you point blank you still come back with the 'magic words' argument. again! like A LOT of the automatic words we have defined as such on this topic, this term 'jew wife' is only pejorative bc YOU define it that way. it doesnt have magic powers, it does not cancel out intellect and reason. the fact that i was engaged and living with this woman is all you need to know to interpret it correctly. it is IMPOSSIBLE for that term to be racist or pejorative when i say it in that context bc i obviously loved her your IMMEDIATE interpretation then should be that it is a joke, a pet name, whatever you want to call it. by interpreting it as anything else you are actively involved and promoting the exact dysfunction i am trying to get you all to see. you are so committed to the magic of those words that you would rather go after me to try to prove im racist that to actually listen to the important things im pointing out. that dysfunction that you collectively manifest is what keeps us in this fkd up place when it comes to race issues im getting really tired of this ridiculous behavior. you start with insults and then you offer these preposterous accusatory interpretations based on nothing but your superstition of magic words. its like trying to reason with children whatever man. this forum is dominated by a band of abusive ass holes lead by the grand poobah of abuse who has his abuse standard set in stone so his minions follow his lead like some kind of stepford wives i used to have respect for this place as an intellectual political forum. in some ways it still is. but this level of needless and relentless abuse is unacceptable. rough and tumble doesnt mean excessively insulting i think im tiring of making the effort. go be abusive pricks if you want. im going to continue to limit my participation here. its not worth it. congratulations
  14. per usual you guys are completely full of horseѕhit i ask for a rational explanation and all i get is the standard insults that is standard for this forum and this topic. absolutely nothing rational. and then you try to spoon me this utter nonsense ѕhit my whole point made very clearly is that this 'colloquial understanding' is horribly broken. and then you have the balls to come back at me and say these words have magic bad intentions bc they are colloquial my god. for the alleged 'smartest guy in the room' you fall back on a whole mess of ѕhit that means nothing and you guys wonder why i dont bother to respond. jesus this place sucks. you make it that way with crap like this holy hell. ass holes like you are why the country is like it is. whatever man. i will resist the asshollery but holy fk you ppl are annoying
  15. not to mention the sabotage the republicans did to it by eliminating shortage payments to doctors as planned, among other sabotages either fix it or return it to the way it was designed should be step 1
  16. its like your pledge to donate to a charity if i could perform on stage
  17. the real story is the broncs dont want the extreme profiteering on their tickets i think its a good policy. i hope it spreads to other teams with forever waiting lists that do the same thing i dont even go to games anymore. i just like the idea of fans not getting overcharged via entrenched scalpers
  18. i like your enthusiasm mongo ... err i mean zach, but when you pancake a guy you should look for another block not jump on the unconscious guy you put on the ground. now heres your raw hamburger. whos the good boy? you are. yes you are
  19. well now we could get that italian neurosurgeon to transplant romos head onto kaeperzc7niks body and have the perfect qb
  20. i wouldnt call it courage i would call it cold heartedness. the rest i like republicans would be far far faaar better off if they focused on fixing obamacare. if they did that then it would start being called trumpcare and he would go down as the only president to get a working hc plan for everybody. even i would donate to a orange haired statue for that
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