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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. words are not automatically racist. you have to have intent for them to become weaponized like that in this context, its painfully obvious to everyone but the infected that was intended for humor. if you didnt get it, then you are among the infected its the automatic assumption that is the problem here. you are so diseased you dont see the blatantly obvious joke to rush right to the automatic assumption. its YOU that is compromised here
  2. whenever you hear about how a party will be 'irrelevant for a long time' just wait a few years. the party du jour always gets too full of themselves, always overreaches, always fubars a good thing, always gives ground right back to their opponents. dems are about as dead as the republicans were back when joe lieberjew was rubbing obamas head and calling him boy as the tie breaking independent if youre the group that brought us such brilliant cultural tools like safe spaces and trigger warnings shouldnt you permanently have your make up social constructs for the betterment of mankind card revoked?
  3. you can make the case that this is electorate bias and not necessarily a statement about the inferiority and unworthiness of a race, which is what 'racism' is supposed to be. you could say blackness is really the convenient exploitability of that voting block driving the selective legislative behavior and not necessarily a race bias are there some republicans that secretly get a little chubby at the same time just bc its blacks they are fkg over? yeah, most likely. does that mean we should let the whole thing bc classified as automatically racist? i dont think so i agree that their modifications of the voting laws are unacceptable and most efforts like this need to be not only struck down in the courts but punished at the polls. the courts always need to stay on top of these kinds of vote manipulation and selective restrictions efforts but i dont see the benefit culturally of making those actions automatically 'racist', that word doesnt really fit here unless you force fit it, and making fit is whats causing all the trouble in our general culture when it comes to our thoroughly dysfunctional race problems lets save calling stuff racist for real racism. you know, when one race doesnt like or trust or thinks another race isnt worthy for no good reasons. weve warped the definition of racism into sooooo many corners of everything including a ton of stuff where it doesnt belong and its destroying our ability to do this race thing properly lol. this is actually very true. it incredibly bizarre to sit in a black club and watch black folks discriminate against dark blacks. happens all the time, at least it used to when i used to go to clubs, cant see much reason why it would be much different now
  4. first of all ..., HAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh oh oh HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA secondly: The 2020 election is projected to mark the first time in more than 40 years that baby boomers aren’t the largest generation of eligible voters. Facing a bleak electoral landscape after 2016, the brightest spot for Democrats may be President Trump’s continued weakness with members of the Millennial generation—who are poised to surpass the more Republican-leaning baby boomers in 2020 as the largest generation of eligible voters. Polls early in his presidency consistently show Trump facing lower job-approval ratings, and greater resistance to his key ideas, among Millennials than among any older generation. Those findings are fueling Democratic hopes that Trump’s agenda of bristling nationalism on issues like immigration will stamp the GOP as a party of racial exclusion, not only for the increasingly diverse Millennials, but for the first post-Millennials who will enter the electorate in 2020. “This could be a generational opportunity for the Democrats to lock in several very key segments of voters for a long time to come, because this is Trump’s party and Republicans will have to live with the downside,” said Dan Pfeiffer, former White House counselor to Barack Obama. “If Trump’s standing stays where it is now, particularly among young people and non-white voters—he is not an anomaly, he is the Republican Party for years to come.” https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/03/can-millennials-save-the-democratic-party/518523/ oh, all they are talking about is voter numbers so yeah, the vapid, hypocritical, self-absorbed, delusional, pollyannas that we know and are forced to love as 'millennials' will undoubtedly mostly become liberals this cycle. the pendulum aint done swinging, and with the don at the helm its swinging like a slutty gay couple at the all you can eat ecstasy bar and then of course the libs will pick up voters this time bc its not their presidency. did somebody change the pattern and not tell me? so yeah there swami, nice call just dont ask the millennials to do anything brainiary in the next decade. bc the answer to that question would be: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA millemmingals more like it. leading each other off the cliff of stupid and entitled
  5. donald tweeted a picture of the wire tapping as proof
  6. the sad fact is that there is an absolute ѕhitload of dumb ppl out there. they all buy stuff. they all click stuff. and they all get to vote just look at the popularity of the kardashians and that will give you an idea exactly how many really dumb ppl are out there. the kardashians make money being idiots and doing absolutely nothing of value. but dumb ppl make them rich by spending money whenever one of them says something or wears something thats why politics is so centered around lowest common denominator, bc most of the ppl you want to influence to vote literally do not have the capacity to make judgments on their own on anything more important than fashion trends youre damn right the media manufactures consent. so do idiots like kanye west, chris brown, and our national treasures like the kardashians and paris hilton
  7. so once again a writer claims the contract was a terrible mistake tell me again why? they get tyrod to play a season for just under ten mil. they get to evaluate him that entire season. if they decide to keep him, they essentially pay the other half of his '16 salary and then the same annual amount for a few more years seems like a terrific contract for the bills whats the worst case scenario? well that would be if tyrod shows hes barely average as an nfl starter and has enough flaws in his game to make him a questionable investment at that double dipped 2017+ half 2016 total payment well, in that scenario then you decline the option to continue and save millions to go get one of the many other barely average starting qbs to play while you seek your next drafted long term starter no problem it was a good contract bc it gave the bills tremendous flexibility. woulda been great if tyrod entrenched himself in that span, but he didnt. now the bills can reap the benefit of the contract and save a lot of money on the position for now, if they want to so what was wrong with that contract again?
  8. dumpster fire!! terry is cheap!! its the indian curse!! orchard park massacre!!
  9. pretty naive to think any foreign entity would actually have to modify voting machines to swing an election hillarys biggest reason for losing was the deplorables comment. that was her 47% moment and it drove the disaffected sea of white seething to the polls still, the timing of the release of emails showing hillarys team cheating bernie with the dnc clearly had enough affect after that to itself theoretically swing those razor thin swing states. whether it did or not is completely open to conjecture but i could certainly see it being the deciding factor and margin for victory and note that im very glad those emails came out, she cheated and deserved to lose. i wish we could always catch our politicians cheating like that, im sure it happens often. as does the hacking. THIS time it could easily be viewed as an orchestrated release of information, to do exactly what it did. so point A is she cheated and got slammed for it, good. point B is the russians clearly at least helped if not outright swung the election away from the super-qualified female who hates them to the incompetent stooge who can be manipulated seriously, nice job russia. not cool. but nice job now we have to try to struggle through this disaster and eventually recover to kick russias ass for it. diplomatically/economically, of course
  10. they are good bc marica gives them the glue to stay together for a long time so their systems are all maximum mature. once she declines/retires pressure will be on to stay at the top, which they wont possibly be able to do unless they luck into yet another goat back to back, which aint happening. it will degrade from there and it will all unravel. the fable that bill is master genius is an illusion. cant wait to watch it crumble without the golden girl they never deserved making it all possible watching him go back to being just a surly jerk once the pixie dust wears off is going to be the best part. unless he does the smart thing and just retires forever once his bff hangs up her golden slippers its just too bad that their two latest sb wins were due to two of the single most boneheadedly bad offensive calls in sb history gave those games away. would have been very satisfying watching them justifiably lose those two as they should have. but cant change that history now. gotta just be happy their undeserved luck at a sixth round miracle of all time is nearing its end
  11. just wait until marcia retires and they go back to the crap organization like they always have been. all their fans will disappear back into the corners of the whole foods and yoga pants stores where they belong
  12. Goodbye Spin, Hello Raw Dishonesty At this point it’s easier to list the Trump officials who haven’t been caught lying under oath than those who have. The latest big buzz is about Jeff Sessions, the attorney general. It turns out that he lied during his confirmation hearings, denying that he had met with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. In fact, he met twice with the Russian ambassador, who is widely reported to also be a key spymaster. But let’s not focus too much on Mr. Sessions. After all, he is joined in the cabinet by Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, who lied to Congress about his use of a private email account; Tom Price, the secretary of health and human services, who lied about a sweetheart deal to purchase stock in a biotechnology company at a discount; and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, who falsely told Congress that his financial firm didn’t engage in “robo-signing” of foreclosure documents, seizing homes without proper consideration. And they would have served with Michael Flynn as national security adviser, but for the fact that Mr. Flynn was forced out after the press discovered that, like Mr. Sessions, he had lied about contacts with the Russian ambassador. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/03/opinion/goodbye-spin-hello-raw-dishonesty.html nine months Sessions could face legal ordeal over testimony Lawyers say he's at greater risk if a special counsel takes over Trump-Russia probe Even if Attorney General Jeff Sessions didn't commit perjury during his confirmation hearing, Sessions could still be in other kinds of legal trouble for failing to tell his Senate colleagues that he met the Russian ambassador on two occasions during the heat of the presidential campaign. "It is, at best, very misleading testimony," said Richard Painter, formerly the top ethics lawyer in President George W. Bush's White House. "I don't go so far as to say that it's perjury, but there is a lesser charge of failing to provide accurate information to Congress." "A nominee at a confirmation hearing has an obligation to provide full and complete information to Congress," Painter continued. "Conduct that might be just short of perjury in a deposition in a typical civil case is entirely inappropriate in front of Congress." http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/jeff-sessions-legal-outlook-235630
  13. um, mcfly, thats what i meant, evidence that sessions talked about trump/election stuff. that should have been obvious, man true but the democrats simply arent nearly as good at ginning up crap into full blown conspiracies. the republicans are absolute master craftsman at turning a completely nothing event into the biggest threat to human existence ever seen in the time of man
  14. unless they come up with some evidence like they did with flynn its unlikely theres enough here to take down sessions. but it does do damage to the administration and makes any future revelations of trump team involvement from russia stick a little better. so this incident could indirectly lead to other even more damaging instances for the don prez its pretty much just good old fashioned classic hubris. and its one of the best ways to torpedo yourself in executive politics
  15. Republicans turn up heat on Sessions (CNN)The Russian cloud hovering over the Trump White House engulfed Attorney General Jeff Sessions Thursday following revelations he failed to disclose pre-election meetings with the Kremlin's ambassador to Washington. Several Republicans, many of them increasingly uneasy about the implications of the evolving Russian drama, called on Sessions to recuse himself from any involvement in an FBI probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Moscow. "If he, himself, is the subject of an investigation, of course he would," said House Speaker Paul Ryan. "But if he's not, I don't see any purpose or reason to doing this." (lol of course you dont - mh) Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told CNN Sessions "should further clarify his testimony." Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, said "we need a clear-eyed view of what the Russians actually did so that all Americans can have faith in our institutions." "Jeff Sessions is a former colleague and a friend, but I think it would be best for him & for the country to recuse himself from the DOJ Russia probe," said Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, in a statement. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/02/politics/democrats-sessions-russia-resignation-call/ drip ouch. thats embarrassing for her. undrip
  16. if i buy you guys a book will you read it? im a disabled poor guy but i would be happy as hell to shell out a measly five bucks to try to get you to walk into the light on this issue i read somewhere that this book was required reading in some college courses. i never checked that out but i can see why it would be. there is a faction out there that freely admits we have a problem with too many black ass holes right now. note this is similar to the problem we USED to have with too many white ass holes that werent getting called out for their ass holery. this is a legitimate problem that just keeps hurting our black communities and thus the collective at large mr starkes is just an average black man, accountant i think, that got tired of the blatant bull ѕhit and started writing books calling out ass hole blacks for what they are. his first one is mostly about the violent ass hole blacks, his second is about the race grievance exploiters like al sharpon and blm. hes very very blunt, he chooses to just call that violent faction ni99ers, similar to chris rock. in fact, all these authors i mention call out that ass hole faction, though they do it in different ways with different terms. but they are pointing out the poison that currently infects too much of our blackness for what it is this is just a reality that we have to admit. mr starkes is blunt, while mr sowell is brilliantly more subtle. i would love to buy you some of his books but they are much more expensive. and mr starkes does do a good job with his sledgehammer approach, too. at least it would get you started to thinking about how to push yourself past this ridiculous mental block that blacks are above any criticism or its racist oops forget the link https://www.amazon.com/Un-Civil-War-Confronting-Subculture-African-American-ebook/dp/B00BMHY5R4/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1488468075&sr=8-3&keywords=taleeb+starkes if you promise you will actually read it i will send you a voucher to get this on your device. just pm me your email
  17. lmao. of course it is see ppl, this is what we are facing. this is what got us into this horrible mess its just like back when i was fighting old fashioned white racism. the ppl back then couldnt see it either. everything was fine and if you disagreed they branded you. 'what are you, some kind of ni99er lover?' now its everything is racist. if youre white (or even black, check out youtube) and speak up about real truths that are plaguing us its youre racist' yes. of course i am this is our enemy, people. this brings us donald trumps. we couldnt have a better example. reject neoracism
  18. thats exactly how administrations fall. the drip, drip, drip is devestating exactly i expect this guy will be toast. the only way he gets out of it is if they can prove this was a standard meeting with a diplomat, including some evidence of the conversation. but the fact that he was asked point blank if he had any contact with russian officials and he didnt offer these meetings up himself will damn him if he doesnt have that kind of clear evidence. flynn did indeed sort of set the standard there, and this will be perceived as along the same lines unless sessions himself can come up with something definitive to counter it Sessions willing to recuse himself from Russia investigation Attorney General Jeff Sessions said early Thursday that he would be willing to recuse himself from any investigation of Russian involvement in the Trump campaign if it's "appropriate." "I have said whenever it's appropriate, I will recuse myself," he told NBC News. "There's no doubt about that." On Thursday morning, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) suggested it would "easier" if Sessions recused himself from any Russia investigations. "I don't have all the information in front of me, I don't want to pre-judge, but I just think for any investigation going forward, you want to make sure everybody trusts the investigation," McCarthy said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "That there's no doubt within the investigation...I think it would be easier from that standpoint, yes." Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Wednesday said that if the FBI finds any criminal activity related to President Trump campaign aides' alleged contact with Russian officials, then Sessions should step aside for a special prosecutor. Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), meantime, said he wished Sessions had been "more clear" during the confirmation process about his meetings. "It gives me some pause that he wasn't more clear about the meeting," Duffy said Thursday morning on CNN's "New Day." "I think as he's going through the campaign with Mr. Trump though, he was acting in his official capacity as a senator, you want to disclose that information and I think it should have been more clear during his confirmation process that he did have the meetings." Sessions defended himself during his comments with NBC News, saying has never discussed “any political campaigns” with Russian officials. Well, I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaigns,” he said. "Those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false. I don’t have anything else to say about that.” http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/321947-sessions-denies-talking-campaign-with-russia lol. that last part sounds exactly like flynn just before he resigned
  19. its a tough call. he did voluntarily enter a rehab program so maybe hes finally recognized he has a problem and wants to deal with it. and hes so loaded with natural talent that he might be worth the risk. if he does work out for whomever takes a chance on his it would be a tremendous on the field payback.
  20. well i might not have been first but i think its pretty obvious this needed its own thread. these are the kinds of things that bring administrations down, and its likely only going to continue to get worse from here the don has made enemies of the press and his own intelligence community. i hate the press too but combining those two as adversaries is a recipe for utter disaster for a president
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