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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. one word: bbmb internment camps
  2. a restructure was the best possible solution here personally i just want to make the playoffs at this point. its been way too ridiculously long since weve been there, id rather be one and done and hope for incremental improvement the following season then then 2-3 years a rebuild would take tt gives you competent nfl qb play now at an every more reasonable price. most likely thats going to be as a bridge qb, keeping the seat warm until your next guy is ready to play it does seem unlikely that tt would be able to win you a title, but he could be a piece that does. it would take a hell of a defense, and then his combination of ball security and the well-timed big play could be the difference from there. unlikely but possible
  3. yeah could you guys just stop with that crap. i so tired of everything being compared to the team that had the biggest gift from heaven land just in their lap. literally ANY team and ANY decent nfl coach could accomplish what they have if the best passer in the history of the nfl floated to them like magic at exactly the time all the rules favor that one position for the love of all that doesnt make me want to vomit, please stop riding their jocks
  4. not to fear my favorite hayseed, i have a good one for your level of interest in reading
  5. which of course is exactly the problem. not being intellectually curious and instead being intellectually lazy has resulted in us perpetually stuck in this race issue quagmire year after year, decade after decade, century after century you just buy the popular narrative bc its easy and popular. you dont have to extend yourself at all, just go along with what the majority is saying, that whites are to blame and blacks are universal victims. that narrative brings all of us tremendous pain and damage we dont need, an incalculable amount of unnecessary misery, a myriad of lost experiences and perspectives, all bc it was the easy path and thus you stay ignorant, not knowing what you dont know, and you continually infect others. we are a nation of race issue typhoid marys, walking around slapping each other on the back for how allegedly racially advanced we are, when in reality we just keep infecting each other over and over again with the same bullѕhit that gets us into the same patch of trouble every time if you dont like that book, then how about this one: The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood by Jesse Lee Peterson (Author) https://www.amazon.com/Antidote-Healing-America-Poison-Victimhood-ebook/dp/B01E4U24AK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1488985113&sr=8-1&keywords=jesse+lee+peterson mr peterson is a pastor, grew up on a southern plantation, and absolutely despised white people, walking the same path of aggrievement and blame gaming as most of our blackness and enabling whiteness. and then, thank god, he had his epiphany that he in reality had been lied to the whole time, and that it was his own fault for believing the lies. and then he set out on a mission to change all that, wherever he could he basically says the same things as mr starkes, but as a pastor he does it with considerably more love and understanding. but make no mistake, he is still quite harsh with black folks about the realities of their own delusions, most specifically their widespread and unchecked hatred of whitey for reasons that long since have become invalid still not highbrow enough for you? how about one of these two: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=thomas+sowell thomas sowell is essentially a sociology scientist, for lack of a better term. he analyzes historical trends of culture his main point on race is that these negative behaviors we attribute to black people are really a consistent pattern that manifests itself any time any group of ppl are oppressed for long periods of time. the same kinds of widespread thuggery that we see within our current blackness happened in the conflicts between the catholic and the irish, in the brutal civil wars in south africa, and every other place where one group of humans oppresses other groups of humans. by decoupling bad behavior from racism he shows us that those groups that intentionally cling to bad behaviors bc they view them as part of their race are in fact just perpetuating a pattern that actually has nothing to do with race and everything to do with making excuses way beyond when that might have been a legitimate cause by intentionally staying ignorant you and the majority of americans are just keeping alive these false narratives, the false conclusions, and the horribly cycle of self-inflicted pain we once again find ourselves in like some kind of super fkd up groundhog day. nice freaking job but yeah, no, go ahead and dont take me up on my offer. just stay the same retards you people have always been on this topic, what could possibly go wrong? correct absolutely classic white enabling. you are the problem now, my friend
  6. bc the race grievance industry has turned it into a war zone where lots of innocent and/or savable die untimely deaths isnt that enough?
  7. the plan before the aca and this one currently being promoted by republicans would doom your brother and many thousands of other families to watching a horrible misery filled deterioration straight to death thats not hyperbole, thats not political spin, that is cold hard reality but for most ppl it never hits home until its them. its thoroughly disgusting but thats what it is american health care needs to cover everybody and needs everybody paying into the well. its pretty sick that we can require everyone to get auto insurance but we dont require everyone to get health insurance you refuted my point that market driven health insurance is a capitalistic delusion by posting more capitalistic delusions you shouldnt be able to negotiate a cheaper rate bc you are more healthy now. things can change in an instant. do you pay triple tomorrow bc the doctor found a genetic abnormality making you now unable to absorb calcium? do you pay triple now bc your condition makes your bones brittle and suddenly you need that bone replacement coverage? again, the incentives of pure capitalism will always result in insurance companies finding their sweet spot that allows them to charge as much as they can to cover the healthiest ppl. we can never let the market alone decide those issues the solution always comes back to the same thing for a reason: everybody is covered and everybody pays
  8. i can definitely see a point that says we want our paid coaches working with the players, not former players volunteering to come in and add yet another cook to the kitchen if mr christie is so good a coach then hire him in come capacity so that he is part of the total program. if not then thanks but we pass, which is what i think happened here
  9. not really the aca as it ended up was better than what we had, which was yet another system that had ended up zeroing in on the well employed and healthy at the expense of the huge lower income group. but it was irreparably damaged due to intentional sabotage from the right simply bc it wasnt theirs. morally disgusting but true now is their chance to put their own stamp on it. again, its revolting that our elected officials play football with our health and lives like this, but hopefully one of these times they will knock it the fk off and actually do what they should and work together hahahahhaaaa hey it could happen the acas biggest flaw imo is unusability by lower middle class folks caught with too much income for enough subsidies and coverage that requires them to pay large premiums or large deductables before they get vital diagnostics and treatments. ive lost count of the ppl i know who have coverage but cant get a colonoscopy or something similar bc it would coast them three or four grand they dont have what we need is to continue on the general path that the aca started and fix the things that werent working. i believe thats by essentially putting everybody in medicare basic and the insurance companies selling rider policies on top of that. insurance industry would shrink by at least half, but so what i do personally think health care should be a right at this point in time. and frankly, with all the super abundance we have on hc resources, shame on anybody who thinks otherwise. its embarrassing how we allow ppl to shrivel and die from stuff that absolutely should not kill them simply bc we are afraid of freeloaders but whatever system becomes the next cycle has to continue to push the ball forward. so far this one doesnt look as bad as i expected, but it still needs a lot of work. taking out coverage for routine visits, exams, and procedures is a huge mistake imo that i hope they address
  10. thats a capitalistic delusion that model has been tried more than all others combined, almost exclusively in fact, and with all kinds of iterations our experience tells us insurance companies will find new and innovative ways to collude every time. and each time it centers on excluding care for the sick and poor and focusing only on their sweet spot of profit what else would you expect? we need to abandon the fantasy that we can let medical care industries regulate themselves through profit. that has been clearly established when it comes to hc the only viable long term solution is socialist, not capitalist. i realize the righties will despise that. deal wid it
  11. ultra weak you have courage to stand up to their righty echo chamber, but not enough to stand up to the dysfunctional race issue echo chamber. hmmm. dont make sense unless your partisanship outweighs your brotherhood so you cant engage in intellectual speculation now? so the very best tool available to us to examine and analyze, our mind, is now completely off the table with you? the ability to model other idea options and contrast those results against our current (unsatisfactory) results, a unique ability available only to humans (most of us) is something you are comfortable with just totally mothballing? super mega epic weak, man of course we can speculate, and the answer is pretty blisteringly obvious. either side could target whatever size network of trailer parks they want, and that would be about as clickable as the irs releasing new tax forms on pig farming. not that theres anything wrong with pig farming whiteness is judged on a whole other scale than blackness is. our gauges and our judgments on race issues have gotten so out of adjustment that we now routinely report on things being 'racist' when they actually have no automatic race bias as we are claiming and accepting as defacto. conspicuously and yet somehow ignored, those things ALWAYS target whites its so blatent that it screams of something where we ourselves as a general culture are projecting racism INTO situations where it doesnt belong. and yeah, i think a large part of that is guilt, and this is the result of that overcompensation but thats a whole other thread of this topic so lets move on the larger point is this gross double standard of ideas and thoughts, the lack of accountability for the real serious problems of black racism, black bias, and black behavior, has spilled into our culture at large and become entrenched in our allegedly progressive thinking. its a disease that has infected us there and needs to see the light of day to be excised it gets more and more obvious every day as we meander further through this fantasy land of don. we went too far. pendulum WAAAY overswung and we became the racists. whitey got sick of it and stomed to the polls. nice fg job fortunately weve seen a plunge in the off the hook race issue diatribes coming from the left since on this issue. it was getting infurating to even me to see blacks and enabling whites coming on national cable and broadbrushing whiteness with almost no chance at rebuttal, and literally zero opportunity to make even highly valid criticisms of blackness. i think im still hoarse from the screaming at the tv session i had after hearing hillarys deplorables comment for the first time. 'just endorse the ass hole you stupid B word' i think were my very un-pc words remember, im the guy that loves black folks. im the guy that never identified with that old racist white culture. i was very often the only one speaking up for blackness, i cant even count how many times i became the only ni99er in the room. but in this cycle and those of the last couple decades, it has been the increasingly exclusive squelching of whitey on anything involving blackness, especially valid criticisms, that has definitely become repressive. its definitely become oppressive. this is exactly the behavior we rightfully condemned in classic white racism how quickly we become that which we hate. get a little influence, have that influence graduate to control, and then boom! here comes the rigging, here comes the sabotaging. oh you mean we can get away with calling whitey and his culture the exclusive racist here? well then hell yeah, whitey is the the whole problem here! case closed. woo hoo that was easy. and shut up if you disagree yeaaaah. that never goes wrong if it was nascar fans either party was targeting it would be viewed as nothing. meh, democrats targeting rural white communities to weaken their voting abilities. snore. borrrrring. ppl will hardly click on that now make it black and everything changes. everything changes. a hundred million times more clickable. and click you people sure as fk do does anybody see the potential for a problem here? no? not so unpredicatably it sounds exactly like the white racists from former cycles you previously had the moral authority to condemn the key word there of course is previously those conditions, white racism and oppression, do not primarily exist anymore. oh they definitely exist, but not primarily. our false claims that they do, blm im looking at you, are the primary bias here in fact, if we want to talk about a percentage of population, where does most of the racism lie? theres simply no doubt that right now most racism as a percent of population resides in ppl of color in america absolutely and for sure. whitness has A LOT more ppl so that even just their racists dwarf other entire individual races, but still when we hold the racism meter (one that actually works) to each race we pretty clearly see that our browner brothers and sisters are now the ones with race bias problems greater than the highly melanin challenged brothers wasnt that way before. is that way now what is the primary claim from blackness on american race issues? that institutional white racism is the primary driver of black dysfunction and needs to be aggressively destroyed well, an objective mature reasoning adult analysis of that shows that we have mostly corrected all that. will always have more work to do, but whitey has indeed finally crawled across that finish line. lets not bother with the parade, took WAAAY damn too long. but la dee dah, woo hoo, and whoop die doo, whitey finally made it. lets move on if we stop and unemotionally analyze what is the largest source of destructive race issue bias today in america, who has the most influence and what is it? pretty clear its our blackness and our liberalism teaming up to broadbrush whitey and shout down any rightful dissent is our greatest race issue sin right now. been that way for a while now, actually so um yeah, we should be doing conjecture on situations like this, we should try to admit our bias and where its infecting us in negative ways we had a chance to do that with race issues in a healthy manner. we didnt. and we got the don. nice piece of work its a correction. its a call to spiritual arms. we reject the ways of the neoracists. we embrace our redneck deplorables and the progress they have made even if it did take way too damn long. most of them are out of the racism desert now, lets stop browbeating them for old sins, lets appreciate their conversion, lets join with them to root out racism wherever it exists and lets look at ways maybe we are now the bigger problem, progressives. maybe we should just drop our outdated campaign and move forward, even if that means abandoning a political power we once weilded exclusively. i know it will be hard to let THAT go, you addicted partisans, but its time to move past that horseѕhit reboot
  12. lol. i like that. i think i will steal it
  13. fk that idiot. hows that? a piece of ѕhit human being that will get ѕhit results hillary disgusted me with her hubris and her cheating. and yet, id take her in a heartbeat right now over this prick. then again, id take brittany spears over this dick
  14. oh please. stop riding their jocks for crying out loud they lucked into the best passer in the history of the game. thats its. that one stroke of undeserved luck gives them the enormous advantage of stability by keeping everything together year after year. thats it they were a ѕhit organization before she arrived and they will go back to being a ѕhit organization when she retires stop giving them magical abilities they dont deserve yes. another huge advantage of falling into the pure luck acquisition of the best passer ever none of this happens when she retires. they have no magic formula. bills record when she doesnt play is sub-.500. genius my ass. lucky surly cheating dick is what he is
  15. this is like the least surprising race issue news ever its long been pretty obvious that white ppl have entered this WAAAAY overcompensating mode when it comes to their view of black thoughts, behavior, and results. the double standard is pretty freaking huge and has been creating damaging social standards for a while now. our greatest evidence is our disaster result at the most important job in the world. so yeah, there have been consequences to this diversion i love my black brothers and sisters but blacks are definitely far more racist as a percentage of population than whites. that alone should be our call to action. you would think we would recognize that danger after all the pain and suffering it has caused us, but apparently we havent learned our lesson yet. its only been many thousands of years so no hurry new research suggests that professing such third-party concern—what social scientists refer to as "moral outrage"—is often a function of self-interest, wielded to assuage feelings of personal culpability for societal harms or reinforce (to the self and others) one's own status as a Very Good Person. Feelings of guilt are a direct threat to one's sense that they are a moral person and, accordingly, research on guilt finds that this emotion elicits strategies aimed at alleviating guilt that do not always involve undoing one's actions. Furthermore, research shows that individuals respond to reminders of their group's moral culpability with feelings of outrage at third-party harm-doing. These findings suggest that feelings of moral outrage, long thought to be grounded solely in concerns with maintaining justice, may sometimes reflect efforts to maintain a moral identity. the concept of white guilt is yet another thing that our blackness influenced overcompensation has deeded worthy of instant condemnation and being shouted down. weve seen exactly that happen when someone tries to include even a smidgen of its consideration on the cable news networks, instantly being shut down. yet its a very valid observation in my experience with white people, which btw is extensive the reality is that most whites have transitioned from a racist past (i estimate 80% white racists in 1970) to a non-racist present (around 35%), so almost all whites had to go through a difficult reconciliation of that highly guilt inducing past. i watched this go on for decades, many of them are still processing the guilt of that realization since childhood ive had a unique perspective bc i never literally never went through that phase at all. i was born in the middle of extreme white racism, yet due to my mothers affiliation with a completely all-race loving church we were raised for it to be normal to be around black folks and to be mutually loving while doing it. from a young age i watched intently from the front lines of redneck crackerland racism, trying to figure out this craziness of white racism, as these people went excruciatingly slow through this transition white guilt doesnt explain away white transgression, past or present. but it is a real phenomenon that is having real consequences - and we should be talking about it and how it affect us negatively. most specifically, whites have pulled back from deciding what racism standard should be, and blackness has naturally filled that void. blacks have just done what people in that situation of all colors always do when they get some influence, they mostly used it to try to sabotage the other side. very typical human behavior, very typical low human nature behavior if this was any other race we would be able to talk about it and address the real shortcomings in our blackness. but in todays world just criticizing blackness is akin to automatic racism, and the net result has been coddling of some black beliefs and behaviors. all our brothers and sisters deserve criticism sometimes, as we do ourselves. we are putting a shell over one race and one race only, and then wondering why things have got fkd up there are some of us that criticize our brothers and sisters bc we love them. and we love us. and we have to speak to truth when social diseases evolve from our emotional failings of current and prior racism again, i will keep pointing this out until it hits home: the result we got from our current race issue system is donald freaking trump. if thats not a blaring siren for a call to action idk wtf is
  16. if their data showed large numbers of trailer parks voted dem and did the same thing there, would that be racist?
  17. it sounds crazy bc you have been influenced by the highly erroneous interpretation of that author im not a democrat, i have no agenda like you guys, so stow that crap pls what that author claims is her calling for blood and death on the streets is actually the language evolved out of prior civil rights movements. shes talking about peaceful protesters who were seriously abused some to the point of death in mlk inspired protests. its a language often used when peaceful blacks are issuing a call for action you can make the point shes being a little melodramatic bc ppl generally dont die anymore from peaceful protests, but its ridiculous to say shes actually calling for intentional blood and death. i would prefer that she had not used that reference for just these reasons, but really, shame on this author for turning it into something it absolutely wasnt ive addressed this before so this will probably be the last time i remind you, but its preposterous to suggest hillary isnt at the very top levels of the most qualified humans ever for the job of potus is she annoyingly fake? yes. does she have a serious problem with hubris? yes. was she involved in despicably sabotaging bernie? yes. did i not vote for her for those reasons? yes none of that changes the reality that she has an all-time outstanding resume for the job of president
  18. if true, i believe the difference is that they had the court order this time, which makes them incomparable i think its pretty obvious the russians intended to interfere, specifically to install a stooge over a highly qualified professional. in that scenario, an investigation by the obama admit is completely warranted. that would make sessions a legitimate target as a don advisor
  19. this, THIS, as thousand times THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  20. yes, YES, a thousand times YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  21. its really funny bc when i tell black folks i married a black woman they usually ask me if im still with her. when i say no more often than not they immediately chime in 'did she turn crazy?', then i say 'yeah you know how black women are' and we both immediately laugh out loud. thats bc its definitely true, black women have earned the reputation within blackness of turning crazy when they get in relationships. this is known so universally well in blackness that its a running joke, you say she turned crazy and black folks IMMEDIATELY know exactly what you are talking about then when we are done laughing about that, i tell the black folks 'you know if i say that to white ppl they all will call me racist. lots of times the black folks dont even believe me, they will say no, really? and i have to say again, yep they will often call me racist right then and there now what just happened here? i said the same things i always say on this topic and what did they white ppl present do? they did what white ppl always do when i say this, they jumped into the automatic racism pool two things to learn here, white ppl. first, you are absolutely full of total ѕhit when it comes to this topic. you possess the worst possible combination of self-awareness when it comes to the issue of whites commenting on blackness: you think you know what youre talking about but you are absolutely full of ѕhit. what that means is that you will run around making judgments about any comment made by whites about blackness, you will condemn those comments as automatically racist, and then you will try to shame/shout down those ppl making those comments. all based on your own warped horseѕhit views that are demonstrably wholly ignorant of reality you are the neo-racists. the new racist. the sludge of human existence that remains pitifully stuck in the past, raising tired old arguments that have nothing to do with reality, with almost nothing able to slow your destructive ignorance down bc you are so wrongfully convinced you are correct that you just plow ahead with what are actually illegitimate objections based on nothing you are the fools here. and you dont even know it. retards
  22. yeah i used to live it. when i was married to my black wife she was seriously adverse to getting any darker bc she was 'already black enough'. she wasnt biased against other dark blacks but she definitely had a latent bias in herself, obviously from the overt black bias against dark blacks she undoubtedly experienced in her ghetto upbringing. she was actually brilliant mentally, but she still carried a lot of scars. i like the really dark black women so i used to try to get her to go in the sun but she refused, and if she had to go into the sun she used sun block, wore a big wide brimmed hat, and baggy beach clothes. not even lying at all about that then when she turned crazy, like most black women do in a very classic crazy black woman pattern, we divorced and i started going to black clubs to find a gf. it always obvious as hell blacks in the club definitely were biased against the darker black girls bc they would just sit there waiting for guys to come up to them, while the lighter black girls would flit around happily with a train of guys following them around. it was awesome for me bc the darker girls were eager for the attention, so i was like the photo negative stud in the room to them. i literally stopped even trying to talk to the lighter skinned girls bc they were such a pain in the ass. i almost had my pick of the darker girls so why bother with the light black princesses? of course the last time i tried that i started getting threatened by the black guys once they noticed my success so i stopped going to those places. funny how the blacks have become the 'dont go after our women' racists when black men are pretty much fkg record amounts of white kitty the last twenty plus years
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