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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. i dont remember saying any dr is competent. drs make mistakes, some of them shouldnt be drs. still, i know we have the capability to define and enforce minimal standards that most drs will meet, and the resources to provide drs to everyone. we certainly have enough doctors and would have even more if we made preventative medicine a priority we should be proud we have advanced far enough to provide health care for everyone. we dont just let ppl starve anymore bc we have such a ridiculous abundance of food that our conscience made it obvious we had to feed the hungry with our leftovers. we are basically at that point with health care. we shouldnt be competing on the basis of who gets basic comprehensive health care i realize im repeating myself here but now is the time it needs to be pointed out. i would prefer we dont screw this up. a-gain.
  2. more often than not, calling someone racist is todays mccarthyism so color me unconvinced of your certainty i ask again, was he making any kind of academic point? i find it extremely unlikely that short of literal brain damage any reasonable person just comes to a message board and posts pictures of lynchings. what was the reason? the more time goes on and there isnt a good case made the more likely this will end up selective censorship. seen it waaay too many times to have confidence in your simple word on the matter
  3. was he making a point? i have no idea, i didnt see it, cant recall anything what he posted if i did see it images of lynchings make me literally physicall ill yet they are sometimes extremely valuable for historal reference and analysis i could show you extremely relevant pictures of lynchings, each with its own vital significance in the history and evolution of racism we can of course also show many other very violent images from history, many of them illuminating essential points about humanity and its depravity of thought and action i really abhor the idea of bannings except in the most extreme of cases bc it almost always ends up really being about censorship otherwise. and homey haaaaates censorship so did u guys overreact or was he promoting violence or something
  4. totally 100% in favor of universal coverage for all americans as the minimum. we have advanced as a species far enough that it is easily in reach as long as ppl dont be incredibly petty selfish jerks about it. we appear still a ways off from that but slowly zeroing in as the wildly swinging pendulum keeps us missing the target. hold still you fkr totally fine with socialized medicine if thats the ultimate solution. would be totally fine if a market based systems could deliver that, unfortunately weve learned it cant, not on its own totally fine with better tiers of care as you can afford more for your policy. must have minimal standards including preventative medicine, but it is reasonable to allow ppl to purchase much better options. id rather a poor or needy person have a relatively crappy team of doctors than no doctors we shouldnt be competing based on health care. that says way more about us as individuals and as a collective than it does about our paranoia created antipathy to those lazy poor people
  5. the brambles?!? is that a gay reference? i like you, just not in that way not that theres anything wrong with sheepifornication
  6. does anybody know what shape karlos is in or if hes had any off-field prollems besides not being able to avoid the stupid but still rules against weed? i cant find anything that says he wasnt keeping fit and no reports of trouble after a short search
  7. dude youve already admitted you dont read any of my posts longer than a beetle bailey comic strip, you HAD to use a text generator to reply
  8. extremely naive partisan fantasy if there is no replacement plan then obamacare BECOMES trumpcare by default. you have a small sliver of extreme right wing trump fans that would give him a pass like that, the rest of the country including most of the middle/lower class conservatives that voted him in will rightfully be furious that they didnt do anything to fix it the republicans will lose hugely if they dont make moves that get us a better plan one way or another. right now they are steaming down the path of hillary or whoever in '20. this issue will likely decide that election
  9. thats exactly what it is. its a sick addition to money as if it were a god, combined with an extreme selfishness. very common in america and around the world. ppl like that tend to stay like that until they themselves wind up needing the help they refused to consider for others they will tell you thats not it, as they have done here, and then turn around and say things that make it obvious thats really what their issue is. its a very unevolved lower human nature kind of thing. the older i get the more disgusting i find it
  10. i was really holding out hope he would come around in his development. hes such an outstanding human being that you cant help but root for a guy like that to succeed alas, im not sure he has it in him. its unfair to judge any player on one game but he looked exactly like the same old ej in that start against the jets that i will be very surprised if he ever starts in this league again. just a chronic inability to throw a consistent ball i wish him all the wellness i can but i hate to say i seriously doubt hes ever going to be a starter again in this league. should be able to make a nice living holding a clipboard somewhere though
  11. that they dont want one red cent of 'their' money going to somebody else who needs hc and cant afford it
  12. next violation is the season. he barely made it a month on pittsburgs roster so id have to say no way
  13. wow. this thread seriously sucked. total waste of filtering. i literally dont know what any of those insults mean. dumb whippersnapper talk if you ask me. this thread blew. get off my lawn
  14. i will admit that over the years ive come to realize the radical portion of islam is much bigger than i used to think it was. theres a ton of muslims that dont pick up weapons but still support the idea of using extremist violence against civilians to support their ideology. and that indeed is a huge problem we need to face directly within islam but i would still say that its inappropriate to broad brush. i still think there are more muslims that would be appalled by this video than those who would be comfortable with it. we need to partner with the good muslims to root out the bad, which actually is what is going on. most of the time its muslims that give us the info to catch extremists before they strike. we need to continue to strengthen that ability right there and continue to identify which side of that fence muslim organizations and their member are on
  15. thats disgusting dude. we live in a country with more health care resources than any civilization in history and we are going to let people whither and die just bc of an addiction to money accumulation? man thats ultra selfish i hope you and others with this horrible view grow out of it soon
  16. im not at all surprised the is going on, i expect it. we know islam has a serious problem with this exact kind of ultra orthodoxy promoting ancient outdated traditions but to use it as some kind of evidence against muslims in general is insane lets be more discerning than that for gods sake
  17. honestly im finding it hard to believe they could get this out of tyrod. even if the market was cool on him you would think he could do better than this. massive pay cut is right, and yet another easy out for the bills in two years. incredible win for the bills. never thought it would end up this good for the team thats a hell of a point. if they are working out a deal with cleveland that must have felt like a pending trip to syberia for tyrod. we probably never will find out but thats quite possibly a realistic guess
  18. i dont think brute force will fix it. they will just go underground and wait for enforcement to die down under budget pressure then just start right back up again i believe the only way to change it is via culture pressure. we have to admit as a society that the machismo driven black male archetype is to blame and then put pressure on that socially. just like we did when machismo driven white males were the problem thirty plus years ago
  19. thats what i cant really figure. why did tyrod do it? seems like he certainly could have done better financially taking the bills severance money and going elsewhere. i guess he really wanted to stay in bflo. eventually that question will be asked so i expect we will hear an answer soon
  20. for all intensive purposes you are right as reign and a suppository of information
  21. agreed but those ppl are still dying premature deaths for very bad reasons. we could save a lot of those ppl if we would just stop these stupid broken racial double standards and work together to root out the bad elements of black culture the biggest problem is that we have allowed very bad elements infecting black culture to go unchallenged bc doing so would satisfy our sick and broken definition of racism. so almost nobody speaks up and the cycle just continues indefinitely what they are is gangstholic niggas. they are absolutely addicted to a mentality that says machismo driven pride is above all else and disrespect must be replied to with extreme violence. they are addicted to a literal gangster lifestyle - gangstaholics. its actual real life gangsterhood very similar to what we used to have with the italians, but bc its black nobody dares openly criticize it. so those wars just continue on the street indefinitely we literally need to have public service announcements playing on everybodys tv. we need to have gangster rappers going on national tv telling ppl openly hey this is just art, you shouldnt be trying to live your life this way. be a gangsta for good, not a gangsta for bad. we need to have organized and sustained advertising campaigns to be a gangsta for family, a gangsta for community, a gangsta for responsibility, a gangsta for god but will they do that? hell the fk no. why? first of all, bc we would have to admit that some parts of the black culture are horribly broken, and we simply do NOT have the courage to do that yet. it would also make the gangster rappers far less money. removing the mystique and breaking the fantasy illusion would mean the virtual death of gangster rap and all those royalties would dry up. it would also mean ceding the control that blackness has obtained over whitey. its a sick destructive control, but its control, and blacks love the feeling of being able to control whitey. so we just continue to crank out crap in our blackness, millions of ppl continue to consume it, and ppl continue to suffer and die over it pretty fkg sick. you would think we would have learned our lesson by now but these are powerful emotional motivators. its going to be tough to break the cycle but we have to
  22. any time either party has total control things always get fkd up republicans have been dying (figuratively) to gut health care for decades. its pretty sick (figuratively) and immoral. their obsession with cutting taxes for the ppl with money to take away hc for the poor literally dooms ppl to suffer and die (literally). they leave millions of ppl with no coverage and expect them to get their hc needs from the ER. but of course those ppl are going to be deteriorating all along bc they dont have access to routine preventative care, so by the time they get to the ER they are far sicker (literally) than they need to be the republicans disgusting stance on hc is by far my biggest criticism of them. they literally dont give a ѕhit about anything other than cutting taxes and returning that money to ppl who dont really need it while leaving poor and lower middle class ppl to either go bankrupt or just deteriorate and die. its a sick fixation on capitalism that causes them to care more about money accumulation and bowing to the magical free capitalistic market than helping their brothers and sisters stay healthy. its revolting our only chance now is going to come from the republican rank and file themselves. most of them bought into the crap fed to them about how terrible the aca was, until they got coverage themselves bc of it. now they dont want to see that coverage disappear or be replaced with something inferior. even with its faults, the aca was better than what we had previously. so its those ppl that hopefully will force the issue and make the gop realize that if they gut the hc standards the aca put in place then they wont be in power much longer. within the span of one presidential term they could see their seat advantage completely disappear over this issue. and if the dems get back in control they are just going to reinstate what they already started the logical and rational view is that its time for the parties to work together to fix what we have instead of tearing it all down and starting over, which would be a disaster. whether they finally drop their petty partisan warring to get something good done for their constituents remains to be seen
  23. he wants to get paid and who can blame him spend any extra money on zbrown, we need him way more
  24. the problem there is every rushing td dramatically raises the injury potential and eventually that catches up to you qbs take a rb beating doing that, and you cant be a consistently good thrower if you have a rbs beat up body. 100% of running qbs transition to passing qbs - if they keep the job that long. sometimes they never make the transition, mike vick cough so yeah, its great watching tyrod run around and create magical plays. but thats going to mostly disappear someday out of necessity, he wont have a choice, and we all will have to rely mostly on his arm. so far hes shown thats not enough so we have to hope he shows some progress with that part of the job pretty soon to make that transition
  25. i just hope ty can make some kind of incremental improvement over last season. i expected that to happen in his season two of starting, and i thought he did try to use the field more and lead receivers early in the year, but he seemed to regress pretty quickly back to what he was in '15. so my confidence is low that hes going to show us much progress, but if he does it sure could go a long way to ending the playoff drought
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