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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. your response seemed to indicate you jumped to a conclusion. sarcasm is hard to discern on the interwebs and there was nothing in your post to indicate such. perhaps i am not familiar enough with your reputation to make that determination from what little you provided, so forgive my error it appears i wasnt the only one bman, are you sure you arent covering up? you can tell us if you actually jumped to a conclusion there, we promise we wont laugh at you
  2. i hope youre right i just dont trust the don, i think hes a low character individual who will do whats best for the don. that makes him entirely unpredictable. it could go the way you aptly described, or he could suddenly change course and go full republican on health care and start funneling more money to the one percent at the expense of the rest i sure hope he comes through as you suggest. i remain unconfident thats a great article. i thought i read all the ones on politico, i musta missed it or it came out after i was perusing the lists in any event, that actually makes me a little more confident. they (republicans) appear to be seriously considering the fallout if they do what they normally do and prioritize getting more money to ppl that already have a lot, which disgusts me when talking about health care. the moderates appear (for once!) to have a real voice this time, most likely due to the razor thin margin they have in the senate, not to mention the short cycle they have until midterms where they could get punished for any carelessness to the ppl they would be pushing out of health care i am afraid to get my hopes up hoping the republicans have finally changed their spots on health care. they have been completely intransigent on this topic for as long as i can remember, its hard to imagine they may actually reverse all that and do the right thing for non-wealthy americans the republicans are asking us to trust them, they will fix this in later stages. i find very little in recent history to give them the benefit of the doubt on this. but i will keep my fingers crossed, again
  3. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), among the most conservative Democrats, who is up for re-election in 2018, said on Monday the bill is “morally wrong.” "To do what they're doing right now is absolutely unconscionable," Manchin said. “It's just awful … There's got to be a moral compass inside somebody.” "Can’t sugarcoat it, it doesn't look good, does it?" observed Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La). It’s tough to guess how long Republicans can carry the day with a “trust us” argument, with spooked conservatives and moderates both peeling off and many health industries wary of the party’s replacement plans. Price and others are already attacking the CBO for reviewing just the first part of the replacement plan. But that ignores the fact that the CBO is only supposed to analyze legislation that has been introduced — and not take into account extraneous promises from the White House and GOP leaders about what else may or may not happen down the road. agreed based on their history i have very low confidence the republicans will do whats right for all americans on health care
  4. i hope you realize that was an intentionally farcical piece of legislation
  5. ive always believed that coverage should be for everybody. when i used to be high earner i believed it, now as a disabled chronically ill man i certainly still believe it whether thats socialized medicine, a market based system, or most realistically a combination, everybody should have access. we are at a point in our human development that we can do it if we just stop the squabbling the don has promised that. will republicans be able to deliver? color me deeply skeptical given their track record the dems had their chance and it looked promising, but the aca is failing in the middle and leaving too many ppl with the terrible choice to pay their mortgage or swallow that huge colonoscopy deductible i would love to see both sides of the aisle finally come together to deliver a usable solution. weve had multiple opportunities to do that, yet it always devolves into a pissing contest with one side working and the other side sabotaging all the while real ppl are really suffering, real ppl are really dying. real ppl facing excruciating choices that seriously threaten their present and their future theres got to be a better way. i pray we are finally ready to deliver one. i am not confident
  6. agreed. though i am extremely skeptical that market driven forces will reliably work when they never have in the past. but the wealth of information provided has been very valuable to review imo
  7. travis henry has double the score i would expect
  8. Nobody ever mentions this, I guess everybody forgot, but Rex Ryan's defense is known to create linebackers out of thin air. Just look at his teams over the years and they crank out linebackers from nowhere. He's explained that openly before, the defensive linemen are supposed to tie up blockers and let the linebackers make the plays. That's one of the reasons Mario McPussypants became the cancer that he apparently is now permanently, because he didn't want his play to be setting up anybody else I think the rest of the league has got wise to this and they don't overvalue linebackers in Rexys system. So it's entirely possible that brown comes back to us
  9. the nfl has continuously modified its rules to favor the qb and to a lesser extent the receivers so now we find out qb stats are the biggest determining factor to winning shocking, huh? i wish theyd change the rules back to allow contact with the wrs down the field and tilt the balance back towards the dbs. that would reduce the reliance on qbs and stop the game from becoming so completely one-dimensional so that there were more ways to win than just landing that super qb
  10. yes, the perils of mob mentality
  11. i was looking forward to this but the link is bad ive hated the way cable media debates for a long time. fox news made shouting matches popular and that went on for a long time. now we appear to be trying the lets take turns talking approach, but we do have far too many ppl just being cut off bc the host assumes they know when to let someone finish or not weve surrender to the click media where truth and real debate doesnt matter anymore. its all about the clicks
  12. per usual, not a single person cares at all about the information ive provided on the highly relevant and transfomative books that would help us all move past the ѕhit that is holding us back on race issues this is exactly why we just keep creating misery and hardship for ourselves when it comes to whats actually a ridiculously easy topic to manage if you simply have the right perspective just stay ignorant and we can keep creating this unnecessary suffering ad infinitum
  13. you might see them as proclamations but they are views and opinions like any other and open to debate by responsible adults. you see them as preaching bc i dont usually respond to nonsense and wait for quality dialog and debate by ppl who are seeking knowledge and solutions instead of just perpetual arguing over superficial partisanship. which is why i will probably almost never reply to ppl like you. you will notice i do reply, often in great detail, to others who seek a legitimate intellectual exchange. if i ignore you, that usually means youve posted ѕhit this is exactly why i use the mental ignore feature and just skim most posts bc theres all kinds of useless asinine assumptions and mischaracterizations in here that are a waste of my time to address. but as an example, lets look at some of them this has nothing to do with 'defending' a poster. this has to do with mob mentality and censorship. after everything ive said its ridiculous that should be immediately obvious, i should not have to explain that, which is why i dont bother why do we keep the nazi concentration camps open? why do we have a memorial on the site of the 9/11 attacks? why do we allow facebook to post this pic of this naked female child? because they are vital lessons and reminders of vital elements of human nature, in these cases the utter depravity of lower human nature. difficult images and uncomfortable conversations are how we make use of terrible events to learn, evolve, and move beyond the destructive elements of our lower human natures this child is naked bc she ripped off her clothes that were burning her skin with napalm. is there any chance you see why this is a vital historical image that we should all have burned in our mind? i can show you disgusting images of lynchings that have similar historical and sociological importance ... so you can mob up and have me banned you are one of them, one of the groupthink vulnerable masses that seeks to destroy anything you do not understand. you are the intellectual enemy to anyone who cares about real knowledge and real progress, to confronting very hard and gut wrenching realities that we either address or they will eventually consume us but i suspect thats too much for you to digest, which is why i generally just ignore responses like this and wait for debate with those that will actually move the ball forward instead of making it regress into stupidity
  14. thank you. this is all i was looking for. many of the posters here are kind of jerks, imo its a board culture propagated mainly by tom among others who likes to be an abusive dick on purpose. like it has been said, if you want to be popular on the internet, be a jerk nice use of occam, i assume you know its razor but i guess it doesnt matter. and no, im afraid that it doesnt matter if 'everybody' is saying the same thing, mob behavior is a powerful intoxicant that can make even reasonable ppl believe and go along with utter horseѕhit. history is chock full of sad examples, and i have seen it far too often in my own life to have confidence in just about any group behavior. and no topic engenders the belief in utter horseѕhit than race issues so if hysteria driven mob behavior is going to happen its most likely involving race. it literally takes NOTHING to get a big group of ppl to agree THAT guy is racist and we should all shut him up. thats what got us into this mess with the yet again broken race relations, its was got us the disaster of the don presidency, thats why i am so dogged in my pursuit of truth and not taking a group of ppls word for almost anything they collectively decide on race i strongly believe that almost ALL views should be shared, even if they are highly uncomfortable, if for nothing else to just illuminate the cockroaches for what they really are. if this poster is as you have described, then i could see it becoming a necessity to give him a time out, maybe a greatly extended one. posts can be deleted/altered if content is deeply upsetting, if i was a mod i would have probably removed such a pic as you have described if there was no higher point being made with its use. its often tough to determine if someone is representing what they really believe or is just trying to intentionally be incendiary for fun and to be a pain in the ass, but i would rather give someone their audience at least periodically than just ban them permanently as i always say, i will stand holding a shotgun to give a kkk member their right to speak. i will probably hate every word, and when they are done i will condemn their views and implore them to seek an inner change, but every voice in america must be heard at least sometimes this is what usually happens, especially with race issues. it is what i assumed had happened before tom suggested i look them up, in his reliably abusive way but all i was really looking for is some kind of detailed description of what was going on, maybe an example provided by one of the obsessed. the fact that they resisted supplying that information either means they knew it was a shady ban they werent totally proud of, or they are just being their typical dicky board culture selves i am not yet familiar enough yet with this boards tolerances. ive seen WAY WAY WAY too many times where someone like me tries to make very valid albeit unpopular and uncomfortable points to the brainwashed masses on race, and they get banned for what is a terrible reason but thanks for this info, i will be less suspicious in the future
  15. so it was ok to gerrymander all the predominantly white neighborhoods to rig the voting but its not ok to do it to the black neighborhoods im no expert on this specific topic but when i see the ridiculously selective redistricting that goes on i always think that it all should be illegal so tell me again, why is it only illegal if race is involved? this is basically my trailer park example in real life. nobody cares if we redistrict poor white ppl, but make them black and suddenly omg we have to do something about this
  16. marcias hitting 40 this year and shes already started her decline. shes going to hit the wall any time now and fall off rapidly. may or may not be this season but its very soon so you gotta be ready to take advantage when it does once that happens the pressure will build in that organization to keep getting double digit win seasons, which they wont be able to do. cant wait to watch that whole lot of them go from geniuses to regular old joes once their magical princess doesnt have her glass slippers anymore
  17. if you need me to i can give you an excellent example. i have some text somewhere that was part of a presentation i was preparing that uses a classic image of a public lynching to make a point about how insidious racism is and how those committing it at the time are so convinced they are right that they are proud of being involved in despicable acts. id have to go look for it, but its an excellent image to make that point, even as disgusting of an image it actually is if you censor that kind of intellectual dialog just bc your own tender insensibilities cant handle it then you are doing a grave disservice to intellectual examination and analysis. its like the idiots who temporarily banned that giraffe mother having a calf bc it was 'sexual'. an even better example is when facebook temporarily banned that classic photo of the naked vietnamese female child running away from a napalm attack, if you just knee-jerk a visceral reaction then youre just being an idiot with no sense of historic significance. if someone is just posting a naked child then yeah you deserve to be banned. if your posting that photo and making a valid relative point then you are possibly contributing to a very vital dialog
  18. i dont pay much attention to the real white supremacists, or the black supremacists for that matter, they all sound the same level of silly to me. so i had to look up richard spencer and yeah i think any race trying to claim supremacy or who want to win some sick race war fantasy are pretty fkd in the head but white supremacy is another label that ive sometimes seen misapplied. like this whole thing about the alt right and how if a white person promotes white values they must be a white supremacist by default. i see no reason why its bad to promote white values when we have no problem promoting black values. thats completely different from someone whos an actual supremacist like that little fruitcake milo yanabuttalis or whatever tf his name was, he was a sort of annoying little fag but he made some good points along with a lot of crap. i saw ppl calling him a nazi and i never thought he was near that far off the deep edge. and just look at how ppl lost their frikkin minds around him, they turned him into the devil when he was mostly just a harmless right wing homo still, none of that answers my question whether this poster you had banned had a point to make with the lynching picture. you guys are the ones obsessed with the guy, you could have easily told me by now. i suppose if i get to caring enough i might take abusive bot toms suggestion and look up his posts, but i know you guys know exactly where his allegedly offending material is and could have just told me. the more you skirt the issue and dont provide specifics it seems the more likely you know you dont really have much of a case censorship is a bad bad thing. for every one time somebody is censored on these types of boards for a valid and just reason, theres probably at least ten if not a hundred bogus ones. the mob is a powerful force on social media and it often loses its damn mind when someone with nontraditional ideas shows up
  19. did he say he was a racist or did you guys give him that label? i will admit that most of you havent been as eager to scream racism at the drop of a hat than what is often typical. well not including boyst but hes out of his mind so its funny. but i will say it again, the majority of the time when 'the crowd' calls something racist today is just flat out so wrong its almost comical. we as a culture are OUT OF FKG CONTROL in how many things we plaster the label 'racist' on. ive seen it too many times something is accused and then i see it myself and its absurdly wrong and no, i havent been here long enough to have confidence one way or another whether the regulars judgment on this is good here. there are some reasonable ppl here, but i also see some pretty ridiculous levels of classic white overcompensation in spots, i see ppl that have no idea what they are talking about trot out tired old race narratives that are easily disproven. its not as bad here as lots of places i see but theres enough that i have to wonder if you maybe didnt pull a classic mob up and knee jerk reactions were made. its not like it would be the first, or billionth, time its happened in this country lately i guess i will let it go now bc it doesnt seem like anyone wants to give me any specifics except 'trust us'. ok. i guess i will have to wait for the next instance and maybe determine for myself
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