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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. if marcia doesnt magically flutter into their arms bill remains the painfully average sub-.500 coach he always was and is soon fired, and they are still the joke franchise they always were the smartest thing bill can do is retire when she does to avoid being exposed as a definite non-genius
  2. watch him take over for an injured carr in the playoffs and lead them to a sb win epic billsy
  3. can they split stuff like that out? idk what the relative costs are but i would think eventually its a wash. paternity might swing it tho, since thats so expensive all on its own. i cant think of an equivalent male medical expense that would be that consistently high when i talk about minimum benefits i just mean for routine stuff, like mamograms and/or colonoscopys, etc. stuff that saves lives in the long run. but i do think it has to be pretty comprehensive to cover a wide range of standard conditions. yeah, its going to cost a lot but it has both moral and long term cost benefits if they could make a list of stuff to split out of 'mandatory minimums' for specific ppl thats fine, but that seems incredibly complex - on top of whats already incredibly complex
  4. AMA urges GOP to go 'back to the drawing board' The head of the American Medical Association (AMA) delivered a sharp warning Thursday to congressional Republicans, telling them to go “back to the drawing board” on their ObamaCare repeal-and-replace bill and warning that the bill's current version would take needed coverage away from people. ObamaCare has provided coverage to 20 million new people, Gurman noted, and “the AMA’s highest priority is to ensure that these individuals maintain their coverage.” Gurman also warned against large cuts to Medicaid under the House GOP bill and said the new tax credits should be based on income to give more help to low-income people. The tax credits in the bill are currently based on age, not income. Officials from the heart, cancer and diabetes groups also warned against Republican plans to weaken ObamaCare’s “essential health benefits,” which require insurers to cover a range of certain healthcare services. (mh - definitely!) “The mantra is that people who don’t have insurance live sicker and die younger,” Gurman said. (mh - which is why you need the essential health benefits) http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/324304-american-medical-association-urges-gop-to-go-back-to-the-drawing-board my morality says we should be concerned about our brothers and sisters like we are concerned about ourselves my morality says the richest nation in the history of the modern world should cover everyone with health care so that everyone can get the preemptive attention that prevents them from getting serious diseases that cost a ѕhitload to treat later my morality says oh by the way, it also keeps our brothers and sisters healthy so they dont have to suffer unnecessarily from things we can EASILY treat and often fix if we werent so damned selfish and petty my morality says we should compete as humans on many levels, but access to real and quality health care should NOT be one of them my morality says we should all chip in, with those blessed to make much more contributing much more. my morality said this even when i used to make well over a hundred thousand annually. and it sure as fk says it now that im broke and disabled my morality says that taxes are one obligation to our commitment to watch out for each other as enlightened beings, even if some of us still have a long road to travel to get there my morality says give ceasars things to ceasar and god's things to god conclusion: stop worshiping money like its a god. money is a tool, nothing more. worship your commitment to recognizing your default relationship with all ppl. if you can do that everything else works A LOT better
  5. yeah i know, totally classless public decapitation at halftime ... now youre talking!!
  6. you forgot the kickoff return
  7. horseshit march 16, 2017. the day i agreed with lab. mark it down. see you next year it has to be the approach
  8. lmao yes thats me, the anti-semite. not only was i married to a black woman, i lived with a jewish woman (not at the same time!) and was engaged to marry her. alas, it broke off. must be bc im anti-semite lol. no freaking discernment at all let me give yall a clue: you will try for years and years and you will never catch me in one of these you know why? bc i love everyone. doesnt mean i dont make racial/ethnic jokes sometimes. doesnt mean i dont criticize harshly sometimes but you will NEVER EVER catch me in any of these. bc i have mastered the art of agape what you really should be doing is emulating me. now watch your heads explode
  9. can anybody disagree with this? i honestly think a white man would literally be in real jail right now if they did the same thing to barak obama whats going to happen to snoop? if our recent history is any indication ... absolutely nothing. except making a LOT of money there is a tremendous racial double standard in this country that has been going on for a looooooooong time. remember, i am the guy who cant stand donald trump. i am the white man that adores our blackness. but our blackness pulls some serious ѕhit way too often now that not only doesnt get punished, it doesnt even get acknowledged. this is obviously just another one of them its amazing that ppl are so blinded by their own bias that they cant see this kind of thing does tremendous damage to the b/w relationship. this makes whites resentful toward blackness, it emboldens outrageous racist thoughts and behavior by our blackness, and it shatters vital trust between the races we absolutely must stand up and demand equal treatment in all instances. we cant keep coddling bad black behavior in this way, especially when we have other serious problems in our blackness that are only made worse by this ridiculous double standard ONE. SET. OF. RULES. FOR. ALL. IN. THE. BELOVED. COMMUNITY.
  10. that was a good pic tho
  11. as i recall, hunters drop statistics were pretty bad. so he cant be relied on as a regular in the rotation, just mainly a touchdown beanpole
  12. personally im fine with the mandate. seems to me ppl that dont contribute are freeloaders. every single person alive gets sick eventually and often times its extremely expensive to try to fix something at that point that could have been avoided. its much better to have preventative health care throughout and be contributing to the system still to date, nobody has ever explained why opening up medicare to all would be a problem. its a baseline of coverage that isnt great but its far better than nothing. but if youre on it believe me you will want something better if you can get it. im disabled but i pay an extra premium for a better policy, i think a ton of ppl would. so let the insurance companies supply those rider policies for ppl that can afford it. the massive insurance market would shrink but who cares, everybody would be covered and those that can afford it would get better and better policies. i dont see why that wouldnt be an excellent solution
  13. yes, its gotten very, very bad im actually pretty deeply disheartened about all of it. i keep waiting for something really bad to happen i seriously hate talk radio. i used to listen to it all, then when the right wing on fox got too extreme i just listened to CNN and MSNBC (who used to be reasonable, no more), but then both of those got tainted and now i cant listen to any of it. i spend most of my time screaming at the tv/radio. its not worth it ppl are getting brainwashed in their echo chambers. we create those echo chambers with our social media so that the ONLY voices we hear are those similar to ours. and when we hear a voice thats different, we grab all our friends to go shout them down viciously. we see it all the time in this forum weve managed to get the crime rate to slowly come down in most areas. its almost like we need something else to fill the void so we create conflict elsewhere. idk. its pretty sick
  14. finally, something i can agree with
  15. ty obamacare became trumpcare by default the minute he was sworn in. there is zero chance anybody but hardline partisans are going to fault anybody else if that happens, and by then nobody would listen to the hardliners
  16. i understand. im just saying that would be an acceptable solution ive said many time, i dont care what the final solution looks like or who gets credit for it. i just want everybody covered ... and based on what weve learned from the aca failure in the middle, something that everybody can actually use
  17. sadly thats what a lot of our blackness has turned into. BLM isnt much better
  18. this applies to everything. its a major ingredient to fostering mob behavior whats easier, listening to comprehensive analysis on how to get past very difficult intractable problems, or to shout down the guy who is groupthink aka partisanship is a terrible, terrible barrier to real progress
  19. i try not to call names, though i do slip when i get completely exasperated but unfortunately i agree rooting for the only safety net for many of millions of ppl to fail is wishing extreme suffering and hardship on them. its disgusting idk if hes stupid or a cold hearted dick but either way its idiotic
  20. i watched that whole (awful) video and i assume the ending is supposed to be his assassination, which appears cut off so two points: 1) that was a black artist. the point of course is that we have a double standard and a black artist parodying an assassination of a black (half) president is not equivalent c) they did actually cut out the assassination part. that would seem to only bolster my point that what snoop did was inappropriate. the same thing should be done with snoops video im certainly not a trump fan, im not much of a nationalist so im not actually offended by a mock assassination per se. but it is a dangerous image to be portraying and snoop should be ashamed of himself, anybody should. i called out the don for his much less specific endorsing of violence at his rallys and im calling out snoop here the point here is that we have a massive double standard in regards to which race can do what. that leads to all kinds of cascading trouble in the relationship unfortunately i expect the best you can do is to come in here and attack me. thats what we do now when someone has the courage to stand up and question these things, we dont listen, we dont debate, we have no discernment at all. all we do is attack the messenger. its sick and disgusting and perpetuates the severe problems weve had for many many decades funny how i have zero problem walking into black neighborhoods, alone, and making friends. and yet to you retards i am the problem. holy hell thats fkd up what kind of voodoo magic grips you idiots? ive said it before and ill say it again: its the same voodoo magic i saw in white ppl back in the day. try to talk sense and it falls on deaf ears. try to tell them they are fkd up and they mob up to gang up on you and make you the problem YOU are the racists now. YOU are the ones not listening to reason. YOU enforce these blatant double standards that cause us so much damage. YOU have become the biased institution. i cant make it any clearer
  21. the double standard is alive and well ... Snoop's 'Trump clown' YouTube video causes outrage Snoop Dogg's music video in which the rapper 'shoots' a clown Donald Trump with a toy gun is getting a lot of reaction, even from Sen. Marco Rubio It's not every day that a music video gets millions of YouTube views, and a senator's critique of it is also trending on the site. On Tuesday, however, that was precisely where we found ourselves with respect to Snoop Dogg's slightly controversial video for "Lavender (Nightfall Remix)." It depicts a world in which everyone is a clown, but the police are still bad clowns and the president is a clown with oddly straw-colored hair and the name Ronald Klump. There's a scene in this video that will surely not be to everyone's taste. Snoop, who for some peculiar reason of art or ego isn't a clown in the video, pulls out a gun and conducts a mock assassination of Klump. It's a toy confetti gun, of course. But the feeling it leaves behind isn't exactly playful. https://www.cnet.com/news/snoops-trump-clown-youtube-music-video-outrage-rubio-toy-gun-lavender/ outrage? i dont see much outrage. this was the ONLY article i found anywhere expressing outrage, and thats just their opinion imagine the same exact video with mostly black actors and a black president named Sarak Ubama that gets shot by a toy gun in exactly the same manner how many cities would be burning? how many businesses would be looted? how many white news anchors would be screaming racism? how many cops would be killed? not to mention the preposterous claim that putting black ppl in clownface would itself be automatically racist. only for black folks, of course the white artists career would be destroyed. but snoop will rake in the paper. what could possibly go wrong? i actually like snoop, as best as i can tell from never meeting him. but he is CLEARLY deeply biased on his views of whites. and ive never once seen him make any criticisms of blackness, which of course is at least half the problem here this imbalance is what is KILLING the vital black/white relationship. the double standard is straight to the heart of our current neo-racism problem and yet i know exactly what will happen. most of your replies will be attacking me as if im doing something wrong pointing out this poison that infects us. your infection is so deeply rooted you cant even see your own contradictions the rest of you will remain silent and thus this horribly destructive wildly double standard phenomenon will continue to tear us apart i for one plan to not remain silent one set of rules for all in the beloved community
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