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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. what they hell do they know theyre poles
  2. here tis btw http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/05/11/d...s-as-playmaker/
  3. i wish this site had a neg function cuz i would neg you for not providing a link never ceases to amaze me how inconsiderate people are not providing a link. i just went to bb.com and couldnt find the article. you had it in front of you and it would have taken three seconds to cut and paste, and yet you force other readers to spend who knows how many minutes to go searching. lazy lazy lazy and inconsiderate
  4. i just happened to be alone in the players bathroom at that practice when brohm came in to pee and he checked down to one of the stalls so thats got me nervous
  5. lets not forget either that bruce was a fat selfish douchebag of a slob his rookie season he seemed to really grow up after that season, came to camp in fantastic shape, and was only a selfish douchebag after that
  6. let me put this as mel blountly as i can ...
  7. here that was probably the worst oline ive seen in blfo in my three-ish decades of watching football a qb cant do it by themselves. consider how many times there was a completely jailbreak collapse. any qb of any caliber would have no choice but to protect themselves far too often to be consistently making plays only a super scrambler like a young elway or even a young flutie would have a chance to make enough plays to make a big difference
  8. ralph is cheap
  9. yeah but if he was black the girl would have went for it
  10. putting pissers at the top of the upper deck was a great move
  11. the good news is that if you and others continue to buy all the seasons tix you can then i get to saunter to the stadium for a cheap scalpie every week
  12. we stole the river from those jerks in niagara wait a sec, i live in niagara bastards
  13. all we are saaaying ... is give trent a chaaance
  14. for the jillionth time, judging marv by conventional gm standard is just plain ignint temp gm - everybody on the planet knew he was a temp gm cuz that were the terms he gave to take the job. that automatically makes it essentially a consultant role. and as a consultant you architect a framework and let people WHOSE JOBS IT IS to make the decisions under that framework. in case you missed it, that means YOU DONT MAKE THE DECISIONS YOURSELF draft picks - so he comes in from the announcer booth and is supposed to be making draft picks?!? very obviously, he left that up to THE PEOPLE WHOSE JOBS IT WAS to make those picks. he probably had close to zero involvement in that entire process free agents - same exact argument. the only criticism of free agent choices while he was here could be that they overpaid. but theres no guarantee that marv made that decision either. it could have been that whoever recommended those guys also came up with the offer figures (it was john guys job then and he just got fired) choosing jauron - ok, this one was levy and he whiffed. it was the LONE exception of marv making a decision for the club and it obviously didnt work out everybody forgets the organization was in major dysfunctional crisis when marv came on as a fake gm/consultant. and in his short time here he was able to pull the franchise out of the ***t and prevent it from sinking. that alone was a major accomplishment. for the two years he was here and for at least a season after that, the organization made a dramatic turn back to general functionality, another major accomplishment the coaching hire was an F. everything else he did was an A. so overall he gets a C+. which of course is completely different from the 'marv screwed this organization' bullcrap that is so mindnumbingly popular with the fan experts yes, ignint
  15. is this a trick question?
  16. see this is why borderline retards like ms ubetcha actually could become president some day
  17. so regarding russ as the substitute teacher, he was really more like the president of iran - a figurehead with no power except that russ is actually valuable to the team as a slick marketer; but idk wtf value that lunatic ahmadinsanejad brings to anybody
  18. well, i applaud your rare accuracy regarding their distributed management structure making russ (nor marv for that matter) not a real gm (the overwhelming majority of fan experts totally whiff on that one). but i have to disagree on the motive for implementing it and the implication that its an ineffective system by default i never liked working in a distributed mgmt system when i was a sr mgr, even when i was working in it, because it can get maddeningly frustrating when you cant come to consensus. id rather have someone reviewing options and making the call even if i dont fully agree with it simply to keep things moving. but just like a traditional hierarchical mgmt structure it has its benefits and handicaps. so that mgmt structure CAN work, but so far it obviously hasnt the potential good news is that now that theyve had a failure with it, perhaps theyve got a better handle on how to make it work. failure is a great illuminator and if theyve plugged the holes that caused them trouble before they might be able to get it to fly no way to know except to sit back and watch
  19. id bring jp back before cpep
  20. my understanding is that in one of the most draconian laws we have ever had that an employer can require a drug test or polygraph as a condition of employment but that impression is based on info that i had a long time ago so hopefully its changed now
  21. jerry crafts is coming back?
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