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  1. DAMMIT!!
  2. or a plane ticket
  3. i liked him in naked gun
  4. hyper bowlie much? tyrod got another worthy starting veteran for a ball control passing offense. they lose some sammy magic for sure but its not like they are left with nuthin. theyve got plenty of good passing targets for tyrod to succeed this would be a bad excuse for his failure
  5. i read "turning the toaster over fast" and i did not think that was a good idea
  6. yes but in this instance we are far more likely to be the one who landed sheppard
  7. as of right now they got more value than they gave up but if sammy turns in the the healthy beast we all expected to see someday, then it will have been a foolish move only time will tell. roll the dice
  8. seems like nobody is answering the question of the thread will the bills be able to resign these guys? matthews especially. if youre going to give up on what still could be a top elite wr like sammy you better at least retain the above average starter you traded to replace him. same logic with gaines if hes any good you gotta hope they build up some attachment to buffalo as the season goes on. matthews i can see wanting to test the fa mkt, he should be looking at 9+ mil. that would suck to have him walk and then have to go find sombody else when you coulda rolled the dice on sammy and franchised him
  9. very important to teach them to thoroughly wipe off the bowling ball and the horn before taking their turn
  10. ten years ago i said football as we know it will be gone in fifty years that leaves us forty years left. and i dont think it will take that long i was furious at my mother when she didnt allow me to play football. now theres no way in hell i would let my kids play football. see mother does know best
  11. as soon as it becomes obvious the playoffs are out of reach. so then probably game five lol. for a real over/under id say game fifteen. most teams are still mathematically alive with two to play. roster wise the bills are a .500 team so they will probably torture us on the fringe all season. only to rip our hearts out once again see you there
  12. right which is why dennison is so blunt in his characterization so we shouldnt be surprised that dennison feels that way. im just a little surprised that he was so obvious and outspoken about it he might as well have said "as any fan could tell you, tyrod doesnt anticipate receivers coming open very well. we've told him until we are blue in the face. now its up to him, he either does it or we're looking for a new qb" its just surprising that dennison just comes right out with it like he did this early in camp. its almost like hes already growing frustrated trying to get tyrod to do it
  13. The OC's biggest takeaway so far? Taylor needs to work on anticipating where the receiver is supposed to be open and delivering to that spot rather than waiting for him to gain separation. "He understands what we want done," Dennison said Monday, before the Bills' 10th practice of training camp at St. John Fisher College. "It's just keeping him on the same page, listening to his feet, getting the ball out on time. That's the biggest thing for (us) working on it. "He's bought into it. He knows what he needs to do, he knows that the ball will get out. He knows where everybody is, that's the biggest thing for me. Distribution and (when) his feet tell him to move on, he's got to move on. He can't wait for a route to open up. http://buffalonews.com/2017/08/07/bills-oc-tyrod-taylor-cant-wait-route-open/ rut roh this cant be the first time tyrod has heard this. like i would expect hes heard it for the last decade at least. once he got to the pros the only reason they wouldnt say it is bc they got tired of repeating it all the time ive always just assumed that he was weak at that and would have to be productive in other ways cough running cough, not turning the ball over, etc. of course that means he would always be a middling qb in the nfl, but middling can make a living and middling is better than suck. once in a while middling even breaks through and becomes a stud ala rich gannon, but its kinda rare dennison hammering on it so bluntly now means sink or swim son. sink or swim. they are telling tyrod now or never, and if its never you aint gonna be here for long its a bit stunning in its public frankness, tbh. you dont often see that direct of pressure aired in the media for a standing starting qb so its pretty obvious dennisions clicker has run out of notches on this issue with tyrod. ty knows what denny wants. the whole world knows what denny wants. do it or dun dun duuuun
  14. hell with being a free-loader most ppl bring so much stuff to games they cant possibly consume it all. many of those ppl will be more than happy to share it with a friendly outsider i had seasons for a handful of years back in the nineties. its fun to plan elaborate spreads but you get tired of all that work and end up lugging half the stuff back home where you race to finish it all before it goes bad in my later years of season ticket status many weeks i would just pack a small rolling cooler with beer and start walking around. then you just start talking to ppl, being friendly, asking where they are from, being nice. you will get so many food and drink offers you wont possibly be able to consume it all. and some of it will be spectacular. i used to regularly visit a group of canadian meat packers that made their own wine and brought endless filet mignons wrapped in bacon, among other delicious goodies you make a ton of friends along the way, have a blast, and eat until you wanna burst viva le freeloading!
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