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DC Mom

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Everything posted by DC Mom

  1. Great minds think alike.
  2. If Holcomb hits Moulds at the numbers, with some zip, Moulds has a good shot at getting some YAC and a first down...
  3. Just keep giving it to McGahee...
  4. Whatever happened to Dolce the dog who took a bite out of car prices?
  5. If merging players in order to combine the best traits, why not give him Sam Aiken's body?
  6. You are probably correct, sir.
  7. How is mind-control technology coming along?
  8. Wow, what a block by Bruschi!!!!
  9. That's where a rubber arm hurts you.
  10. We should be up 10-0 here.
  11. I would be more excited on the play if the Bills actually did something get that ball loose.
  12. After a gutsy play by Roscoe... urgh.....
  13. Worst FG attempt ever by Lindell
  14. Nice plays by Moulds on the last two...
  15. "Even the Bills are rooting for Bruschi!" "You gotta get more than 2 yards on that play" --Um, it was a first down, retard.
  16. Parrish at punt returner.. interesting.
  17. Why don't they ever do toss plays with McGahee?
  18. I was expecting that someone would slam the alley-oop down. Throw it down big man, throw it down.
  19. Just thought I would make this prediction so that if the impossible happens I might have the chance of looking like a genius CHD over and out.. 24-20 Bills
  20. I was worried you might think I was mocking you. I actually am not. My screen name was half homage to begin with, anyway. I appreciate your advice. Thanks. I guess in the long run I want to pull out and just do the mutual fund thing, but on the other hand, I wonder when the time is to pull out. I have lost all perspective on that.
  21. I just have lost all ability to tell when to sell and cut my losses. I used to. Now it seems that I hold when I should sell and sell when I should hold. How did you get over it?
  22. I started investing in individual stocks a few years ago. Initially I was successful, picking some early winners and gaining a fair bit of money. Heartened by my early gains, I kept on putting in more money. Twice before I had big losses. Somehow I rebounded to the break even point or close to it those two times. The last time I was able to do it, I was close to thinking I needed money for a big expense coming up, but I thought I would be in better shape if I just took a quick stab at some quick gains at some companies down on their luck lately and that I could collect on a quick bounce. Well I had some bad luck and one of my biggest investments went bankrupt over the course of a month. Long story short, I kept on thinking things would pick up on some other ones but no matter what I touched, some bad news came out and the stock started tanking. Now, I am at a low point. I am lower than I have ever been before. Part of me is like I should just close up shop, liquidate everything, but it's very hard for me to do it. I wonder if I would be throwing the baby out with the bath water and be selling too soon on some of these stocks. Also, knowing that there is no hope that things will turn around is crushing me. I worked so hard to save up all this money and now it's gone out of hubris. There are a couple of key moments where I made stupid decisions... where I was about to pull out or hesitate on a risky move, but I made the wrong choice anyway. I know it's lame to bring this up here on a Bills message board, but it's too hard to tell people close to me how stupid I was and the mistakes I made, esp. since I told them when it wasn't so bad earlier. I figure this cross-section of fans here might include some people who have been where I have been and might have some advice. (What is left: EWJ, EVST, LU, F, GE) It has taken over my life, obsessing over information, looking at whether I should trade or not. It's affecting my work quality and my social life.
  23. He should stick to his day job.
  24. The Jets are already spending over a billion dollars for this stadium, the state and the city are just pitching in.
  25. "His show is terrible and I'm really happy."
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