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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. It means he finally picked tails straight up, instead of going best 2 out of 3.
  2. I'm not as up on it as I probably should be. I think he has a pretty good power base, but a lot of factions within it have played both sides of the street.
  3. Question. If teams want to buy some time, can they stay over the cap after midnight and just absorb fines until they get it straightened out - should they choose to?
  4. A not often mentioned, but very scary subject.
  5. I'm glad I'm not at work today. All the Redskin fans are probably in total melt down.
  6. Minus the ones well over the cap. Somewhere out there on an interstate ramp, is a guy with a cardboard sign that says "Will pass block for food". I mean besides Mike Williams.
  7. Need a safety? How about a WR? Couple of LB's? All of the above? Just stand at the bus station with a dip net.
  8. I don't think that this has a damn thing to do with fossil fuels, but that's just me.
  9. But at the same time we probably wouldn't lose anyone we'd really miss.
  10. True, but as with anyone else, they have to start thinking beyond their borders or risk becoming irrelevant. Everyone in the Middle East has ties or relationships with each other in some form or fashion. Saudi Arabia has relations with Iran, we have relations with Saudi Arabia. It all comes into play. Between Iraq, Iran and Palestine we might be likely to see some stranger ones in the future than we do now. I don't envy anyone with a moderate thought in that part of the world, though. It doesn't take too much C-4 to derail progress. That's the dynamic no one can, and IMO ever will get their arms around. One is forced to respond with force which is totally self defeating.
  11. I don't think what needs to get done now is so much Defense as it is State and Commerce. It also seems as though some of the original principals have either left or shifted. Anyone heard out of Wolfie lately? Also, understand that Rumsfeld has other things going on besides Iraq, actually bigger things than Iraq in the grand scheme, and it would be pretty disruptive to put England there now, especially since he just took over for Wolfie.
  12. Well, now that he got that pesky nuclear deal all worked out and all.
  13. I wonder if there is a computer program involving key words involved here someplace?
  14. I'm glad that I'll never be in a position to sit before one of those panels. I wouldn't get much past "Bite Me", and walk out. What a farce. I was especially touched when a couple Congresscritters clearly impled that the people who did the work didn't know what they were doing, and shame on the political appointees for not checking up and correcting them. Oh, in one hour I counted 5 "illegal wars" too.
  15. Disclaimer: No, I'm not being a Bush appologist. What is not, and will not be taken into context are other conversations and VTC's that took place after this. Especially with NORTHCOM. That's all I'll say on that.
  16. The media didn't just pull this out on their own, someone has passed it to them. Not so much their agenda as it is someone elses. So, now we know everyone thought a real bad Hurricane was coming, and at the same time realized that they didn't have enough assets that could be mobilized quickly enough to do anything in the very short term and faced quite the dilemma.
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